The Anenexation Bill of 1866 is passed into Law

Would it be possible for the United States to annex Canada before it became it's own country if his act passed into law? Could this even be done by the US army just after the Civil War? Would the US congress choose to delay Reconstruction enforcement a few years in order to do this first? What could all the effects of this decision be? Please discuss thoroughly?

I am heavily considering writing my first timeline based on this POD so I appreciate any recommendations to help me better understand the context of this act and conditions in both America and Canada at the time.


Yes but the US would have the closer Army.
Yes and invasion of British colonies means occupation and British navy and army can attack any part of Us. Would the uS ven pass it. Makes the Warhawk of 1812 seem civilized. This bill was nothing but imperialism and aggression. British would respond.

I find it hard to think that full congress would even contemplate this. If Britain had sided with the south and attacked US maybe but otherwise completely impractical
I agree there would have to be some earlier POD to make such a thing possible. Even then I still don't see the US going to war with the British over it. Especially, right after a long Civil War with the south still in disarray and unreliable.
The bill, as written, did state plainly that the annexation of the Canadian provinces was to take place subject to the agreement of those provinces and the British government. It was an offer of annexation, not a declaration of it. Obviously that could still be taken as an aggressive move, but it wasn't really a serious attempt to acquire Canada, but to play to the anti-British sentiment of certain voters in the United States at the time.


Gone Fishin'
America invading Canada at this time necessitates open British support of the Confederacy causing rabid levels of Anglophobia among the American populace, and a friendly continental European power ready and willing to strike Britain in a total war, so it's extremely unlikely at best.
Annexing all of Canada is definitely unlikely but Western Canada (i.e. those portions beyond the 90th Meridian) was definitely on the table at the time and even likely. There was an active and strong annexationist movement in British Columbia and a large American settler demographic in the Prairies; likewise, the Metis flirted quite heavily with the prospect of joining the U.S.
Annexing all of Canada is definitely unlikely but Western Canada (i.e. those portions beyond the 90th Meridian) was definitely on the table at the time and even likely. There was an active and strong annexationist movement in British Columbia and a large American settler demographic in the Prairies; likewise, the Metis flirted quite heavily with the prospect of joining the U.S.
If such bill passed is pretty likely who with time all Canada will become part of the US, but a province/state/territory or two at a time
The annexation bill was never serious; it was a bid to curry favor with anti-British Irish immigrants more than an actual bill people thought would pass.