
Hey, TLIAPOT sounds familiar...

Well, it is. I "stole" the name from Gonzo.

You stole it from Gonzo?

Ironic, isn't it.

Hopefully you don't steal the darkness from that TL as well.

No comment.

What do you mean! How could you write something as depraved and not give us a warning.

Like I said, I won't comment on the relative crapsackiness of the world that will unfold in this thread.

Can you at least give us a hint?

Fine, it will be set mainly in the 1980s

That's a hint!?

I don't exactly want to give away the plot before it starts.

And when is that?

Hopefully tomorrow. Please refer to the definition of TLIAPOT if you have delusions of fast-appearing updates.
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I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess that Cliff Finch starts a Huey Long style dystopia. But whatever this TLIAPOT ends up being about I'm interested :)
'Cliff Finch announces reelection bid!'
- Clarion-Ledger, January 6th, 1979


'Finch wins Mississippi Governor's Race: Cliff Finch, incumbent Democratic Governor of Mississippi won reelection in a landslide yesterday over Gil Carmichael, a car dealer from Meridian. Finch ran as "the people's governor", working manual jobs as he barnstormed the state. Finch's greatest successes came downballot as his political allies swept to have a supermajority in the Mississippi Senate and House of Representatives. Despite earlier rumors of Finch challenging President Carter for the Democratic nomination, in his victory speech, Finch ruled out running against the President.'
- New York Times, November 6th, 1979

Jimmy Carter - 34%
Ted Kennedy - 32%
Jerry Brown - 28%
Ron Dellums - 2%
- Nationwide Democratic Polling, January 1st, 1980

'Carter Wins Strong Victory in Iowa, As Bush Takes Lead Over Reagan; Iowa Caucuses Give President Strong Victory Cuts in Reagan Strength'
- New York Times, January 22nd, 1980

'Ronnie's Romp!: And now the real race is on'
- Cover of Time Magazine, March 10th, 1980

'Anderson to Announce Independent Bid Today'
- Washington Post, April 24th, 1980

'Reagan Is Winner in Texas Race'
- Washington Post, May 4th, 1980

'Bush quits, backs Reagan'
- Washington Post, May 4th, 1980

"It is time to put America back to work; to make our cities and towns resound with the confident voices of men and women of all races, nationalities and faiths bringing home to their families a decent paycheck they can cash for honest money.

For those without skills, we'll find a way to help them get skills.

For those without job opportunities, we'll stimulate new opportunities, particularly in the inner cities where they live.

For those who have abandoned hope, we'll restore hope and we'll welcome them into a great national crusade to make America great again!"

- Ronald Reagan in his acceptance speech to the Republican National Convention, July 17th, 1980

'President renominated'
- New York Times, August 13th, 1980

'RESERVISTS FOR WAR WITH IRAQ; BANI-SADR ASSUMES CONTROL As Fighting Spreads Along Border, Thousands Are Summoned to Defend Iranian 'Integrity' Summons Read Over the Radio Many Desertions and Purges IRAN CALLS RESERVES FOR FIGHT WITH IRAQ'
- New York Times, September 21st, 1980

"I would rather have a competent extremist than an incompetent moderate."
- Leon Jaworski on the 1980 Presidential Election

"The infidels will not see the light of day as long as I breathe. I do not care who sits in the White House. Until the United States returns our former slavemaster the Americans will remain Tehran."
- Iranian Supreme Leader Ruhollah Khomeini on the American Hostages, October 15th, 1980

'Carter and Reagan trade punches but both on their feet at the bell'
- The Plain Dealer, October 29th, 1980

Reagan - 47%
Carter - 38%
Anderson - 8%
- Nationwide Polling for the Presidential Election, November 15th, 1980

'Reagan easily beats Carter; Runs Strong Across Country'
- New York Times, November 5th, 1980

"I will take all necessary measures to ensure the safe return of any and all Americans held in Iran when I am President. Mr. Khomeini had better realize that the United States will not abandon its citizens and doesn't shirk away from a good fight."
- President-Elect Ronald Reagan, December 19th, 1980

"I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States."
- Ronald Wilson Reagan, January 20th, 1980

'US Government sends ultimatum to Iran: release hostages or war!"
- Washington Post, February 9th, 1981

"The time has passed for the Iranian government to accede to the the conditions that the United States has submitted to them. The fourty-eight hour mark has come and gone with no response from Tehran. Fifty-two American citizens languish in cells in Iran. It is, therefore, my duty to ask Congress to authorize a declaration of war on the nation that styles itself as the Islamic Republic of Iran to recover our citizens and establish the rule of law in that land."
- President Ronald Reagan in Address to Joint Session of Congress, February 10th, 1981

- - - - -
Note: Some of the above is copied from the New York Times, Time Magazine, the Washington Post, the Chicago Tribune, other newspapers, and real life. Titles are based off of, or copied from, actual newspapers.
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Of course, there is very little information on Cliff Finch on the internet so, in theory, he could have been ready to be a benevolent dictator.

Still, information on his gubernatorial term doesn't reveal the same authoritarian tendencies as Long.

Like a far less moral Floyd Olson in Ruins of an American Party System.

Given how the Olson administration in ROAAPS committed some shady acts of its own, that's saying something.
I suppose the fella could inherit some of the authoritarian institutions he'd use.
Reagan's VP is Rumsfeld isnt it?

Tick tock, it's time for an assassination.
Still, information on his gubernatorial term doesn't reveal the same authoritarian tendencies as Long.
Alright, I'll give you that. The historical basis for this timeline is rather shoddy...

I suppose the fella could inherit some of the authoritarian institutions he'd use.
Reagan's VP is Rumsfeld isnt it?

Tick tock, it's time for an assassination.
No. Bush is VP. Rumsfeld will be appearing and a high-ranking official will be assassinated.
'War with Iran! Navy bombards Bandar Abbas!'
- New York Times, February 11th, 1981

'Dogfights over Tehran: 10 Planes Feared Downed'
- New York Times, February 20th, 1981

'US-Iraq make major offensive, Ahvaz captured, heavy fighting in Kermanshah'
- Washington Times, March 29th, 1981

'Carbombing in Tel Aviv: 300 dead!'
- Haaretz, April 6th, 1981

"...the death toll in Tel Aviv grows higher by the minute. It appears that three British nationals, four French nations, and six Italian..."
- David Brinkley, ABC News, the morning of April 6th, 1981

'PLO behind Tel Aviv bombing'
- Los Angeles Times, April 10th, 1981

'Israel invades Lebanon, US Marines behind them, Iranian counterattack on Isfahan'
- Chicago Tribune, April 11th, 1981

"The attack carried out by members of the Palestinian Liberation Organization in Tel Aviv had as its target civilians frequenting a shopping center, one that is known to attract foreign tourists. This attack shows a reckless disregard for innocent lives by this group, and, by extent, Iran. I ask that Parliament authorize the commitment of British troops to the Middle East to restore order to Iran and its Lebanese allies..."
- Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, April 12th, 1981 in a speech to Parliament authorizing sending British troops to fight Iran

'Britain, France, Italy send troops to Lebanon,Iran'
- Chicago Tribune, April 13th, 1981

'Israel invades Lebanon, Iranian counterattack on Isfahan'
- Chicago Tribune, April 11th, 1981

'Fine Gael-Labour Coalition! FitzGerald new Taoiseach'
- Irish Times, April 17th, 1981

"Nations all over the free world: France, Britain, Italy, Canada, and Israel have joined us in our fight with Iran. The aim of this pact for peace is to restore the legitimate Pahlavi government in Iran and order to all nations of the Middle East that the Ayatollah Khomeini's stooges are wreaking havoc in. Our alliance for freedom will squash tyranny and bring a brighter day to the Middle East."
- Ronald Reagan, April 20th, 1981

'Turkey joins war, Allied forces surge into northwest Iran'
- New York Times, May 10th, 1981

'Reports of coup in Iran as Alliance forces close in on Tehran'
- Chicago Tribune, June 1st, 1981

'US Forces reach outskirts of Tehran'
- Haaretz, June 21st, 1981

'Heavy fighting in Tehran, Khomeini presumed killed, junta flees to mountains'
- Los Angeles Times, August 1st, 1981



On strike'
- Sign held by strikers, August 1981

'U.S. starts firing Air Controllers'
- Hartford Courant, August 10th, 1981
'French forces routed at Kerman'
- Miami Herald, September 15th, 1981

'Car bomb kills twenty soldiers in Tehran'
- New York Times, September 21st, 1981

'Kemp-Roth tax cut signed by President'
- New York Times, September 25th, 1981

"The President shows a reckless disregard for the American people in the signing of this latest legislation. Taxes have been slashed at an unconsciensable rate for big business and the elite. This will only help the richer get richer. I am wholly opposed to letting those people who can contribute greatly off the hook. The working people are the backbone of this nation and should be given what they are due. Let it be known that I oppose, in it's entirety, the Kemp-Roth tax cuts."
- Cliff Finch in public statement, September 26th, 1981

"Our forces are finding it increasingly hard to advance in Iran. Tehran and most major cities have been occupied. What remains of the revolutionary military leadership has fled into the Iranian plateau. Intelligence suggests a General Fallahi is running a band of petty colonels as a strongman. The momentum of our initial attack has been blunted but there is no doubt that fresh offensives and an influx of fresh troops will turn the tide. The Shah is set to return to Tehran by the end of the year and once a new royalist army has been trained, our forces and our allies forces will be able to be return home in peace."
- Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger in a speech, October 3rd, 1981

"Progress has not been up to expectations. At this rate, the war won't be done until 1986."
- Major General Colin Powell to an aide, November 10th, 1981

'Governor has massive heart attack at Governor's Mansion: hospitalized and in critical condition'
- Jackson Clarion-Ledger, November 19th, 1981

"Governor, you are quite lucky you didn't die. The chances of you surviving were a million to one. Frankly, if you are going to keep on living, you are going to need to make some changes. You will need to stop smoking and..."
- Doctor to Mississippi Governor Cliff Finch, November 21st, 1981

'Wave of car bombings rock Isfahan, over one-hundred soldiers feared dead'
- Boston Herald, November 27th, 1981

'Bring back all Americans'
- Inscription on sign at Anti-Iran War Protests in Washington, DC, early December 1981

"Your approval rating is, quite frankly, terrible. Mr. President, something really needs to be done about the War in Iran. The people are getting tired of it."
- White House Chief of Staff James Baker to President Ronald Reagan, December 11th, 1981

'Allied leaders to meet in Paris'
- Boston Herald, December 19th, 1981

'NYSE ends year down 15%'
- Wall Street Journal, December 31st, 1981


An infobox of the war in Iran as of January 1, 1982.

"Frankly, the war in Iran is unsustainable. We have reached our high-water mark. The advances made so far are significant, and the gains were minimal, but any land captured will be at the cost of heavy casualties, growing exponentially for each foot our forces advance. We have to ask ourselves: is it worth this many American lives to prove some sort of point to the Iranian government."
- Former Senator George McGovern (Democrat-South Dakota) in speech, January 10th, 1982

'If the war continues at this rate and the economy does not improve, we can expect to gain upwards of thirty seats in the House this fall. I wouldn't rule out gaining a majority in the Senate.'
- DNC Chairman Charles Taylor Manatt in memo circulated to Committee-members, late January 1982

"I intend to barnstorm the state for my candidates. The people elected me twice so it stands to reason that the same campaigning methods will get them out for other Democrats. When our five representatives go up to Washington next year I want to see all of them Democrats."
- Mississippi Governor Cliff Finch to his chief of staff, February 10th, 1982

'French convoy ambushed near Abarkooh, 154 dead, thousands of tons of munitions lost'
- Chicago Tribune, February 14th, 1982

'John Lennon holds Bed-In in Plaza Hotel, New York'
- Los Angeles Times, March 1st, 1982

"Caspar, I don't want you to come back unless Europe decides to back us all the way. Twist arms, break skulls- get it done."
- Secretary of State Alexander Haig to Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger, March 5th, 1982

'Defense Secretary Weinberger to go to Paris'
- New York Times, March 12th, 1982

'Summit starts in Paris: A conference of leaders and high-ranking officials aligned with the United States in it's war with Iran convened yesterday in Paris. In secret, attendees will devise a plan to finish the war. The dignitaries in attendance include Defense Secretary Weinberger, British Prime Minister Thatcher, Foreign Secretary Hurd, French President D'Estaing, Israeli Prime Minister Begin, and Saddam Hussein.'
- Newsday, March 15th, 1982

"Abbas; you know what to do. Do what you have practiced, kill the infidels and secure the world for your nation."
- Unknown Iranian Quds Force Officer to Abbas Amir, March 15th, 1982

"Whose fucking car is that?

The man must be mad to go this fast.

Merde! He has a-

- Unknown Police nationale Brigadier-chef, March 17th, 1982

"We interrupt your regularly scheduled program to bring you a special report from Paris. An unknown assailant crashed a vehicle loaded with explosives into dignitaries exiting a meeting. So far, we can confirm the deaths of Caspar Weinberger, Margaret Thatcher, Norman Schwarzkopf..."
- Newsday, March 17th, 1982


An infobox on the assassination of Saddam Hussein and other Allied leaders.