The War that Came to Early: The Big Switch

So I purchased the The Big Switch at comic con and I'm just about to start reading it. I don't have great expectations since the last one wasn't all that great. I'll post a review after I finish reading it. It is released to the public tomorrow, so is anybody going to by it?
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Makes no sense, I began to hate myself more after I kept reading, and was glad it was over when I finished. This seems like a perfect representation of the latest Turtledove books.
Yeah, I know the guy has to eat, pay the rent and send his kids to college, etc, but I wish he'd concentrate on producing more stuff like Guns of the South and Ruled Britannia and less on the bloated, badly-written series stuff. To be fair, I haven't actually read any of this particular series yet - it could be really good - but the impression I get from plot synopses I've seen is that while there's probably a really good AH story to be written about a *WW2 breaking out in 1938, this isn't it.
Well, I’ve only read the description and vomited a little, from that alone.

*spoiler*It would seem that Turtledove’s usual Anglophobia, Russophoba Germanophila and ridiculous degrees Nippon-wank shine through yet again.

Even when he tries to throw in a ''big-twist'' he does in the most hackneyed and predictable manner possible.:rolleyes:

The Anglo-French go all Fascist for no apprent reason then ally themselves with the Nazis. In order to go on a ramble through the Russian countryside. With France apparently totally on board with the prospect allying itself with the country that invaded them twice in the past twenty years and whom they hate & fear above all others thus aiding Hitler dream to make Germany the dominant power in Europe.*spoiler*
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I have to say "yuck". I can see the UK following along, but France also? Exactly what has led the French to suddenly make the Big Switch?
I have to say "yuck". I can see the UK following along, but France also? Exactly what has led the French to suddenly make the Big Switch?

This well throught out piece of intricate & subtle plot-lines with a keen eye for realistic political calculations of the time:

*Spolers*Rudolf Hess parachutes into England. Subsequently, Churchill dies in a very suspicious car accident. Then, Germany offers to end hostilities with the UK and France in exchange for a withdrawal from French territory and their declaration of war against the Soviet Union. (WTF?!) At this point Germany has killed huge numbers of allied troops, swallowed multiple countries, and merely from ceasing hostilities and withdrawing from France peace is declared and the Allies send troops to attack Russia.

Everyone forgers about Denmark, Holland, Norway and the fact that Japan is attacking Russia and the European colonies in the Ear East. Also because the book follows the “small fry” of the war no justification of the decision to make peace with Germany and attack the USSR is ever provided. This “big switch” does not logically follow the interests of the UK and France. Why would they trust Germany (who has broken multiple agreements, occupied neutral countries and caused millions of deaths) and attack Russia? In this book Turtledove adds another change point. Unfortunately, this change makes no sense from the perspective of the Allies’ national interest. The reason for the big switch is unexplained (unlike the original historical departure point). *Spoilers*

Of course my pet theory is Hitler managed to get his hands on a jar of Khan’s mind-controlling brain-slugs and deployed them during the Munich Conference. It just took awhile for the full effect to kick.

That would actually make for coherent (if nonsensical) explanation for events in Europe. ‘’Magical Nippon’’ is never really explained. However I suppose the secert deployment of giant laser-shooting mecha piloted by scantily clad girls, would also make a coherent (if nonsensical) explanation for the Far Eastern events in the book.
Wonder if ASBs got in Turtledove's mind.This is one big turd of a book.I believe it is rumored there may be more on the way according to Locus Magazine-print edition.
having read it..what can I say?
Crap, I think is the best summary. Turtldove has now completely succumbed to Famous Writer Syndrome, churning out poorlly thought out and written garbage that the publishers buy because of his name

It isnt AH, its not even SF, the rational needed is pure Fantasy.
I would be ashamed to even suggest such a plot.

Save your money.
You can even make all this shit up, and enjoy yourself infinitely more, on a $10 game than this piece of expensive toilet roll.
I've mentioned this before and the problem is that Turtledove abandoned all pretense of writing AH long ago.

AH involves considering a change and then what the consequences will be but Turtledove does just the opposite. He decides on the consequences and then, at best, makes an increasingly feeble effort to justify the change(s) leading to those consequences.:(
How has Germany been holding on for this long anyway? Hitler's been fighting a two front war against superior forces with much larger access to resources and manpower. Has he been keeping the German economy going with the same magic that he used to convince the Allies to switch sides?
How has Germany been holding on for this long anyway? Hitler's been fighting a two front war against superior forces with much larger access to resources and manpower. Has he been keeping the German economy going with the same magic that he used to convince the Allies to switch sides?

Same source of magical mojo the Confederacy used in his previous series, I suppose.

Well it's no surprise that the book wasn't going to be that good. Not much of Turtledove's work is good anyways except the really early stuff. I'm curious if Turtledove has ever had an account here.
A friend gave me some details from his copy and if what he said was true then a war between Japan and the US in this book would make no sense at all...but will still happen.:rolleyes:
A friend gave me some details from his copy and if what he said was true then a war between Japan and the US in this book would make no sense at all...but will still happen.:rolleyes:

Well, since he seems to think all Japanese are unquestioning ruthless insect-men, their motivations are of course obscure. :D
