Two "Fouke Monster" Scenarios For You

On the recommendation of board member Petike I started listening to the skeptic podcast "Monster Talk" and they interviewed Lyle Blackburn, who has done an extensive amount of research on the Fouke Monster, also known as "The Beast of Boggy Creek." He's studied not only accounts of people who'd seen the creature (which is a lot), but the cultural phenomenon the accounts spawned.

So here're a couple AH scenarios for you:

1. The incident where some people shot at the creature and got roughed up in the dark goes a bit better for the people involved and we end up with the dead body of some kind of primate-type creature. Maybe the North American equivalent of a chimp or gorilla.

2. Same as the above, only it turns out to be panther (like some people have claimed) or an escaped circus ape.

Ideas? The former would make the Boggy Creek phenomenon even bigger, since it turns out there's an actual monster, while the latter seems like it would deflate the entire thing.