What if the Star Wars Prequels were never made?

Maybe a timeline where everything after "Return of the Jedi" not exist, even TV series or videogames.

I don't think that's plausible, because of both Lucas's plans and the fact that Star Wars was and is a huge moneymaker. It would mean a change in Lucas's personality and what he comes up with.

It might lead to, down the road, an actual remake of the OT. An actual remake, not like people have accused The Force Awakens to be.


Lucas created such a compelling universe that audiences 40 years later are still captivated by stories set in it. It was so different from anything that came before it or even after and was a cultural earthquake that changed everything in the film industry, not to mention that, at least in my opinion, Star Wars is a movingly timeless piece of art that stands among humankind's great epics and sagas. When I become cynical and jaded of the film industry, watching Star Wars reminds me that film as an art form is capable of reaching us on a deeper level and making us think about life, the universe, and everything; that film can be something more. It was one of the first popular western works to invoke Buddhist concepts and does so beautifully, in a way that has resonated with generations of audiences and will continue to do so into the future. Prequels or not, it's certainly not leaving the cultural memory.

That is writing that's inspired

That's my two cents. May the force be with you.
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As the thread title says, what if the prequel trilogy was never made and Return of the Jedi remained the last Star Wars movie.

Would the series eventually fade into obscurity and be mostly forgotten?
The original series would remain classics and there was the Ewok movies, too.
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I could see a spin-off film explaining the origins of Darth Vader and the Empire told in a series of flashbacks. Even editing in new footage of flashbacks into the original trilogy makes sense as well and is applicable.


I could see a spin-off film explaining the origins of Darth Vader and the Empire told in a series of flashbacks. Even editing in new footage of flashbacks into the original trilogy makes sense as well and is applicable.

That is such a cool idea actually
This extremely important as this is one of the biggest reasons why the prequels got a massive go ahead. The 97 special release of star wars was HUGE and created an entirely new fan base of and reinvigorated an old one. That and Lucas was dead set on producing a prequel trilogy. For it not to happen, something would have to happen to Lucas. Either he becomes physically unable to direct the movies or dies.

If this happens it butterflies alot, with the franchise either remaining off Hollywood and the budding EU bringing in the hardcore fan base OR the rights are picked up immediately by someone else and we see movies similar but not the same as OTL.

Realistically, if the rights do sell, it is possible Disney can grab them as they are just coming off a very hot period in 97 and this is time when Eisner, the CEO at the time, was buying up property. This would prove interesting because Eisner almost drove Disney into the ground and you could end up with an either or of Star Wars being able to keep Disney out of the hole in it found itself in the early 2000s or Eisner's meddling and poor decisions actually end up with a medicore or even WORSE trilogy then OTL.
Dont forget the Thrawn Trilogy. While Lucas wanted a prequel trilogy, Thrawn was a major part of why there was a decent-sized core fansbase to get hyped up for the soecial release.
Dont forget the Thrawn Trilogy. While Lucas wanted a prequel trilogy, Thrawn was a major part of why there was a decent-sized core fansbase to get hyped up for the soecial release.
Maybe un the US, in the rest of the world the star wars were the movies and the video games, the prequel trilogy is why we still have star Wars.


What if Lucas died in the 90's from a car accident(and his will said never to make them{flashbacks allowed to be put in digitally to 4 5 6 though}, but they could make spin-off material and the Other{not OTL, the 90's books} Sequel Trilogy was allowed)?
What if Lucas died in the 90's from a car accident(and his will said never to make them{flashbacks allowed to be put in digitally to 4 5 6 though}, but they could make spin-off material and the Other{not OTL, the 90's books} Sequel Trilogy was allowed)?
heck...the people now wanted lucas death would martyr him when the other people episode are not their standard....


heck...the people now wanted lucas death would martyr him when the other people episode are not their standard....
Well, that would likely make even a good(this is the Jacen, Jaina and Mara trilogy, not the Kylo and Rey one of OTL ) Sequel Trilogy hated by a fandom of the fandom no matter what. A bad sequel trilogy(imagine Batman and Robin level bad) would probably make the fandom worship 4 5 and 6 insanely(and narrow tie-in material). The Prequel Snippet loophole would probably be done to promote DVD sales.