(The timeline this is for.)
What would the politicial, economic, and social situation be in Western Europe if the Mongol hordes never arose?
Please no regurgitaton of the Chaos TL.

  • Holy Roman Empire's situation.
  • Consequences of a unified Poland (by the Silesian Piasts) on the HRE.
  • Effect on the Crusades.
  • Effect on the Renaissance.
  • Relationship between France and England.
  • Iberian relations.
  • The rest of Western Europe (and Scandanavia).
  • Long term effects on the power balance in Western Europe.
  • Effect on enthusiasm for colonialism.
Well, we may presume the battle between the Papacy and the Hohenstaufen to go on but more overt. In otl, at the Council of Lyon, the Papacy iterated its conflict with Frederick II (1220-1250 CE) but this iteration was shadowed by the proclamation of a crusade against the Mongols, which inadvertently assisted his rival in Germany who was able to more seriously acquire resources and allies for which to combat and frighten the Mongol incursions from Hungary.

The Papacy nevertheless proved itself able to break Frederick II despite the Mongol fears to the north and east. Papal powers exerted overt crusades, possibly intended for the Mongols upon the Holy Roman Emperor alongside a collection of Imperial allies of the Papacy against Hohenstaufen hegemony. Ultimately, the Papacy broke the Hohenstaufen power in Italy and in the Empire and asserted a Papal supremacy in the region that had been lessened after the death of Innocent III.

However, without the Mongol menace, we may see less peasant sensationalism in Europe pertaining to a great invasion from the east and the necessity to gather a crusade. Up to that point, sensationalism amongst the peasantry for war and clamoring for a Crusade, was reasoned as a reclamation of lands once held and protection of pilgrims. However, an apocalyptic angle related to the fall of Europe, and the end of the world may not exist. Thus giving traveling troubadours less sensational rhetoric in atl.
Hmm the Crusader states might actually survive the kharezmian empire consolidates in 1220s during this time georgia was quite powerful and joined the crusade but it's force was destroyed by jebe and subotai in the their expedition.

Some say in the latter times the crusaders did. Not due much as they waited for them
By some estimates the georgians could muster about 45 000 soldiers them being added would more than double the crusaders numbers
The fifth crusade might end up as a victory for the crusaders .
Europe might faced a pretty big famine due lack of reduction of population factors namely the Black Plague. Social consequences shouldn’t be underestimated, due to lack of a big workforce, peasants is basically treated better.