TL 191 HOI4 Mod Update and Discussion Thread

So, very recently, I have become a de facto member of the Team working on a TL 191 mod for Hearts of Iron 4! My main job is to give ideas and use my Vast Knowledge and Passion for the World of TL 191 to help out in the creation of the World for the Mod, and even suggest Ideas to fill the Gaps.

At the moment, we are focusing our resources on North America, and through this thread, I will be announcing updates over time as we make progress, as well as discuss some ideas that could be used in the mod. As I said, at the moment, we are primarily focusing on North America, Discussion on Europe and other Regions will be more convenient later.

As Representative of the Team, I will do what I can to answer questions as soon as I can and announce updates If I can, And maybe post the occasional screenshot for our progress reports. But some stuff may be kept as a surprise.
To start, here is a Snap from the US focus Tree
I have suggested that, and he does play a role in the scenario, so perhaps...

Confederate Civil War anyone?
Ooh, now that's a neat idea. Maybe if the assassination of Huey Long fails, Louisiana and a few other states secede from the CSA.
Some thoughts...

  • Joe Steel: Socialist Governor of California and overall leader of the hard core communist elements of the Socialist Party
  • Gordon Mcsweeney the Presbyterian Butcher: A hardened veteran of the First Great War, devoted preacher and card carrying member of the soldiers circle having quickly gained popularity during the depression for his fiery, impassioned sermons and is hell bent against the Confederacy and Mormons. (Think Zachary Hale Comstock meets Adolf Hitler.)
  • Quentin Roosevelt: Son of former president Theodore Roosevelt, noted officer during the First Great War and a moderate reform minded member of the Democratic Party. Well known for his desire to strengthen the military, get the country out of the depression and strengthen ties with the German Empire.
  • Jake Featherstone: Freedom Party
  • Huey Long: Radical Liberal governor of Louisiana and Featherstone's biggest rival.

  • Revivalism: A radical reactionary ideology centered around the "Revival of strength and Vitality to the nation" that has taken root amongst the defeated Entente nations of the Great War. Generally operating under an umbrella term ranging from the semi-socialists of Mussolini's Fasci of Italy to the pro aristocratic Silver Shirts of the United Kingdom to the rural populist backed Freedom party of the Confederate States of America.


Gone Fishin'
OK, so leaving aside the idiocy of TL-191 in general, here's some suggestions:

  1. Equalism: The dark side of socialism. A hardline revolutionary ideology that holds that any reactionary states are inherently corrupt and must be purged to the ground with fire and blood. Some strains believe that the bondage of the oppressed makes said people stronger while the oppressors are made weak by their decadence.
  2. Socialism: A dominant ideology in the United States. Covers most of the more liberal socialist and anarcho-socialist branches form OTL, the most representative US form believes in gradual evolution through the ballot box to an idealized society where every man is free and equal, Johnny Reb is defeated and the Negroes freed to live alongside their Northern brothers, and the working men control the economy, not the bosses.
  3. Liberalism: A democratic ideology focusing on staying the course between socialist reform and traditional conservative and capitalist doctrines and power bases. A powerful force in the Union, though one on the decline.
  4. Conservatism: A mostly democratic ideology focusing on emphasizing loyalty to the nation and the power of traditional authority. Popular with the German nobility, openly monarchist states, and some Southerners.
  5. Paternalism: Democracy for the right sort of people. An ideology catch-all for states with a heavily stratified society, a disenfranchised underclass, and a relatively liberal approach for the upper classes. Formerly the dominant ideology in the Confederacy.
  6. Despotism: Catchall term for military dictators, strongmen, and other neutral/not particularly ideological despots.
  7. National Revival: Hyper-revanchist, ultranationalist ideology branch emphasizing service to the state, loyalty to the race (as defined by the government), with a totalitarian regime, partial or total state control of the economy, and active opposition to "racial enemies". By purifying the race of the nation, Revivalists believe, the nation can be made strong like a purebred horse, able to challenge any threat and prevail.
  • USA:
    • Franklin Roosevelt: Socialist party vice-presidential candidate, 1936. Seeks to take proactive action against the Confederacy. Strongly opposed to the Confederacy's racism on moral and political grounds, decries the "weakness" (i.e. stupid pills) of previous administrations that didn't have the balls to take out the Confederacy the multiple previous times the Union had the chance.
    • Al Smith: FDR's running mate, Presidential candidate, more moderate than FDR and a compromiser.
    • William Dudley Pelley: Ultranationalist Presidential candidate, an insane revivalist revanchist who believes that the Southrons are "racially incompatible" with Yankees and that Yankees as the descendants of the Israelites, and that Jesus speaks to him in dreams from a UFO. Thinks that having a Southern accent is a sign of genetic inferiority.
  • Confederacy:
    • Jake Featherston: Basically Southern Hitler. Total douchebag, yadda yadda yadda. Meh.
    • Huey Long: Populist paternalist candidate, Featherston's main rival for the Confederate Presidency.
General ideas:

I don't really like much of TL-191 post-How Few Remain, largely because HFR was such an obvious case of Turtledove's desired metaplot writing the plot and not logic or reason, and the rest of the series not only succumbs to the same issues of "the Confederacy is immune to logical limits on its military abilities" but also falls to silly levels of parallelism and poor writing. I'd much rather see a German-Russian alliance on its last legs, with an independent fascist Hungary seeking revanchism against formerly Habsburg domains that pulled themselves out, a neo-Confederate rebellion against an unstable America (and a Canadian one, just for kicks), that sort of thing. That said, I've seen some really good takes on TL-191 (@Faeelin did an excellent one some time ago, with an ultra-progressive Union under Teddy Roosevelt kicking Confederate ass with logical ease in the 1910s), so I'd love to see what kind of changes you guys make!
Equalism: The dark side of socialism. A hardline revolutionary ideology that holds that any reactionary states are inherently corrupt and must be purged to the ground with fire and blood. Some strains believe that the bondage of the oppressed makes said people stronger while the oppressors are made weak by their decadence.
Well, Communism is still a thing ITTL as the Communist Manifesto was written pre-POD.
Could have Cordell Hull to try and challenge both Long and Featherston, or even Willy Knight. ( Knight's Mussolini and to Featherston's Hitler.) Knight would continue to support the secessionist movements in Kentucky, Houston, and Sequoyah while pressing the U.S. for a plebiscite. If the US-CS war is avoid, Knight can send support to the Entente and so stands a very good chance of defeating Germany. And if that works, the USA is in serious trouble. (Or if the Entente is still beaten...)

Samuel Longstreet and 'old school' Southern Gentlemen (Like Forrest III.) could also try and remove the Freedom Party from power before the War. (Think the Prussian Junkers.)

If Long takes over the South, he runs it into the ground with his 'Share our Wealth' crap and power struggles bring down the CSA. (Alike to Kasierriech and the AUS big tent has too many different factions to get things to work.)

An big event for the Union is leaving Canada and setting up an puppet Republic. (And/or annexing the BC, and/or Newfoundland and Labrador. Or even give it to Quebec.)
This looks like an awesome project! I'd also love to help contribute ideas to this project.

First off, heres a map that I made many years ago of the Timeline 191 world in 1941. This would be mostly the same as the Timeline 191 world in 1936, except that Kentucky and Houston should be US states, China should not be at war with the Empire of Japan and the border with Ecuador and Peru should be as it was in 1936 IOTL.

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Alot of Scrubs think we should change the borders of the CS to look more appealing. Of course, they haven't actually read the book.


Alot of Scrubs think we should change the borders of the CS to look more appealing. Of course, they haven't actually read the book.

I mean the problem you have is the USA will suck to play because the nazi rebels will get ridiculous buffs to be a challenge.