Prussia Defeated in 7YW... Than means than Bavaria will be Exchange for Belgium

that come for a thread about if prussia is defeated in the Seven Year wars(than the Czarina live longer and the Germanophile Peter III take the thorne very late), Prussia is smashed in his rise and Frederick II is out of picture(either suicide or die in battle).

But later another question Enter in the topic(the topic die like a month before i think).. in OTL Charles Theodore, Duke of Bavaria still want to Exchange Bavaria for the Austrian Netherlands(aka more of Less... Modern Belgium) but that action was oppose mostly by Frederick II of Prussia to Avoid the Habsburg rule supreme in south germany...

Now than the Prussians are out as a political power is out... the plan can be fullifil? and what will be the effect of an Wittelbatcs 'Belgium'?

Nivek von Beldo

Valdemar II

I think the Wittelbach Belgium (de facto it could be Belgium plus Rhineland*) would be the least change. First we have giant Austria. Austria have at very may turn into a least gained Silesia, it may also have gained Mark, Rasvenbergs and Cleve, together with the Habsburg Prince-Bishop of Cologne-Munster we have a Habsburg powerhouse in the North East. When we have the Austrian main possesion which also gain Bavaria, the result are Habsburg power house in the east. If they also have gained the main Wittelsbachs possesions in the Rhineland we will see that the Habsburg domains have reach a mass, where the HREGN de facto have been reestablish as a functioning state. With a few area de facto autonom (Saxony, Brandenburg, Hanover, Holstein, Mecklenburg and the Wittelbach Netherland/Flandern).
We will likely see alienation between the French and Austrians, the Wittelsbach and Dutch will likely seek to ally with the Austrians. The Dutch Revolution may succed without the Hohenzollern to intervene, but the Wittelbachs or Habsburg may intervene instead.
Without a alliance between the French and Austrian, the French Revolution change a lot, we may see Kingdom of France survive as a constitutional monarchy if the Austrian and Prussian doesn't invade. So the instead of a 1789 it may turn into a early 1830/1848.

*Through with the Habsburg in a better position in north east Germany they may also demand the Pfalz-Jülich-Berg, they may raise the Wittelsbach to King of Flandern for that