WI: Keraite Mongol Empire

The Keraites were one of the strongest tribes in medieval Mongolia and one of the few that converted to Christianity, being one of the possible origins of the Prestor John legend. What if instead of Temujin's Borjigins, the Keraites unified Mongolia and conquered half of Asia? Would Nestorianism survive in central Asia and China? Would relations with Christian Europe be any better? The Islamic world any worse?
Maybe at first, but in the long run the Catholic Church's doctrinal disputes with the Nestorian Church (ones far deeper than those with the Orthodox and even Coptic Churches) could lead to issues down the line.


Assuming Keraite maintain Nestorianism /Christianity in its governance and didnt convert to other religions later on, influence on Nestorianism could be huge.

Most of Middle East had large minority of Nestorianism, with state patronage they could become majority in many places. Kurdistan, Levant, and Mesopotamia region could become stronghold of Christianity.

Nestorianism also could become strong minority religions in China, Korea, Manchuria, and Tamir Basin. In Western Steppe (Ukraine) interactions between Greek Church and Nestorian Church would develop, pagan Lithuania and various Rus states could be deeply influenced by Nestorianism.

Nestorian mysticism, interactions with other religions (Buddhism, Taoism, Islam, Manicheanism, Zoroastrianism), and how it interact with Mongol pagan and shamanistic traditions could develop very different Christianity than Western Christianity.
I think you can have a Nestorian Mongol Empire, but I doubt it will be as strong or as powerful as the otl Mongol Empire.

Although I am not usually a proponent of Great Man history, but without Genghis Khan coming to power, the Mongols simply can't accomplish all they did in otl.

I could see them unify the Steppe like the first Turkic Khaganate, but not much more.