Rex Perpetuus: Heirs of the Last Viking - Development Diaries of the EU4 Alt-History Mod

Mod Announcement
  • Hello, this is my first post after lurking on the forums for a while.

    I have a pleasure to announce an upcoming alt-history timeline project of mine that I've started working on in March 2021, which will be told via game modifications to Europa Universalis IV and Victoria 3, under the name Rex Perpetuus.

    The first installment, Heirs of the Last Viking will take place in 1444 and will feature a very different world from ours in that time period, a world that despite its technological and cultural evolution, remains firmly entrenched in the past.

    The first point of divergence happens in September 25, 1066 - Harald Hardrada emerges victorious from battle of Stamford Bridge and slays Harold Godwinson, a feat which proves instrumental in gaining the favor of the Englishmen loyal to Harold until then, an event that will be remembered as the Miracle at Stamford Bridge. This allows Harald to beat back the Norman invaders and secure his claim.


    State of mapping progress in Europe and near vicinity as of October 2021.

    What are going to be the main features of the mod?
    - A detailed setup with hundreds of unique tags, owing to the large province density of Beyond Typus, upon which this mod is based.
    - A lot of research into the cultural and religious setup, including obscure cultures like the Afri, or entirely new cultures that emerged from the melting pots in various regions of the world.
    - A large variety of faiths, including many pagan faiths from Crusader Kings 3 (Turumic, Ukonusko), more variety to existing groups (such as the Druze for Muslims), and a lot of 'dead' religions such as Manichaeism or Nestorianism still thriving in some places TTL.

    Currently, we have a small Discord community, where we post teasers related to the development of the mod. We are also constantly looking for developers and contributors that wish to help us develop the TL or work on the various mechanics that would be implemented into the game.

    Discord Server
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