Map Thread II

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Ok, this may be very ASBish, and some people are going to kill me because of my canada-wank, but I like this scenario, so anyway here it goes...

the POD is that Juan Prim, chief of government after 1868 revolution in spain, avoid his assasinaton.

This allows him to apply his economic and industrial policies, leading to a stronger bourgeoisie and a more powerful navy, although spain is still far from its european neighbours. Also, there's more stability (no carlist or cantonalist insurrections, and the Savoy dinasty finds in Prim a guarantee of survival) and a little more prestige. The Berlin conference gives spain a larger slice of northern Africa, and tensions with france and the british empire begin to grow.

Prim tries to give indepence to Cuba and amnesty to cuban patriots in exange for some compensations from the USA, and althougt this option fails due to its unpopularity, Cuba receives a strong authonomy and tensions diminish. Prim dies of natural causes in 1891, and tensions reborn. The republicans (for obvious reasons) the moderates (supporters of a bourbon dinasty) and some progressive sectors (still supporters of a hozenhollern dinasty) begin a parliametary fight that causes the abdication of the isolated and strongly dissapointed king.

The 1894 revolution turns the Kingdom of Spain into the Federal Republic of Spain, with Cuba, Puerto Rico, Morocco and the Philippines as fully recognised states in the Federation. This new state, strongly threated by the alliance of France, Russia and the British Empire, seeks his own alliance with Italy and the German Empire. Soon, Austria-Hungary and the Ottoman empire joins also.

in 1914 the Great War begins: while france is attacked by two sides, germany advaces easily through the east, and Russia surrenders in 1916, 5 months before the end of the war. In a year, a revolution will take place and russia will become a republic supported by Kerensky.

The war causes the end of french and british hegemony in africa, and a stronger pressence of Germany, italy and spain. The british empire focuses in its asian possesions, and its (exaggerated) feeling of "crisis" leads to a new regenerationist spirit throught the empire: It will slowly turn into a commonwealth that strongly resembles to the FRS, althought still a monarchy. France suffers the worst effects of the war, and 8 years later, a communist revolution happens.

The USA, though a prosperous country, has way less weight in a world where Europe has recovered faster, and the dry law has fueled very stronger political tensions. The Great Depression focus primarily in american continent, and soon, the federal government collapses in a bloody civil war. Canada, suffering the worst effects of the great depression, fears to follow the same steps, and in 1935 a nationalsocialist leaning party takes power in canada.

In the next 20 years, its economy based on the military industry will lead them to "pacify" their neighbors of the south, and later, to the invasion of Mexico. The European powers reinforce their presence in central america, seeing their caribbean territories theatened. South america, exhausted after years of conflict and crisis, suffers a bolivarian-like communist revolution supported by france, and argentina reacts going nationalsocialist and invading Uruguay.

In asia, most of the european continental powers support China against the Commonwealth, while the Commonwealth finds in Japan its stronger ally.

From mid 60's to early 90's, the world reaches some stability, but soon, the caribbean will be the starting point of a war that, this time, will really end with all wars.

Random Map

Alternate World Map 8 copy.png
Ignore that, I can't figure out how to do text using the program I found. This map is likely placed sometime between the late 19th and early 20th century.

Ah right, fair enough. And is that a British influence France at all?


The USA, though a prosperous country, has way less weight in a world where Europe has recovered faster, and the dry law has fueled very stronger political tensions. The Great Depression focus primarily in american continent, and soon, the federal government collapses in a bloody civil war. Canada, suffering the worst effects of the great depression, fears to follow the same steps, and in 1935 a nationalsocialist leaning party takes power in canada.
Nazi Canada!?! That's different. :eek: Pretty cool ideas there.
can you guys make a map about the seven years war victory for the french in God is frenchmen timeline.

I try it myself but it was not very good.


A CP-victory Map, c.1925.

Basically, everyone jumped on the "Let's beat the shit out of Britain and France" bandwagon started by Germany and Austria-Hungary. Spain, Portugal and Germany split up France and UK's African possessions, and Belgian Congo. This forms the German colonies of Ostafrika, Mittelafrika, Nordwestafrika, Sudwestafrika, and Togoland. Portugal finally has their empire that spans across Africa's middle. Spain and Italy divvy up North Africa, and Spain gets Benin. Austria gets a few North African trade cities. Their ally, Liberia gets some of French and British West Africa. However, most of French West Africa is split into two German puppet-states: the Empire of Mali, under Emperor Musa IV, formerly Prince Eitel Friedrich, the second son of the German Emperor; and the Kingdom of Mauritania, under King Ptolemy II, formerly Prince Sigismund, the German Emperor's nephew. Additionally, Ethiopia becomes a German puppet, and is given a great deal of land from British East Africa and Anglo-Egyptian Sudan.
The Ottoman Empire and the Austro-Hungarian Empire both re-organize into federal systems, although the Ottomans choose a more limited dualism-type federal system, and give autonomous rule to Arab warlords in the Arabian peninsula, and in re-captured Egypt.
As a result of the weakened Britain, the Indians see their chance, and form a "Sub-Continental Congress" of sorts, with delegates from each Indian province and princely state, including the princes. They vote to declare independence, with the Nizam of Hyderabad, Osman Ali Khan, declared President of the Indian Confederation in Congress Assembled. The Indian revolution began...
Also, other stuff. Sequel eventually...
A CP-victory Map, c.1925.

Basically, everyone jumped on the "Let's beat the shit out of Britain and France" bandwagon started by Germany and Austria-Hungary. Spain, Portugal and Germany split up France and UK's African possessions, and Belgian Congo. This forms the German colonies of Ostafrika, Mittelafrika, Nordwestafrika, Sudwestafrika, and Togoland. Portugal finally has their empire that spans across Africa's middle. Spain and Italy divvy up North Africa, and Spain gets Benin. Austria gets a few North African trade cities. Their ally, Liberia gets some of French and British West Africa. However, most of French West Africa is split into two German puppet-states: the Empire of Mali, under Emperor Musa IV, formerly Prince Eitel Friedrich, the second son of the German Emperor; and the Kingdom of Mauritania, under King Ptolemy II, formerly Prince Sigismund, the German Emperor's nephew. Additionally, Ethiopia becomes a German puppet, and is given a great deal of land from British East Africa and Anglo-Egyptian Sudan.
The Ottoman Empire and the Austro-Hungarian Empire both re-organize into federal systems, although the Ottomans choose a more limited dualism-type federal system, and give autonomous rule to Arab warlords in the Arabian peninsula, and in re-captured Egypt.
As a result of the weakened Britain, the Indians see their chance, and form a "Sub-Continental Congress" of sorts, with delegates from each Indian province and princely state, including the princes. They vote to declare independence, with the Nizam of Hyderabad, Osman Ali Khan, declared President of the Indian Confederation in Congress Assembled. The Indian revolution began...
Also, other stuff. Sequel eventually...
How does Wilhelm convince FJ or Karl to give up Galicia, seeing as it was against the interests of the Austrian half of the empire to let any land go because it would increase the Hungarian half's influence. And why does Italy have influence over Pakistan and Afganistan?


How does Wilhelm convince FJ or Karl to give up Galicia, seeing as it was against the interests of the Austrian half of the empire to let any land go because it would increase the Hungarian half's influence.
Whoops. I meant to color Poland's outside in Austria's tone. ITTL, Poland is one of five Crowns of the Empire of the United Crowns, the successor state to Austria-Hungary. Karl I Austria is the King of Poland,but Poland is functionally autonomous with German influence/occupation. It's legally a part of the UC, hence why Galicia and Lodomeria, which are heavily of Polish population, are made part of the Polish Crown.

And why does Italy have influence over Pakistan and Afghanistan?
They were a CP in this TL. They got a few cities in southern Baluchistan as part of the peace, and as such have a point from which they can pour troops into India when the Indian Revolution destabilizes British reign over the subcontinent.
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