Maximum alteration of technology in any of these years


so what is the maximum possible amount of technological change(whether positive or negative) that you think could happen to a wolrd diverging in any of those years?











100 to 0: any time. All you need is a 'roid, a super bug, or the likes, killing us all.

Advances: a time traveler could at least introduce any tech into any of those years. If the time traveller brings along the necessary manufacturing equipment and energy, humanity might even be pushed to the level of any later time within the year. without time travelling, the best rates of continued economic growth were slightly above 10%. I suppose economic growth is usually half the technological change, so we get 20% change (i. e., everyone has 20% of his daily experiences altered in some way due to tech). But in some ways, technological progress appears to become faster - the romans had economic growth but little progress, we have lots of progress even in countries with little growth (see Japan). So even though you'd have to quantify it somehow, you can assume that 1900 might be closer to 15%, while 2000 could even reach 25% or more - just look how much mobile phones, computers, game consoles, and so on affect most of us. Not to mention cars with gadgets like brake assistant, air bag, and so on. Every day you can find something new in your local mall. That's what's actually happening, with interruptions (the two wars weren't really that helpful to Europe). Looking at small countries, there were times were for several years, sometimes even a few decades, growth was even higher - maybe double that. Some private companies managed growth rates topping even that - a country administered like a company might grow at 50% per year, if every decision is absolutely perfect. That means 100% technological "change" - in a year. As we're talking about single years, there might be peak performances. A backwards country being improved by an advanced country could easily reach nearly any growth rates, depending upon the difference in development. A country having the right ideas about new technologies in a given year might do equally well - without that theoretical limit, but with some practical limits. A big problem is that every progress is usually also a rationalisation - and it takes some time to fill the gaps again - find new jobs for the newly jobless. The faster you get people into working on something new, the faster the progress. Up to a thing called "technological singularity". I suppose that could have been reached any decade since we have useful computers (1950). It would mean growth would be measured by month, week, or even day, not by year.


I'm talking about what's the highest non-ASB variance form OTL's tech level you coudl get not time travellers.
I'm talking about what's the highest non-ASB variance form OTL's tech level you coudl get not time travellers.

I'm almost certain we have no clue what technology could have been like in the most variant of alternate histories. It would take more imagination than any one person has.
I'm talking about what's the highest non-ASB variance form OTL's tech level you coudl get not time travellers.

I delivered a version without time travel, too. Realistically, a 100% change would be the maximum for a year, though, for a country among the technologically leading already - that's not completely away from the best that had ever been achieved in rl (about 40%, guesstimate). Developing countries could grow faster. In the future, it'll likely be more.