Recent content by Tzaero

  1. The North Star is Red: a Wallace Presidency, KMT Victory, Alternate Cold War TL

    Oh my Beria is going to introduce democracy.
  2. The Monad and the Swastika: a Fascist/Technocratic Cold War?

    I've suggested this before is that the only way Technocracy could be implemented is if it was implemented top down. Have some kind of coup or authoritarian government take power in the US in the 30s, then suspend democracy and hype up anti-communism from then past this alt WWII. People within...
  3. The Politics of Respect: A British Political TL

    One thing I don't think I saw mentioned was this which could have affected things. Would have been funny to see a Respect/Green/United Workers Alliance.
  4. Largest Surviving Japanese Empire

    Here's a timeline of relevance to the thread topic It pretty much details an Imperial Japan that largely stays out of WWII. It holds onto China and Korea for a while longer...
  5. No Southern Strategy: The Political Ramifications of an Alternate 1964 Election

    What? Why are you quoting a three year old post of mine?
  6. Earliest Plausible Manned Moon Landing

    Looking back at a possible POD that might get the Megaroc funding is perhaps for Churchill and the conservatives surviving the 1945 election and putting in money that would have gone into Labour's OTL welfare state.
  7. Earliest Plausible Manned Moon Landing

    With appropriate divergences the USSR could get a man into space at the beginning of the 1950s, leading to a head start on a space race by getting into space via V2 Clone. Additionally theres the Megaroc, altered V2 which the...
  8. List of Alternate Presidents and PMs II

    Notes that explain the alt-historical background behind the list, why things happen.
  9. List of Alternate Presidents and PMs II

    Put in footnotes and they won't go as harshly on you.
  10. TLIAPOD: A Deck of Strange Cards

    A wonderfully odd timeline.
  11. AHC: Cold War US administrations opposed to Socialists/Social Democrats, even in Europe

    I think it would take some pre-WWII pods to get the US into a position to be like this. The most obvious thought might be a stronger populist left in the US, but one not enough to take power or to do major reform leaving more conservative democratic and republican parties who take a harder...
  12. AHC: 'Darkest' 21st century that doesn't involve Nazi victory or global nuclear war

    What about a worse oil crisis? Or more wars over oil.
  13. List of Alternate Presidents and PMs II

    You need footnotes and more context.
  14. AHC: 'Darkest' 21st century that doesn't involve Nazi victory or global nuclear war

    However it can go into darker territory like with sterilization.