WI: The mob kills Joseph Goebbels and Hermann Göring


In 1938, while visiting Italy, notorious gangster Bugsy Siegel apparently crossed paths with these two high-ranking Nazi officials. He would later quip that he wished he'd killed Göring when he had the chance.
So, let's say Siegel had killed these two. What would the repercussions be for the Nazi regime?
Perhaps Hitler demands explantion from Mussolini why Italy didn't protect them and allowed such gangster being close of them.
In 1938, while visiting Italy, notorious gangster Bugsy Siegel apparently crossed paths with these two high-ranking Nazi officials. He would later quip that he wished he'd killed Göring when he had the chance.
So, let's say Siegel had killed these two. What would the repercussions be for the Nazi regime?
Goebbels and Göring are replaced. Events continue pretty much as historically. the Luftwaffe may be somewhat more efficient, or less so, depending on who replaces Göring and their relationship with Hitler. The parachute forces will probably be less emphesised, the Luftwaffe ground forces probably won't exist, air defense artillery may be better organised, the FG-42 will probably not happen. The Nazi propaganda machine will be slightly less efficient. The Committee of Three would probably have been somewhat more successful, though it's impact would be limited.
Italy will probably be forced to crack down on organised crime and the Mafia which might help after they lose the war but will have very limited wartime effect.
Hitler may authorise retaliation against criminals in the United Sates.
Hitler may authorise retaliation against criminals in the United Sates.

If the German-American Bund is the instrument of his vengeance, their OTL collapse might come a bit sooner. An American organization that already has prominent critics owing to its association with a foreign dictatorship is now going after Americans, albeit criminals?
If the German-American Bund is the instrument of his vengeance, their OTL collapse might come a bit sooner. An American organization that already has prominent critics owing to its association with a foreign dictatorship is now going after Americans, albeit criminals?
What if Americans approve of their anti-criminal stance and the Bund's popularity grows instead?
A key point is that they would be killed by a Jewish Gangster!

If you thought Kristallnacht was bad, what the Nazi's would do with this doesn't bear thinking about.
I doubt American authorities would approve of gangsters killing political figures. Bugsy is likely extradited and his operation thoroughly dismantled by the FBI.
I doubt American authorities would approve of gangsters killing political figures. Bugsy is likely extradited and his operation thoroughly dismantled by the FBI.

Until Pearl, when he pardoned and awarded. He'll alreayd be dead by then though.
I doubt American authorities would approve of gangsters killing political figures. Bugsy is likely extradited and his operation thoroughly dismantled by the FBI.
FDR by 38 might look the other way. especially if WWII still starts on time.

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In 1938, while visiting Italy, notorious gangster Bugsy Siegel apparently crossed paths with these two high-ranking Nazi officials. He would later quip that he wished he'd killed Göring when he had the chance.
So, let's say Siegel had killed these two. What would the repercussions be for the Nazi regime?
I know the anecdote, Siegel was full of bluster. I doubt he would have had the chance to do anything and was trying to assuage his guilt for not acting against them. They had bodyguards and Mussolini security service. If he did do anything he'd be captured and probably badly tortured before being executed. This event probably would have provoked whatever Nazis took over after Gobbels to organize an early Kristalnacht and a serious crackdown on the mob in Italy, beyond what was already done, while in the US there would be pressure to act against the mob there.