What we know about Medieval Genghis Khan’s tribes?

Let’s consider to the "Compendium of Chronicles" what this source tells us about Medieval Genghis Khan’s tribes.
For example, let’s consider one of the biggest and most powerful tribes called Naiman.
Unfortunately, I couldn't find the full English version of "Compendium of Chronicles", so I will quote the Russian version, but you can easily translate it through an online translator.
First, we must determine where this tribe was located in the medieval century.
A quote from the "Compendium of Chronicles":

Точно так же народы, которых с древнейших времен и до наших дней называли и называют тюрками, обитали в степных пространствах, в горах и лесах областей Дешт-и Кипчака, русов, черкесов, башкиров, Таласа и Сайрама, Ибира и Сибира, Булара и реки Анкары, в пределах областей, которые известны [под названиями] Туркестана и Уйгуристана; по рекам и горам в [областях] народа найман, как, например, Кок-Ирдыш [Синий Иртыш], Ирдыш, [гора] Каракорум, горы Алтая, река Орган
Google translation:
In the same way, the peoples, who from ancient times to the present day were called and are called Turks, lived in the steppe spaces, in the mountains and forests of the regions of Desht-i Kipchak, Russ, Circassians, Bashkirs, Talas and Sairam, Ibir and Siberia, Bular and the river Ankara, within the regions known [under the names] of Turkestan and Uighuristan; along the rivers and mountains in the [regions] of the Naiman people, such as Kok-Irdysh [Blue Irtysh], Irdysh, [mountain] Karakorum, Altai mountains, Organ river.
In this text, the land of the Naiman tribe is indicated by five locations:
1. Blue Irtysh—today's name is the "Black Irtysh River", located in East Kazakhstan and northwestern China.
2. Irtysh—today's name is the "Irtysh River", located in eastern Kazakhstan.
3. Mountain Karakorum—the current name is not known.
4. Altai Mountains—today's name is the "Altai Mountains", located on the territory of four states: Kazakhstan, Russia, Mongolia, and China.
5. The Organ River—today's name is the Orkhon River, located in central Mongolia.
The following quote from the "Compendium of Chronicles":
Я давно уже разлучен со своим владением [улус] и народом [каум]. Чингиз-хан поглощен войной с страною Хитай и теми пределами. Я прослышал, что множество из моих племен и войска скитаются и разбросаны в пределах Эмиля, Каялыга и Бишбалыка. Когда они услышат обо мне, они сплотятся повсюду и противостанут своим врагам. Если гур-хан меня отпустит, я отправлюсь [туда] и их соберу.
Kushluk Khan talks to Gur Khan, the ruler of the Kara Kitai.

Google translation:
I have long been separated from my possession [ulus] and people [qaum]. Genghis Khan is absorbed in the war with the country of Khitai and those borders. I heard that many of my tribes and troops wander and are scattered within the boundaries of Emil, Kayalyg and Bishbalik. When they hear of me, they will rally everywhere and confront their enemies. If the Gur Khan lets me go, I will go [there] and collect them.

In this text, the land of the Naiman tribe is supplemented with three more locations:
6. Emil—today's name is the "Emil River", located in south-eastern Kazakhstan.
7. Kayalyg—today's name is the "Koilyk village", located in south-eastern Kazakhstan.
8. Beshbalyk—today's name is Jimsar County, located in Northwestern China.

William Rubruk's Quote
In the said city of Cailac they had three idol temples, two of which I entered to see their foolishness. In the first one I found a person who had a little cross in ink on his hand, whence I concluded he was a Christian, and to all that I asked him he replied that he was a Christian.
On the feast of Saint Andrew (30th November) we left this city (of Cailac), and at about three leagues from it we found a village entirely of Nestorians. We entered their church, singing joyfully and at the tops of our voices: "Salve, regina!" [J: the Salve Regina] for it had been a long time since we had seen a church. Proceeding thence three days we came to the head of that province, at the head of the said sea [=probably L. Ala Köl, east of L. Balkhash], which seemed to us as tempestuous as the ocean. And we saw a big island in it. My companion approached its shore and moistened a cloth in it, and tasted the water, which was brackish, though drinkable.
In Rubruk, we see the same name as Kaylak. This was the city where Nestorian Christians lived. Kailak-today's name is the Koilyk, and it is located in southeastern Kazakhstan. In this place, the remains of an ancient city have now been discovered, as well as many stones with images of the Cross. Rubruk also points out that three days from this city of Kailak, there is a certain sea that is also brackish. This sea is now called Alakol, whose water is brackish.

The last location of Naiman land:

9. large salty sea - the current name is Lake Alakol, located in South-East Kazakhstan.

I indicated all these locations on the map so that people interested in history can easily understand where these indicated geographical names are located. Of all the above 9 locations of the land of the Naiman tribe, as we see on the map, most are located on the lands of present-day eastern Kazakhstan and the northeast part of present-day China.


The most interesting thing is that the Kazakh Naiman clan also continues to live in all these indicated locations. So in Kazakhstan, from Taldykurgan to the East Altai, these are the historical lands of the Naiman clan. Western China, where the Kazakhs live, is also the historical home of the Kazakh Naiman clan.

Today, in Kazakhstan, there are more than a million representatives of the Naiman clan. In China, there are also more than a million representatives of the Kazakh Naiman clan. There are also many representatives of the Naiman clan among the Kirghiz and other Turks of Central Asia.

Next time, I will try to write about the language of the Medieval Naimans, since their language is also described in detail in the Collection of Chronicles.