The Great Peace: A Long 19th Century

Introduction and Western Europe
This is a timeline I've wanted to do for a while now and is my first timeline. It will consist of maps and maybe flags and wikiboxes of the world in a timeline that has not seen a major war between Great Powers since 1860s (though the actually PoD is as yet undetermined and will likely be between 1812 and 1830.) The first map is of Western Europe in the present day.

Western Europe Modern.png

Some brief notes about this world:

1. The world is generally more socially conservative than OTL. Strong monarchies and powerful aristocracy/old money are the norm in most of the world outside of the US and most of Latin America. The church also plays a large role in the government and religion remains an important part of the lives of the vast majority of people.

2. The world is also generally more economically liberal than OTL, with most countries having things like universal free healthcare, education, and government housing programs. ITTL most of these are actually associated with conservativism and are presented in a more noblesse oblige/paternalistic way than OTL. Politics in the west typically consist of the aristocracy/old money and the urban workers/rural peasantry represented by the conservative parties vs the middle class and a good chunk of the new money represented by the liberal parties, who are also usually more nationalist than the more cosmopolitan conservatives.

3. Technology ITTL is more advances than OTL in some ways but behind OTL in other ways. Generally speaking you can assume that civilian technologies are more advanced than OTL (e.g., there are regular Moon missions and a manned Mars mission has already happened) and military technology is further behind OTL (e.g., the most advanced countries would have about 80s level military tech). Technologies that could fall into both categories are advanced in civilian uses but behind in military applications (e.g., nuclear power is ubiquitous but nuclear weapons are non-existant). Other technologies have evolved along different paths to OTL (e.g., the computer exists and is theorestically about as advanced and accessible as OTL, but the Internet was abandoned for civilian use after a few early high-profile security incidents so computers are practically limited to businessmen, gamers, and enthusiasts).
Two things:

1) I'm really curious to how you're gonna justify the changes to the German Confederation. The Wittelsbach domains in particular are strange. The idea of swapping Bavaria for the Austrian Netherlands wasn't really popular after the Seven Years' War.

2) I find the "more economically liberal" comment with a stronger welfare state funny. Liberalism, even before neo-liberalism, was never in favor of welfare programs. Still, I can see a more conservative Europe having strong welfare states as part of a paternalistic view, with what in Germany we might call "Vater Staat" (father state) providing for the populace.
Two things:

1) I'm really curious to how you're gonna justify the changes to the German Confederation. The Wittelsbach domains in particular are strange. The idea of swapping Bavaria for the Austrian Netherlands wasn't really popular after the Seven Years' War.

2) I find the "more economically liberal" comment with a stronger welfare state funny. Liberalism, even before neo-liberalism, was never in favor of welfare programs. Still, I can see a more conservative Europe having strong welfare states as part of a paternalistic view, with what in Germany we might call "Vater Staat" (father state) providing for the populace.
1) I admit I don't have much developed lore, but I was thinking something like a Habsburg cadet branch gets a more successful Belgium in 1831, then that branch dies out and the heir is Ludwig II. The other members of the GC object to Bavaria inheriting all of Belgium but also TTL's Ludwig II is obsessed with navies instead of castles and really wants that coastline so works out a deal where he would trade most of Bavaria to Austria for Belgium but he would keep the Palatinate, sell part of Franconia to Hesse, and restore Bayreuth and Ansbach. The situation in the Rhineland and Prussia is a result of their utter defeat in TTL's 1866 and the rest can be attributed to an alternate settlement at Vienna and/or alternate successions in the two centuries since.

2) I based that statement on the Canadian Liberals, but now that I think about it, that party is closer to European labour/social democrats than liberals, I think.
  1. Who is the current monarch of the Southern Netherlands?
  2. What is OTL’s Leopold I of Belgium known for ITTL?
  3. When did Prussia lose its Rhineland territories?
  1. Who is the current monarch of the Southern Netherlands?
  2. What is OTL’s Leopold I of Belgium known for ITTL?
  3. When did Prussia lose its Rhineland territories?
1. Franz of Bavaria
2. Nothing much, without Belgium he sort of just fades into obscurity though some history buffs ITTL might know as Princess Charlotte's husband and for his role in the Napoleonic Wars.
3. 1866 - alt. Austro-Prussian War went pretty much the reverse of OTL, with the Austrian side having much more success and were able to occupy Berlin and capture the Royal Family and government.
Was Wilhelm I allowed to stay on the Prussian throne?
Yes, the Habsburgs didn't want to alienate Prussia too much so Wilhelm I got to stay on the throne and Prussia got to keep Posen and its other territories outside the GC with the full understanding that this was done out of the generosity of the Habsburgs.
Eastern Europe
Eastern Europe Modern.png

Eastern Europe in the present day. NOTE: Russia also own Alaska (not shown) and is no longer legally Russia, but the revived Roman Empire. Constantinople serve as the ceremonial and religious capital of the Empire, though most of the government remains in Moscow.
  1. When did Baden and Württemberg united?
  2. Are the Franconian branches of the Hohenzollerns still around ITTL?
  3. Does Russia have any constituent monarchies?
  4. I assume that Karl of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen became the first Prince of Cologne?
  5. What happened to the Papal States?
  1. When did Baden and Württemberg united?
  2. Are the Franconian branches of the Hohenzollerns still around ITTL?
  3. Does Russia have any constituent monarchies?
  4. I assume that Karl of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen became the first Prince of Cologne?
  5. What happened to the Papal States?
1. Mid-20th century
2. No, Ansbach and Bayreuth are ruled by Saxon and Hessian cadet branches.
3. Technically Poland and Finland, though both are ruled by the Emperor.
4. That sounds about right.
5. A reformist Pope in the early 1900s who wished to focus more in spiritual matters sold most of his territory to Tuscany and the Two Sicilies, keeping only Rome and the surrounding region.
How did this union come about?

Which princes in particular were chosen to rule Ansbach and Bayreuth?

Also, do you have any ideas for whom Belgium's first Habsburg monarch could be?
Personal union, Zahringen line died out in the male line, Wurttemburgs inherited.

Prince Friedrich Wilhelm of Hanau and Hořowitz and OTL King George of Saxony respectively.

OTL Emperor Maximillian of Mexico
Personal union, Zahringen line died out in the male line, Wurttemburgs inherited.
I assume that Friedrich II has a daughter who marries the ATL son of Wilhelm II, which is how the personal union occurs?
Prince Friedrich Wilhelm of Hanau and Hořowitz and OTL King George of Saxony respectively.
Who becomes King of Saxony after Albert if his brother George is the ruler of Bayreuth?
OTL Emperor Maximillian of Mexico
Interesting. So this means that Belgium gained independence later than IOTL?
I assume that Friedrich II has a daughter who marries the ATL son of Wilhelm II, which is how the personal union occurs?

Who becomes King of Saxony after Albert if his brother George is the ruler of Bayreuth?

Interesting. So this means that Belgium gained independence later than IOTL?

Albert has surviving children ITTL.

I actually meant Albrecht of Hasburg-Teschen because I misread Maximillian's date of birth.
This is rather late for an Austriawank.
I mean, the PoD is in the early 1800s and I wasn't really aiming for hard realism anyway.