The Leader

Not sure if there has been a post on this, but I found this book in Israel and it was pretty good. The basic premise is that Edward VIII stayed king, which caused internal strife in Britain. With no one willing to form a government if Edward doesn't resign, the king turns to Oswald Mosley in 1937. Interesting if unlikely concept, and overall an entertaining read with some very good twists. Anybody catch this one?
Walter_Kaufmann said:
Who's the author?
His name is Guy Walters. He worked for The Times as a jounalist according to the intro.

Pax Britannia said:
Does Oswald Mosely sign an alliance with Hitler?
I haven't read it yet, but it states so the cover. "A weak king, a fascist leader, Germany an ally. What does 1937 hold for the people of Britain."

Best regards!

- B.
Yeah guys, I believe I posted on THE LEADER on the old board.

quote: Not sure if there has been a post on this

So you guys in America haven't actually got it yet, eh ?
I hadn't even heard of it until I saw it in an Israeli bookstore. There is a lot of stuff about Hitler being an ally to the "new British Empire" and King Edward walking around in a fascist uniform.

Grey Wolf

I enjoyed reading this, but I like the way Guy Walters' writes having previously read "The Occupation" (and I have "The Colditz Legacy" sitting on my sideboard for next). I thought it worked very well, actually, since obviously in order for the story to have the menace it needed a complete Fascist take-over had to occur, so whilst it may seem accessive acquiescence it was necessary for the plot. I also liked the ending, though the horse and swords bit was just a mite TOO theatrical, shades of Zenda I thought. I liked the fact that what you expected to happen at the end didn't, and there were some good twists along the way. The cover illustration with the lighning slash and all red around the circle is pretty damn dramatic too...

Best Regards
Grey Wolf