WI: Attila stabilizes his Empire?


What If Attila the Hun didnt die when he did, and establish more stability in the Hunnic Empire? And what if his son helps establish a line of successors?
Bonus if you can make it last to modern day, or at least until the 1700s.


the way I see it, if Attila sword isnt destroyed, he could win many other battles and stabilize his Empire. You know, the Sword of Mars...
Also, if the messenger who gives the barbarians the message to help rome defeat the huns, Attila might win the Battle of Chalons.
I think the most simplest POD is to have Attila not die from such an Freakish Death(The Nosebleed Theory)...Let's say he dies of some mysterious Illness, which allows him to pick an clear successor. However, Attila's successors would have his hands at trying to unite the Hunnic Hordes and consolidate their gains before even thinking of hitting the Huns again.
Have him marry the Crown Princess of the Romans (sister of the emperor) like they were going to, and have an heir "adopted" by the ROman Emperor to unite the Hunnic and Roman Empires, under a Hunnic-Roman Emperor.


Aussey said:
Have him marry the Crown Princess of the Romans (sister of the emperor) like they were going to, and have an heir "adopted" by the ROman Emperor to unite the Hunnic and Roman Empires, under a Hunnic-Roman Emperor.

i want it only hun-ruled only, eh.
Hapsburg said:
i want it only hun-ruled only, eh.

Ok, so he marries the Roman Princess, she gets shunned out of Rome, and has his child, Atilla II. She becomes Regent, and helps plan out a formal government, so by the time Atilla Jr. becomes old enough to rule, he is crowned formely in a grand capital city, and is crowned Emperor Atilla II, King of the Huns, Son of Mars. This actually sounds like a good TL. Somwhere down the line, the Hunnic Emperor could claim title for West Rome, when the Hunnic allies, the Visigoths, destory it!


ehehehhaha!!! i like it.
make a map.
and then, find a way to make it last to the 800s, when charlemagne appears.
we'll go from there after we get there.
430: King-General Atilla of the Huns marries Princess Justa Honoria of Rome. Justa Honoria is disinherited (not like should would've become Empress anyways), and is shunned out of Rome. The Eastern Empire declares Justa Honoria bastardess, and traitor to all Romans.

431: Queen Justa Honoria (who changes her name to Serena after her mother's Visigoth friend) gives birth to a son, whom her and Atilla name Atilla II.

433: Together, in a joint ceremony, Antilla and Serena are poclaimed King and Queen of the Scythian Hordes. Queen Serena gives birth to another son, whom they name Honorius Atile.

435: Worship to the God Mars and Goddess Venus is made the Official Religion of the Empire of the Huns. Queen Serena suggests Atilla crown themselves Emperor and Empress of the Huns.

439: Atilla and Serena are crowned Emperor and Empress of the Huns. Son and Daughter of Mars and Venus.

442: Atilla goes to War with the Danes, and claims much of their lands. A Treaty ties the Danes in an alliance with the Huns.

445: The Huns and the Danes declare war on the Eastern Empire. When Emperor Valentinian III refuses to help eastern Emperor Theodosius II, the Eastern Empire surrenders, and secedes much of Anatolia, Cyprus, and land to grant access to the Adriantic sea.

447: Prince Atilla dies, but Empress Serena gives birth to another son, whom they name Atilla.

448: Empress Serena gives birth to twins. Prince Leo Atilla and Princess Galla Placidia. Prince Honorius is disinherited when he marries the daughter of the Jewish King, Princess Herodia X.

450: Emperor Atilla dies, and leaves in his will that young Prince Atillia is to be Emperor, and Empress Serena is to be Regent.

451: Empress Serena declares the building of a grand city, that of which to compete with Rome. The city begins (near OTL Danzig). The city is to be named Placidium.

455: The Huns and the Visigoths make an alliance. If the Visigoths are ever denied rights by the Romans, the Huns will destory the territories in Germania, and Iberia.

457: 10 year old Emperor Atilla II is betrothed to the great-granddaughter of Cleoptra VIII, the claimant Egyptian queen, Cleoptra XI. The Egyptians welcome the idea of being freed from Rome. But Empress Serena assures her nephew, Emperor Valentinian IV, who recently retook Egypt from the Eastern Empire, that she has no plan to liberate the Egyptian Province.

460: The Gallaus Maximus (Royal Palace) is completed in Placidium. Work on the rest of the city begins.

461: Empress Serena dies, and Emperor Atilla II, though only 14 years old, takes control of the empire. He is very handsome, with blue eyes and tan skin from his mother, with a well toned body, and jet black hair, with distinctive eyes from his father. He look older than 17. He declares to the council he will sleep with his fiance before they are married. Cleopatra XI is released from Guardianship of the Council and is handed over to Atilla II.

462: 14 year old Empress Cleoptra XI declares she is pregnant. The Council is astonished a 14 year old boy could father a child, and grant him and his wife the titles Son and Daughter of Mars and Venus. A title usually saved for monarchs after they have reined long and done well to the empire.

463: Princess Serena is born. Emperor Atilla makes a shocking statement that she will inherit the throne after him, regardless of his children. He makes all his ministers swear to remain loyal. They agree, as long as her husband is a Hun Lord, who can have full military power. The Emperor agrees, and the Council starts to become a 'legislative' power, similar to the Roman Senate.

465: The Port, and market in Placidium are complete. Empress Cleoptra XI has eveything from the Ptolmaic Egyotians royals restored to her, and places them in the Gallus Maximus. Emperor Atilla II purchases many furnishings from his distant cousins the Mongol Emperor, the Roman Emperor, and the Byzantine Emperor.

((more later, I'm tired.))


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Are you serious? You really think a sword would mean that much? Does it have magic spells or something? :rolleyes:

At best, they might have lent their name to a nation in the way that the Franks, or Bulgars did, but be ethnically absorbed. The Mygars were the only barbarian invaders who formed a viable ethnicity after all.


Cool. Though, I would've thought that the Hun capitol would be somewhere near OTL Budapest...
or something like that...


eschaton said:
Are you serious? You really think a sword would mean that much? Does it have magic spells or something? :rolleyes:

At best, they might have lent their name to a nation in the way that the Franks, or Bulgars did, but be ethnically absorbed. The Mygars were the only barbarian invaders who formed a viable ethnicity after all.

dude, its the freakin' SWORD OF THE WAR GOD, MARS!
of course its the uber sword...jeez, its not hard to comprehend the power of wielding the sword of the war god.
Hapsburg said:
even though the Huns' empire was centred in OTL hungary...
Really? I thought the "Hun"gary name simply came from the fact that the Europeans believed the Magyars at first to be Huns.
Hapsburg said:
even though the Huns' empire was centred in OTL hungary...

I didn't make up those Hunnic borders. I only added the ones in Scandinavia, the Jute pennisula, and that Adriantic coast. Otherwise those were their terr. Even if they were centered in Hungary, like I said, too close to the Romans. Danzig, oops, Placidium, is fine.

How about this:
Placidia, mother of Honoria and Valentinian dies before the whole debacle? She was the only one opposed to Attila's plan.

When Honoria was found with her lover, she was sent to Constantinople, where she sends her letter to Attila. Theodosius, the eastern emperor, sent her back, with the recommendation that Valentinian let her go. Valentinian wanted to kill her, Placidia and Aetius (who also wanted to send her to Attila, to help solidify their alliance) convinced him not to. At Placidia's begging, Valentinian didn't send her off. With her dead, he might.

I actually had a TL started on this, with the general plan being a reversal of fortunes between the east and west. Let me see if I can find it...
Aussey said:
I didn't make up those Hunnic borders. I only added the ones in Scandinavia, the Jute pennisula, and that Adriantic coast. Otherwise those were their terr. Even if they were centered in Hungary, like I said, too close to the Romans. Danzig, oops, Placidium, is fine.
But why? Why have their capital so far from their population base?

And why is Honoria being married to Attila 20 years before she wrote the letter? Unless she was 40 in when she wrote it, she'd just be a kid in your TTL. And the only way she'd marry him at that age would be if she was arranged to have married him.

And, about your comment about her not being Empress, she was granted the title Augusta.

And whats this about Cleopatra? The Ptolemaic line had been killed off 500 years ago...

And Mongol Emperor? What?

And why would Honoria convert from Christianity? More likely that Attila converts to Christiniaty.

And until 445, Attila was joint ruler with his brother Bleda. Their uncle Rua was ruler until 434.


because Honoria and Attila did meet a while before she sent the letter, when attila visited rome before he became Hunnic ruler.

No Hunnic Emperor will convert as long as i am the beginner of this Thread...