Realistic PSA Victory In Kaiserreich's 2ACW?

So for those of you who don't know, Kaiserreich is a mod for Hearts of Iron featuring a German victory in ww1. As a result, socialist revolutions take over britain and france, who flee to Canada and Algieria in exile and naturally default on their loans. This causes a far earlier end to any "roaring 20s," not helped by a stockmarket crash in Germany and the fact that Herbert Hoover remains in office till 36 and has failed to rectify things through conventional means. As a result, Jack Reed and Huey Long become dominant politicians in the great lakes and deep south respectively and run in the 1936 presidential race. In game (and we'll apply it here since it's important to the PSA), if either get elected, Douglas MacArthur stages a coup to safeguard the status quo. As a result, the Western States of California, Oregon, Washington, as well as (in game for the ai) Idaho and Nevada, denounce the junta and establish a Sacramento government. Alaska is usually seized by the Canadian exiles and a puppet government maintained in New England. Hawaii fucks off and gets eaten by Japan most of the time.

What I want to know is, how could this "Pacific States of America" win the war to reestablish order, and what would such a victory look like? I haven't played in ages so I'm sorry if I missed anything. They have all 3 states, as well as Idaho and Nevada when the whole thing starts


Gone Fishin'
It would theoretically be possible if MacArthur loses fast and the CSA and AUS grind each other into the ground. But it would SUCK. America would be a gutted ruin by the time the PSA got the manpower and support to take it back, and it would take some serious diplomacy to get the Canadians to first intervene and then hand back all the important parts of the Midwest and new England should they be so fortunate as to actually win the war without being overwhelmed by the CSA's population and industry.

(And of course there's always the risk that WK2: Oh Crap Edition begins over this debacle, even though officially it doesn't in game)
It would theoretically be possible if MacArthur loses fast and the CSA and AUS grind each other into the ground. But it would SUCK. America would be a gutted ruin by the time the PSA got the manpower and support to take it back, and it would take some serious diplomacy to get the Canadians to first intervene and then hand back all the important parts of the Midwest and new England should they be so fortunate as to actually win the war without being overwhelmed by the CSA's population and industry.

(And of course there's always the risk that WK2: Oh Crap Edition begins over this debacle, even though officially it doesn't in-game)
Could the Germans be tempted to help? Let's be honest, the Rockies, navy, and industry all put the PSA in a better position to beat the syndicalists, which would seriously help Germany in the emergent struggle with the CoF (i think that the coast was more industrialized than the deep south at this point since one got big off of trade and the gold rush compared to agriculture). Or do you think that would be bad since it would risk WK2 Yankee Boogaloo?


Gone Fishin'
Could the Germans be tempted to help? Let's be honest, the Rockies, navy, and industry all put the PSA in a better position to beat the syndicalists, which would seriously help Germany in the emergent struggle with the CoF (i think that the coast was more industrialized than the deep south at this point since one got big off of trade and the gold rush compared to agriculture). Or do you think that would be bad since it would risk WK2 Yankee Boogaloo?
Germany is busy putting out fires across their rickety empire, they don't have the time or manpower to seriously help the PSA breach the Rockies.