Photos from Featherston's Confederacy/ TL-191


Picture of Russian anti-aircraft gunners on the roof of the Four Seasons Hotel during a German air raid over Moscow, September 1943.

Memorial plaque for the victims of the Population Reduction at Camp Determination until 1996.

After Martial Law ended in Houston in 1954, this plaque was in Camp Determination and remained even after Texas was re-admitted into the Union in 1955. This caused much controversy in the US, as the plaque had deflated a death count and did not mention that blacks were killed in the camp. The plaque would be like this until 1996, to a more accurate death count and include that the victims were black.
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Zhukov’s Immortal Days pt 1

St Petersburg is a radioactive ruin, unknown dead. Not amongst them are the Czar , his inner circle and his immediate family, they had fled to Moscow before the superbomb fell. In the Kremlin the Czar , leading generals , the head of the Ohkrana , and the leader of the Black Hundreds met to discuss strategy. Two voices ask how much must Russia suffer and to seek peace at the best terms : General Zhukov of Stavka , and Peter Petrovich Wrangel , son of the Black Baron and commander of the Imperial Guard. The rest vow to fight on even if it means fighting all the way into Siberia, the meeting ends with high tension.
In a fatal move ,due to deference to their high standing with the Czar , Zhukov and Wrangel were not as closely watched as other army officials, the seeds of a plot were planted and brought to bare at a speed only Russians could accomplish

Zhukov made contact with commanders in the area he trusted and who all had personal reasons to dislike the current regime*. Chief Amongst them being
General Vasily Chuikov
General Ivan Bagramyan
Air Marshal Alexander Novikov
And elements of the Imperial Guard headed by General Wrangel

Moscow was swarming with Ohkrana agents, black hundredist militia , potentially loyal troops , and even Cossacks, Zhukov was under no illusion that this would be easy , it would be a bloodbath but to save Russia it must be done

*historians debate if there was a plot already in place sometime before the super bombing ( Zhukov has said this is what prompted him to approach Wrangel ). The relative smoothness some of the conspirators acted with and their ability to avoid detection indicates there was some anti Romanov conspiracy in the works however dissenting opinions state that by this point the security apparatus was stuffed so full of sycophants and devoid of anyone who’s talents went further than “inciting a pogram” that it is possible they coup plotters acted in a spur of the moment fashion

To be continued
Zhukovs Immortal Days pt 2

The code word was : Katyusha

The air forces were to close off airspace and destroy any loyalists trying to enter Moscow

Bagramyan and his elite Caucasian troops were to storm the Ohkrana and Black Hundred hq’s and liquidate their leadership and any forces they come across with extreme prejudice. The troops assigned this duty had experienced extreme Russification in one way or another and had no intention of showing mercy

Chuikov , Zhukovs right hand , batter dosn the Kremlin walls and link up with Wrangel and secure the VIPS

Zhukov would announce the coup over the wireless and seek a ceasefire with the Central Powers.

The loyalist generals were seized and wireless secure however the airspace above Moscow remained contested ( legend tells that one pilot got a bit to drunk before and screamed “let us go kill a czar”) and the Caucasian troops sent to liquidate the BH and Ohkrana were to zealous on their trip to the hq/garrisons and began singing banned ethnic songs of their homelands. The Czars fanatics were ready.

if one wants a painstakingly detailed account of the two day battle , I suggest Alexander Navalny’s masterwork : Russia in the Second Great War :From Operation Katuzov to Moscow but the brief wireless updates from Swiss Ambassador Conrad Papen paint the chaos very well

*military coup underway in Moscow
*air battles anove Moscow
* Lubyanka Prison on fire , rumors say Ohkrana Chief Yezov thrown from roof of building
* street fighting between loyalists and rebels is house to house
* Czar’s wireless address condemning coup cut short , gunshots heard on wireless. State of royal family unknown
* Republican tricolor and red banners seen on the streets and with rebel troops
*Zhukov speech declares Russia a republic /asks for ceasefire with central powers
* Russian military outside Moscow adopting a wait and see approach
* Wireless announces Kremlin walls breached , Czar and extended Romanov family taken captive by mutineers in Imperial Guard
* Cossack Garrison ignored pleas from loyalists , allowed to March out of city
* hundredist holdouts are now massacring anyone they come across
* this is worse than 1917
* rebels appear to be in control , Central powers grant ceasefire if Russians withdraw behind prewar borders. Army appears to be obeying
* no cheering or celebrating in streets , just silence .

Note : I’m coming up with this on the fly and I cannot write compelling battle scenes so apologies for taking an easy way out . Thank you for coming to my Ted talk
Part 3 : Peace and a Purge

Make no mistake comrades, the old Russia is dead. As with the Boyars of old, the Czarists , the nobles, the pogramists, the chauvinists, all the forces that dragged Mother Russia into two lost wars and sacrificed millions of her children for nothing, will be ripped away root and stem”- Prime Minister Zhukov , addressing the Provisional Republican Duma

The Major War Criminals handed over /repatriated by the Russian Republic to the Central Powers:

Tsar Michael - Waging war of aggression, genocide of Jews , Old Believers , Romani , Polish , Ukrainian , Baltic, and Chechen nationalists

Grand Duchess Anastasia: Propagation of race hatred , incitement of the Kiev and Odessa pograms amongst others

General Peter Krasnov - Genocide of Ukrainian Jews

General Andrei Vlasov - various war crimes committed by collaborators under his direct command ( Polish, Ukrainian , Hungarian primarily )

An iceberg chart of the Mysteries, Little Known Facts, and Myths of the Second Great War.
Woah, Marloski's and Allochronian's lore! Got some of the well known posts here, and possibly some future ones.👀
The one I'd be most skeptical about, as a Mexican myself, would be the internment camps as Mexicans living in the US would be universally opposed to the Second Empire and supportive of the US and Republican cause. And if this were pursued, it would draw a lot more condemnation and uncomfortable parallels with knowledge of the Destruction than the US did IOTL with the internment of Japanese civilians. A bit of food for thought borrowed from David on After the End. But it doesn't mean it couldn't happen, as the wartime hysteria could possibly lead it happening to some group like the Mormons more likely.
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Picture of an RAF plane over the UK, ca. 1944.

After the Low Countries were back in German hands in 1944, bombing raids occurred in Britain. However, some believe that this photo was of the plane that bombed Hamburg.
Sid McMath “the good confederate”. An Arkansas native who commanded confederate forces on the Ozark Front during the 2GW , he gained the respect of the US commanders opposing him by despite being outgunned and outnumbers forcing a stalemate until the wars end. Cleared of any connection to the population reduction and advocated for peace and reconciliation with the US. It is notable that aside from freedom diehards the state of Arkansas respected him enough to follow his lead. His cooperation with US authorities allowed Arkansas to be one of the first group of former CS states readmitted to the Union along with Tennessee Louisiana and Cuba. In 1950 he became the first post war civilian governor and pushed forward many progressive measures including a state highway system , electrification of rural areas, and a program making all school books and supplies free to any child attending school. He along with Earl Long and Tennessee governor Bill Brownlow IV of Tennessee were the first officials From former confederate states to visit Powell House. Vice President Truman said “Earl Long wanted personal revenge for what the CSA did to his brother, Governor Brownlow was exercising out 70 years of hillbilly blood feuds against them but Governor McMath just genuinely wanted a better life for his state, there was no bitterness in him at all”


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Michael Jackson preforms “Man In The Mirror” and “What More Can I Give” during a benefit concert on Remembrance Day 2023. Lots of other artists performed during the concert as well. This was a benefit concert to raise money for the construction of a Population Reduction memorial.
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