WI: No Pragmatic Sanction of 1723 for Hungary?

So with the death of Charles VI (Charles III of Hungary) came the extinction of the main line of the House of Habsburg. Upon his death the Kingdom of Hungary could have reverted back to an electoral monarchy, instead they passed the Pragmatic Sanction of 1723. This ensured that Marie Theresa and her children would continue to be the monarchs. What would have happened if the sanction wasn't passed, besides a messier War of Austrian Succession, who could have been elected king?
You probably need to avert the Protestant rebellions of earlier in the century to ensure that anti Habsburg sentiment isn't forcibly eradicated. Let the tensions simmer with no side taking decisive action until this point where they don't ratify the pragmatic sanction. After that.. one thing that could definitely be interesting is a union with Poland-Lithuania-Saxony under an alt Augustus III, who after all has the same claim or a better claim to all Habsburg possessions as Charles Albert or Francis Stephen. The Hungarians need a king who has shown he can work within a system where the nobles take much of the lead, and a nearby power that can help them stave off any perceived ottoman threat. Maybe if he's really really smart, he could use the resources of Hungary, and ideally if he could nab Silesia as well that'd be grand, in order to slightly increase monarchical power in Poland and claw it back from Russian influence.