PC: A (Surviving and Legitimate)boy for Henry VIII: With Which wife more butterflies?

The idea of the thread is a pausability check about in which moment of history and with which wife, a surviving male heir to Henry VIII would change history the most

For me either with his first one(Catholic or delayed protestand england) or maybe the third.
The idea of the thread is a pausability check about in which moment of history and with which wife, a surviving male heir to Henry VIII would change history the most

For me either with his first one(Catholic or delayed protestand england) or maybe the third.

He had a surviving (and legitimate) male heir with Jane Seymour. He's remembered as Edward VI. I think just to spice things up a bit, let Anne of Cleves get knocked up - but be pregnant when Henry divorces her. Few months on, she pops out a boy, who's now illegitimate due to his parents' divorce, but a surviving male. Henry's gonna be so pissed he looks like more of an ass than he already is.:D
He had a surviving (and legitimate) male heir with Jane Seymour. He's remembered as Edward VI. I think just to spice things up a bit, let Anne of Cleves get knocked up - but be pregnant when Henry divorces her. Few months on, she pops out a boy, who's now illegitimate due to his parents' divorce, but a surviving male. Henry's gonna be so pissed he looks like more of an ass than he already is.:D
Wouldnt they just play the adultery card there (well, technically not adultery due to the legalities of their separation, but they could deny Henry is the father).
Well, they could. But Henry can't chop Anne's head off like he did the other Anne's. He also can't burn her.

Not to mention - being cuckolded by one wife one could imagine was bad enough (and that was when it was made up). When he first heard that Kitty Howard had genuinely cuckolded him, he at first refused to believe it. It was only whent he evidence started mounting high enough to be irrefutable, that he finally ordered her arrest etc.

Also, Anne's not gonna necessarily just roll over and play dead if Henry labels her a whore. To be sidelined as an undesired wife is one thing, to be sidelined as an undesired wife who happens to be the mother of your spare heir is a little more difficult I should imagine.
She might pull a Queen Caroline when asked if she ever committed adultery: "Once, with the husband of Mrs. Fitzherbert." Here, it might be "Once, with the husband of Queen Jane." or somesuch.
Well, they could. But Henry can't chop Anne's head off like he did the other Anne's. He also can't burn her.

Not to mention - being cuckolded by one wife one could imagine was bad enough (and that was when it was made up). When he first heard that Kitty Howard had genuinely cuckolded him, he at first refused to believe it. It was only whent he evidence started mounting high enough to be irrefutable, that he finally ordered her arrest etc.

Also, Anne's not gonna necessarily just roll over and play dead if Henry labels her a whore. To be sidelined as an undesired wife is one thing, to be sidelined as an undesired wife who happens to be the mother of your spare heir is a little more difficult I should imagine.
She might pull a Queen Caroline when asked if she ever committed adultery: "Once, with the husband of Mrs. Fitzherbert." Here, it might be "Once, with the husband of Queen Jane." or somesuch.

I want this to be a timeline!
A son with Katherine of Aragon should change history the most. It eliminates the need for the break with Rome and likely keeps England an ally of the Hapsburgs throughout Henry's reign.

If Katherine still dies in 1536, Henry will want to marry again. History might unfold in many different ways depending on who he chooses.

As noted previously, Jane Seymour did have a son; you can start an interesting timeline with a son from any of the others. Or butterfly in a son from each of them and get a squabbling brood of strong personalities to work with.