Map Thread XXII


This is the next part of my 'longest-lasting version of each country' series. Previous countries that are still on this map have been whited out.
  • The 3rd Republic of Cuba (64 yrs) is the longest lasting permutation of Cuba in history. (The, colonial, Captaincy General lasted 406 yrs but was not independent).
  • Kingdom of Cyprus (297 yrs) is the longest lasting permutation of Cyprus in history. (Roman Cyprus lasted a lot longer but seems to have less grounds for being considered independent).
  • Great Moravia (apprx. 74 yrs). Note also the HRE's Margraviate of Moravia (736 yrs).
  • Kingdom of Kakongo (apprx. 435 yrs)
  • 1st Kingdom of Denmark (461/588/647/774 yrs) [lack of certainty]
  • Sultanate of Adal (162 yrs). Note also Ottoman Zeila (326 yrs).
  • Dominica (45/56 yrs)
  • Fourth Dominican Republic (57 yrs)
  • Wehali (337 yrs?)
  • Republic of Ecuador (193 yrs)
  • Ptolemaic Kingdom (335 yrs). Note also the Eyalet of Egypt, etc.
  • 1st Republic of Salvador (55 yrs)
  • Republic of Equatorial Guinea (56 yrs)
  • State of Eritrea (33 yrs). Note also Italian Eritrea (54 yrs).


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What’s the BNEE and what is it’s ideology? And why are the capitols of Britain and Japan in Winchester and Miyako respectively? What happened to London and Tokyo? Also what’s Ama-Ala?
The BNEE stands for the Bloc National pour un Été Éternal, its kind of a Hobbesian leviathan socialist deal
The Japanese capital doesn't shift to Edo, and the more archaic name for Kyoto is retained, also London is presently uninhabitable due to chemical and biological weapons
Ama-Ala is an OTL ideology originating amoung the Igbo which ITTL spreads across much of Africa (as European colonization isn't as intensive). It could be approximated as a form of communalism made up of corporate fiefdoms wherein the corporations are worker-owned
What does F.R.I stand for? (Also, Big México ♥️♥️♥️)
La República Federal de los Incas (Federal Republic of the Incas), I know this doesn't make any sense as a name but I can't stress enough that some OTL peru-bolivian politicians actually wanted to call their nation this
Is there a link to where the lore for this concept is? I have a lot of questions, not least about what happened in the 1960s
Yeah! I'm staring a graphics TL at the same time that will come to contain lore, so follow if you want
I don't care that I'm wrong, my headcanon is that, based on that label placement, all of Ottoman Rumelia is Montenegro!

Its over Montenegro bros (I don't personally have anything against the balkans, but I think a modernized ottoman empire is cool)
Is Hindu Rastra a reformed maratha empire??
Not exactly (POD is 1844, which is too late for that), but as a Hindu Nationalist state it does take a lot of support from Marathi areas

Its over Montenegro bros (I don't personally have anything against the balkans, but I think a modernized ottoman empire is cool)

Independent Herzegovina is interesting though, as a Herzegovinian myself (albeit with strong family ties to Montenegro, specifically Old Herzegovina, like so many Herzegovinian Serbs).

What’s Herzegovina like? Is it run by Serbs or Croats (I doubt Muslims since they are both definitely the minority here and would likely prefer to stay in the Ottoman empire if Bosnia did) or perhaps a truly multiethnic government? Is there any desire to unite with Montenegro?

And what’s Kotor doing? Similar questions: what kind of government, what are the ethnic dynamics, and is there any desire for union with Montenegro?
A Half Life 2 map where the Combine lost in the Seven Hour War?
Based on the graphics, it looks like it’s a world where the 1983 Soviet nuclear false alarm was actually a pre-emptive nuclear strike launched by Reagan, but Stanislav Petrov still refused to launch a retaliatory strike. USSR got completely walloped and Europe didn’t fare well in the crossfire but the US was only affected by a weakened counterstroke. Climactic conditions compounded the damage and made much of the northern hemisphere unlivable.
Since I worked so hard on this I might as well post it.

2051-2052 The Dawn of the Thermogene
2024 map game -  2051-2052.png

This was my latest turn for the dokidokiboy's 2024 Map Game. In effect the world was dealing with a major climate change tipping point where climate change was to far along to stop, which lead to most of the world to begin to fall apart as revolutions, civil wars, regular wars, famines, and mass migrations occurred. However as bad as that was things would only get worse as a major asteroid was heading for Earth which due to everything falling apart, had not way to stop it. The Impact would in the end impact Poland effectively destroying it along with a significant part of Europe.

Now the remaining 2.1 billion and dropping population of Earth are forced to pick up the pieces as many react to the complete failure of modernity and the entire previous decades of complete failure to deal with the situation. By this point the population of Earth are going into a radical new direction as many look to create a new world out of the ashes of the old uncaring of what the previous world would think or want.


As the old world comes to an end, billions lie dead due to the failures of the old world as the north is clouded in ash and the seas continue to wash away at the earths coastlines, while earthquakes and volcanoes further bring destruction to the planet an its people. Entire nations and people have or will disappear either from the the initial impact and later from the famines, violence, and genocide that many would experience the world over. To say this would be traumatic would be an understatement as almost every human has some sort of PTSD and anxiety at vest and the majority tend to have it much worst. Hundreds of ecosystems are just gone while others have been massively changed as the impact and its impact winter affects the already fragile situation.

However humanity lives on as millions look to survive the coming crisis by whatever means they can attain. None the less many have chosen to forsake the old world and its values seeing how they lead the world to ruin and have decided to discard the old ways choosing to do thing their own way as the old religious, national, and moral order gives way to something new. As the 2.1 billion of the Earth look to rebuild their lives and survive the coming challenges ahead.

Due to the deteriorating situation slavery would fully return as a global force as millions would sell themselves into slavery, indentured servitude, serfdom and so on as a way to survive and gain some support in a world where billions were expected to die. At this point even more democratic nations/societies would allow it to at least police the market. Cannibalism was not far behind as the massive number of dead would in some cases be to much to clean up and with food being scares many did what they had to do to survive. Even the more technological advanced nations would allow it although with artificial lab grown flesh as it became more economical to simply grow human flesh for both food and medical uses as a way to safe resources.

Across the globe millions have returned to the sea as while many escaped on boats looking to find a new home, many others have chosen to live full time on the oceans as being less violent than dry land and more filled with fish and life to feed the population. Massive factory, reactor, and mining ships dominate local communities while major fishing fleets allow them to survive at sea full time.

Due to the massive lose of habitats especially the Amazon, the Green movement would take a militant bent as thousands would join to protect the last rain forests/forests in the world by occupying them and setting up major military action while trying to avoid damaging any further. Using biotech to create dangerous to human wild life like neurotoxin releasing mushrooms or simply using military action they would quickly become infamous for their brutality especially those in South America, West Africa and Asia, as they killed thousands of people as they simply did not see any reason to provide mercy to humanity which squandered the world it evolved in.

As the world worried about the impact another asteroid would be found to be in a similar collision course for Earth. Many believe that this would be the full end of humanity but thankfully scientists are able to give some good news for once as it turns out that the Asteroid is slowing down and might break up before entering Earth. This was thankfully correct as the Asteroid not only broke up before re-entry but its chunks would enter over 2052 with most chunks burning up during re-entry some managed to make it and land. It was here that a discovery was made that the asteroid was filled with absurd amounts of gold, effectively gaining the name Midas.

Thankfully by the end of 2052 it seems like all of the asteroid has landed as no more mention of meteoroids falling in the same scale. None the less the meteoroids would mostly land across Western Europe, Siberia, and Central Asia with thankfully no casualties. Currently efforts are under way to collect the meteorites and its valuable resources.
Ecology and changes in the biosphere

Across the Arctic many of the local species would die while others survived either having become accustomed to the warmer climate or by widespread hybridization with other more temperate species. Notably Polar/Brown Bear hybrids would become the new major predator of North America succeeding greatly and increasing their numbers.

Notably in the Atlantic a species of Sargassum bio-engineered to be faster growing, more buoyant, more resistant to pollution, more nutritious, bio-luminescent, with a longer lifespan and with stronger stems that would clump together rather than break apart, would grow massively. Due in part from the increasing nutrition from all of the flooded coastlines, expanding deserts, deforested Amazon and volcanic activity, would quickly expand covering an area reaching from the Sargasso Sea in the north, to former Louisiana, across the Great Atlantic Sargassum Belt into Ghana creating a near continues mass of seaweed as the worlds largest organism with a surface strong and dense enough that one could in theory walk from West Africa to the Gulf of Mexico.

With the reality of this new environment it would quickly become a haven for people as the bonds between the seaweeds were enough to hold entire houses with several new environments rising across its surface while millions of sea life called it home created an amazing large fish sanctuary. Plants bio-engineered to take root in the mass would quickly grow creating a major rise in cultivation. All of this made the Great Atlantic Seaweed Belt one of the most south after regions as the massive amount of food, building material, and resources would lead to colonization and development of the area along with increasing conflict between the different groups in the area.

Further more many engineered species of sea-grass, kelp, mangroves, and coral are now spreading to the flooded coastlines of the world providing much needed habitats for millions of fish world wide.

As fears of mass species extinction took place one of the most successful groups was created to protect the global cetacean population known as the Whale Watchers. Being surprisingly well armed with modern weaponry and ships the Whale Watchers would manage to safe the majority of the oceans cetacean population by using brutal force killing any one that hunted the cetacean populations to such an extant that only the most desperate would do so for fear of suffering their brutality. It helped that they were actively supported by a large portion of the worlds remaining governments as many of them shared their willingness to preserve the cetacean population.

Apart from protecting the cetaceans the Whale Watchers would also go out of their way to create a vast network of Caretaker AIs across the Cetacean population which not only allowed them to better survive but thrive in the changing oceans. Currently the Whale Watchers would be the biggest pushers for animal uplifting out of all of the Deep Green factions as they continue to work to improve the intelligence of these creatures.

However this are far from the only major new habitats created by man. With the rising tide millions of trees would find themselves rotting away being a major obstacle for people and fauna and flora, which would lead to the creation of the Flesh. As for what the flesh is its really just a flesh looking fungi that is able to grow to immense sizes with many of them growing as tall as a man. Apart from decomposing dead forests, they also put back vast amounts of nutrients into the soil, helping existing plants to reclaim the region. For humanity they also make a major source of food for people along with construction material as bricks, bio-plastic and more is made from it.

Finally there is the Sky-Trees as they are called. A species created due to the endangerment of the giant redwood, the Sky-tree was an attempt to engineer a new species of tree that could fill a similar niche to it. However the project would quickly begin to add more and move to create a tree that could be taller, faster growing, more resistant to climate, and provide vast amounts of fruits, with bio-luminescence being added to further drive investment into the project. The project was a success and now the sky-trees are growing all over, with many already reaching the size of a man in about a few years, they are able to grow incredibly quickly as their limitation is nutrients. Either way the current sky-trees are already providing vast amounts of food, shelter to animals and even humans as they can survive being partially carved out, and even nutrition and light to the surrounding plants by their bio-luminescence.

While many of these were created in a last ditch effort to provide for humanity and wildlife other projects occurred as hobbies or experiments due so much money and resources being pushed out and no one really checking where those resources went. One of the biggest sources of this are the Dino-chickens. Created as part of an experiment, unlike their chicken parents the Dino-chicken was born with teeth, claws, and even dinosaur like legs. While the project was eventually found out it was decided to let the specimens live and simply grow them as another form of livestock. As the impact happened many of the specimens escaped and now many can be found out in the wild surviving in the new world.

The moves to uplift many of the engendered species would finally bear fruit as Elephants, the Great Apes, Cetaceans, and some Mollusks(squid/octopus/cuttlefish) would be upgraded using cybernetics to make them smarter but nowhere near human levels as many of those treated would be able to understand basic commands and even basic reasoning. Others have a caretaker AI implanted into the leader of a pack as a way to study them, but also to keep them out of danger from poachers, warzones, and to allow them to better remember food sources and fallow orders of their human handlers. Either way the local populations have manged to survive and are continuing to survive the current situation even with the massive changes occurring in the world.

Although done mostly to protect them against the changing climate, poachers, and violence, many would begin to use them for labor as heavy machinery was not always available. Of course many wish to continue to upgrade them and make them fully intelligent as many wish to free them from the situation they are in and actually allow them to make their own destiny.
Biopunk and other Technologies

While the impact saw the widespread destruction of vast amounts of infrastructure and technology, several pieces and information was saved into boats or bunkers where the technologies like fusion energy, bio-engineering, cybernetics, and so on remain. In general the world is rather anachronistic as most places are simply unable to support most modern technology forcing people to downgrade or sidestep the technological levels, with many only getting access to high technology by trade. For example one could be working a field using a plow and ox while being guided by a bioroid on what form of GMO to cultivate with the local AI working as the local blacksmith.

Other places have fallen towards pre-industrial or even pre-agricultural as many people near the death zones or surviving communities in Europe and Asia have found themselves in.

In many cases this has lead to rise of guilds and artisans who are able to work said technology trading with others in exchange for resources and protection. In effect Trade Guilds have fully returned as a major force in the world.

For the most part the internet as the global network was destroyed as many of its connection point were lost to the rising ocean or destroyed due to natural disasters. This lead to the rise of major efforts to preserve as much of the old internet with many people archiving as much as possible. Due to the current situation older websites that had already been archived are more easily stored with there being a surprising amount of knowledge about the internet from the 1990s to the 2020s. This would lead to the rise of nostalgia or at least a longing for the 1990s to the 2000s as many see that as the golden age of humanity.

Otherwise many new attempts at creating an internet are made with one of them being the Fleshnet. So called on account that it is made by taking type 2 bioroids and effectively using part of their brain as a server/computer with the person choosing to effectively live full time in a virtual space. While individually its a lonely life several interconnected would be able to communicate and create a full virtual world. In general the Fleshnet becomes popular as it does not require as much electricity or infrastructure outside of a wire to connect to the wider Fleshnet although the bioroids/people still need to be feed and taken care of.

Biotechnology/genetic engineering has fully taken off as the worlds scientific community saw the need for relatively easy genetic engineering especially as a way to recreate a new ecosystems across the world. Many of the worlds scientists would move to create the Darwin Creation Kit a kit filled with an AI based on Charles Darwin that would greatly reduce the difficulty in genetic engineering along with the equipment needed to use it. While the DCK would be sold world wide the coming collapse in the world trade network and many nations infrastructure left many Kits in the hands of only the most technology advanced or with the most resources to buy said kits.

Due to the increasing worry of climate change many Zoos have become incredibly large and developed as they house many of the last species population from across the world. Most Zoos in fact became major centers of biotechnology with an impressive gene vaults to hopefully one day recreate/reintroduce many species into the wild. However as the world feel apart Zoos managed to survive as their access to some of the most advance biotechnology allowed them to make deals with whichever warlord or government remained giving them GMOs, vaccines, bio-upgrades and so on for protection and support.

Due to the decreasing access to resources the creation of gynoids and robots would become more difficult and costly. However the creation of AI would actually become easier as artificial organic neurons and other alternatives to silicone chips became easier to make which would eventually lead to the process of Bioborgs or organic gynoids/robots. Using a human host the process would install an AI which dependent on the amount of circuitry/artificial parts would come in three types
  • Type 1 would go from simply being an advisor and occasionally possessing a person to act
  • Type 2 would see both person and AI increasingly thinking the same things that both personalities effectively merged
  • Type 3 would see the biggest amount of artificial parts into a person which effectively killed the person and the AI would be the one controlling things.
The technology would see widespread use as thousands of women would volunteer to fully transform themselves into type 3s to avoid the fate of mass starvation, violence, and death. Due to most of these coming from Japan and using Eves as a template the majority of bioborgs were women as it made the instillation easier due to the Eves being Gynoids.

In general human genetic engineering takes off as many try to change themselves to better deal with the situation. Bionetics sees the cloning of a persons tissue which can be changed and then replanted into that person. Things like organ transplants occur but many go further to upgrade their organs like better livers, and kidneys or for those who can afford it, more efficient digestive systems. However this is not that common due to how expensive such procedures are.

With the changes in climate many people have tried to change the very genetics of humanity and while basic things like pigmentation, height, gender, and so on can be easily changed, attempts for more extreme changes have been less successful. All but the aquamorph, or a person that was born with lungs and gills. Able to breath underwater these people have been the most successful in terms of dramatic changes to the human genome as several thousands of these aquamorphs were borne as a way to better survive in the increasingly wet planet. Although most are only a few years old they are developing well as the first generation of aquamorphs comes of age.

More common are Neuromods which in effect are a collection of cybernetic, hormones, gut bacteria, and new neurons which are implanted into someone to allow them change their brains for specific tasks. Due the current situation many similar changes are made which is leading to the creation of similar groups/clans of changed individuals. This would be-
  • The Secretaries who are people who were giving the greater ability to process and understand data along with greater empathy to discourage corruption and selfishness
  • The Terrors who were mostly soldiers who gave themselves greater reflexes but less empathy and general greater ability to deal with trauma effectively turning themselves into living weapons.
  • The Bimbos were those who wished to spend more time in experiencing carnal pleasures over general intelligence with a greater willingness to obey
  • The Mentants who were in effect human computers able to memorize large amounts of information and analyze it for their bosses
  • and so much more.
Overall the changes done by the more extreme Neuromods lead many to question if this people were even human anymore as their changes to their psychology make many of them not really act or think like most of humanity. With the already existing AIs and their willingness to serve, and the increasing push to uplift new species it looks like humanity might have to share the Thermogene with multiple new sophonts.
Americas & Atlantic

While the Americas would initially manage to hold well during the impact and the time near it the entire region wold quickly begin to collapse as the reality was that between millions of refugees, major natural disasters, and a lack of resources would eventually cause the most of South and North America to collapse in feuding states united by ideology, religion, ethnicity or simple brute force.

Both would see the rise of deep green states, theocratic movements, and the rise of independent warlords and militia.

While several millionaires/billionaires would seek their own safe havens in the world, the trillionaires would chose to simply leave land all together and return into the sea. Using their vast connections and resources they would build massive ark cities where hundred -thousands could live comfortably while massive amounts of food and other resources could be produced on hand or be extracted from the surrounding ocean. It was these ark cities that would settle in the middle of the North Atlantic where the Free Republic of Atlantis would form becoming one of the major economic and technological powers in the world post impact.

North America

Most of former Canada would see many of the millions of refugees that settled there, move south as the major rise in winter massively reduced the amount of food available leading to mass famine in certain regions with the Republic of the Prairie seeing over a 60% loss in population as only those who were locals or had important skills or connections would stay as they had access to cultured food from labs. However the hardest hit region was Alaska and Cascadia which saw the majority of its population move south due to the massive earthquakes and tsunamis which destroyed infrastructure and killed thousands effectively leaving only the heavily populated regions under Alaskan/Cascadian control.

Canada itself would fall to US government forces looking to control the flow of refugees and gain access to more resources. Quebec would take in a few million European refugees but would manage to remain stable as they took advantage of the massive Great Atlantic Seaweed Belt to feed themselves. A similar situation would occur with the other eastern Canadian states.

In the far north the states of Yukon, Nunavut, and Yellowknife managed to actually weather the crisis as their small population and access to the millionaires connections and trade networks allowed them to simply live in their compounds and shelters surviving on imported power generators and industrial growrooms, while getting the rest by trading their resources with the rest of the world.

With the Caribbean being heavily damaged due to climate change and the effects of the impact, most of the smaller islands in the region would be abandoned with only a few thousands people living on this islands. This would make them prime targets to the Dutch who due to already having territory in the region would begin a major process of colonization as there were few people to stop them and those that tried easily killed. Before long large parts of the Caribbean was now under their control as mass construction occurs with many more being done to build underwater and above-water habitats to prepare for the rising waves.

Cuba would eventually see the multiple gangs decide to push for peace between each other and instead bring stability into the area. Pushing for the creation of a minarchist state the Cubans quickly turn their nation into a major trading outpost in the area. The Dominican Republic on the other hand fell to Technocrats who would begin an invasion of what was left of Haiti.

Mexico would further fall apart as the Arizona Death Zone further expanded across northern Mexico cutting them off from most of the southern US and causing millions of refugees to stream south. Fighting between different cartels would occur while a Neo-Aztec faction was created from the traumatized population who felt abandoned by God would form in the north, while in the west a Catholic theocratic movement rose to cleanse the region of unbelievers. Finally the Yucatan and Chiapas would push for independence, while deep green factions took over large portions of southern Mexico. All while Mexico City sank and flooded.

In Central America due to its large number of rain-forests and biodiversity became a major destination from deep greens from across the world as they manage to gain control over most of the forested regions in Central America and Southern Mexico creating the Eco-state of Central America. Many of the governments would make a deal with them to effectively fund the construction of the cities and help the population move there which leads to the creation of massive megacities which extend far into the waters. The Confederation of Central American Cities effectively moves to become a major economic/capitalist state as they do well for themselves and their own minarchist governments. Panama becomes a massive city due to its position while thousands move there to hopefully find a better life while Morgan Industries takes over the state effectively gaining control over large parts of global trade.

The United States

The US would not have a good time as apart from having to deal with millions of refuges they also had to deal with massive natural disasters as the ocean continued to rise, the west coast and parts of the interior were struck by massive earthquakes, the Arizona Death Zone continued to expand. This was to much for the US and more importantly its people as massive anti-government violence would occur in southern Illinois between the government and Evangelist militia which quickly got out of control as the Evangelist took over the Kentucky and only spread from there starting a Second American Civil War.

As was stated the west coast was struck by massive earthquakes and tsunamis which killed thousands and destroyed infrastructure leaving millions to suffer. This is where the Morning Star would take over most of the west coast coastline enacting their rule and proclaiming the Morning Star Republic. Deeper in the interior of the west coast LGBT refugees from the west coast and elsewhere would come together to proclaim the Rainbow Confederacy an alliance of LGBT, Deep Green, and socialist movements. The biggest and most popular state was the Lesbos Republic which would become infamous for its matriarchal, misandrist, pro-female/MtF, views of its government.

Further south in the former Arizona Death Zone, the city of Las Vegas would begin to expand out into the abandoned major cities of the Arizona Death Zone giving complete control over the region along with major technological and economic power. Due to the spread of the Arizona Death Zone Utah saw the massive rise in Mormonism and theocratic rule as the Mormons began a major move east to better and greener pastures.

Across the Rocky Mountains the local American military forces would find themselves trapped facing off against the Mormons and the Heartland Confederacy which effectively cut them off from the rest of the nation. For all intents they are de-facto independent as the US is dealing with to much to support them.

The Aryans would simply harvest what they could and move back into their bunkers and mountain complexes as they simply decided to wait it out harvesting their crops and letting the refugees pass with some occasional trade or fights if they try anything. They did ally with the local eco-republic in the region as the Aryans had more than enough space to support themselves as is.

The native american groups in the plains would join together and create the Great Sioux Nation as they and their white allies went out of their way to protect themselves from the violence in the region. They would be fallowed by Native American refuges from the Arizona Death Zone as the Navajo and others along with native groups in Oklahoma ally with each other and drive out any enemies of theirs. Further east the farmers in the plains feeling taken advantage off by the government and refugees would band together and create the Heartland Confederacy. From there the HC would begin to expand as they protected local farmers and communities to create a major force in the region, forcing refugees to work for food and killing anyone trying to take advantage of them.

Texas would mostly remain intact but would begin to be overwhelmed by the massive number of refugees moving into their lands. The state of Louisiana would fall under the Louisiana Reconstruction Authority which would become de-facto independent due to the fall of the main US government. Building major above water and underwater habitats they would further take advantage of the GASB to house the thousands of Louisiana refugees. The rest of the south was a battlefield between Nation of Islam fallowing New African forces and Second Confederate Hispanics with the City State of Atlanta serving as a neutral trading and slavery hub, while the Millennium Kingdoms forces occasionally raided the area.

In the upper south where the Second American Civil War started, the Evangelist forces would manage several victories against the US government and would begin to effectively expand across the upper south and parts of the country before facing off against American remnants and other factions. Having secured the region the Heavenly Millennium Kingdom would be formed as the true nation of God or so they say.

Across the East coast the millions of European refugees would seek God and effectively find him as the Catholic States of America were formed to defend the local Catholic population against any major attacks from the US government and from the HMK forces.

As for the US government itself it is barely holding on as they effectively lose control over most of the nation while remnants of their forces are de-facto independent as they remain scattered and separated across the former US. It did not help that at this point the US was for all intents a brutal military junta willing to kill entire villages/towns for suspected anti-government action which did not give them much support.

In New England the locals would become enamored with the works of H.P. Lovercraft and the Wiccans as the complete failure of the US government and the religious institutions make many convert to the local Lovercraftian cult and Wiccan movements. To the south the city of New York remains alive but overcrowded as some 30 million people live on the remaining island which leads them to mass buy boats and other floating structures to house their massive population in exchange for their cheap workforce. Either way New York City remains a major trading hub as anything from weapons, slaves, food, technicians, and so much more is traded and sold.

South America

In French Guiana the French government would move as many of its population as it could eventually leading them to move into the rest of the Guianas taking them over and effectively colonizing the area as millions would move into what many called New France. Only Guyana itself managed to avoid being conquered due to its major population growth from the major rise in Indian refugees. Due to said refugees the Republic of New Bharat is proclaimed as the Hindu population fully takes over. During this time the Guyana Ecorepublic began a campaign against both France and New Bharat supported in large part by their allies an international volunteers.

Due to the massive wave of refugees the nations of Colombia and Venezuela would fall apart with most of the territory falling to local cartels who would quickly set up their own brand of minarchist governments to trade with the rest of the world. During this time members of the FARC would move to take over certain regions of the states which was a problem, but overall Venezuela/Colombia were doing surprisingly well as the new governments would quickly make a deal with the local deep greens, recognizing their territory for their support. In effect the Venezuelan, Colombian, and Ecuadorian governments would ally with the Gran Colombian Ecorepublic.

Peru would suffer some loses as the Deep Greens took over the highlands of the nation and set up the Andean Eco-republic, while in the west the major increase in European refugees and previous grievances with the Shinning Path lead to the Republic of Peru to take over the region and begin fighting the Peruvian government. Not all things are bad as the Peruvians move south into the civil war prone Bolivia and take over most of its setting up the Andean Peoples Federation. The Bolivian government has managed to survive as the APF is to busy and the Ivory State has decided to support them as a buffer state.

Due to Chile falling apart the main AI of the Atacama Death Zone, Francisca, decides to simply leave Chile to rot and instead to take care of the local population. The Ivory State, so called due to its white domed homes, is one of the most plugged in societies as apart from being ruled by an AI, the majority of the local female population decided to become Type 1 Bioroids to better support their families and nation, while many refugees have chosen to become Type 3s to gain entry into the state. Either way the Ivory state continues to trade with the rest of the world while supporting the creation of buffers states around it mostly ignoring the rest of South America otherwise.

Brazil is a mess as the massive number of European refugee is meet with a massive expansion of the Brazilian Death Zone which has expanded massively due to the impact and its effects on the weather. All of this would lead to the Evangelist to try to take over as they took over territory, proclaimed the Universal Kingdom of Brazil, which starts up the Brazilian civil war. During this time the cities of São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro would manage to defeat the Evangelist and government forces with the support of the local corporate business which gave them a significant amount of control allowing them to take over and create the Corporate State of Brazil.

During this time the southern region of Brazil would become a major destination for European refugees/immigrants mostly Italians and Germans who would cause an division between southern Brazil and the rest of Brazil especially as southern Brazil was overall much better off than the rest of the nation. The Brazilian Civil war would see southern Brazil leave Brazil and establish the Riograndense Republic and leave the rest of Brazil behind.

In the far north of the former Amazon the region would fall under corporate control who held a major sway in the region, which allowed them to take over and establish the Corporate Confederation of the Amazon. Divided in part along the Amazon basins many rivers the CCA would become a major refugee for millions of Europeans and Asians with millions of Ukrainians, Serbians, Greeks, and Russians in the northern portions. The south would mostly be divided in two between the eastern portions populated by Poles and the west by the Chinese. Either way the CCA would remain the premier global agricultural power, but the constant flooding would lead the CCA to decide to roll with it and begin the planting of sea grasses, coral, kelp and other marine life in the flooded and flooding regions, while the rest would see the massive cultivation of rice and other salt tolerant plants.

During all of this violence the Deep Greens would take a major amount of territory over anger at the situation of the Amazon effectively taking the rain-forests over and pushing against the other factions. Notably the Riograndese Republic would become a major ally mostly on pragmatic grounds of having a bunch of buffer states between them and the rest of Brazil. Due to many of these forests crossing international lines Paraguay would have to content to losing ground to the Mato Grosso do Sul branch of the deep greens.

The rest of Brazil would mostly see the rise of communists, Catholic theocratic militia, and farmer Green armies to defend themselves.

In Patagonia the massive number of refugees from across Europe, Asia, and South America have had enough of the governments control and have decided to go their own way. Beating back the Argentinean forces, they would create the Patagonian Peoples Confederation, a confederation of the dozens of refugee communities in the area. Regardless of their name the PPC is actually rather capitalist although one supporting the rights of workers and small business owners. As a whole the PPC has chosen to leave the rest of Chile and Argentina to rot as they build themselves up instead.

The rise of the PPC would prove a disaster for Chile and Argentina as they would lose a major resource region and be destabilized falling into civil war. Chile for its own part would outright collapse into anarchy leading to the creation of a few warlord states. Argentina would fall more gracefully but would still fall as the military took over Buenos Aires and the surrounding region but would lose the rest of the nation to several other groups as Argentina fell apart. Outside of the city of Buenos Aires, the Second Republic of Argentina was created while further north the Republic of Cordoba and Republic of Chaco were formed with the west being mostly ruled by warlord while in the south the Pampas Republic would form. In the eastern portions of Argentina corporate interests took over as they planned to take advantage of the rising tide to build up a major under and above water habitat.

As Europe heard of what was going to happen major moves were made by the remaining and rebel governments to begin major resource collection efforts as any major food was collected and mass rationing became the norm. During this time several million people would begin to move out as even before knowing where the asteroid would hit most new that the ash cloud would affect northern Europe the most. Across the world millions of Europeans would leave with many simply taking any boat and plane that could carry them while others traveled west into Russia which had surprisingly opened its border to any people of government as long as they were willing to pay with resources, factories, and scientific equipment.

As news that the asteroid was going to hit Europe specifically this mass migration would only continue with what is called Operation Europa as every cultural artifact, resource, factory, weapon, and so on was taken and sold or taken to massive boats along with millions of people to preserve the remains on European culture and people. In effect one of the worlds largest mass migrations would occur as hundreds of millions of Europeans tried to leave Europe to anywhere else.

Others would move into any form of shelter weather it be mines, bunkers, basements or new shelters build due to the asteroid would all become filled with thousands of people looking to survive. As the asteroid came Europe was already a devastated continent as entire cities were abandoned or just broken up and taken either to be sold or to be relocated somewhere else. Several seeds from GMOs resistant to extreme weather along with fast growing plants were sown across the continent to hopefully kick start growth once things improve.

As the asteroid truly came to the area many areas fully feel apart as those unable to leave would resort to drugs, murder, and other horrifying things while other prayed in their last days away.

In the end as 2052 came along people would begin to look out of their bunkers and shelters and discover a continent filled with ash and snow where several areas were left without life or even buildings as they were blown away from the massive air pressure from the impact. Poland was a blasted hellscape of lava at the impact site surrounded by bedrock, while moving further away one would find entire regions covered in ash or dirt.

Due to the reality that most of the survivors come from all over Europe, due in part from the massive wave of migration and refugees, many of the surviving states begin to form new identities for themselves with many being an amalgamation of multiple different ethnic/nationalities. The old Catholic, Protestant, and Orthodox religions banish from Europe as many of the locals have either lost their faith in the old religions or outright blame them for being part of the reason the situation got so bad in the first place.

Western Europe

As Iceland is racked by a volcanic eruption and quakes its population lies safe in the bunker system created by the Scandinavian countries, where their life support systems work for the day they will rise to the surface when the impact winter clears. To the north the land of Greenland remains under control of the Scandinavian nations, who were able to reach their redoubt/bunkers allowing them to save a few million people as a whole. In their bunker cities the Swedish, Danish, Norwegian, and Finnish governments remain as they wait for the impact winter to end so that they can reclaim the surface of Greenland and Iceland.

Finally across the south the Faeroe Islands are a hub for the local survivors of the far north surviving in bunkers, which they leave to trade and fish in the south allowing them survive even in the harsh impact winter climate.

Northern Ireland would fall to a protestant theocratic movement while the rest of Ireland would suffer from major rise in fighting as a large number of European refuges would live there straining food supplies and general resources. This would lead to the massive rise of the Gaelic/Irish Revival as thousands of people would join Irish nationalist who wished to return Ireland to before the colonization of the English and the Catholics. With the most of the major fighters exhausting themselves, the Gaelic Nationalist Movement managed major advances only to be stopped in the eastern coastal region which was to populated by the catholic theocratic refugee states to remove any time soon. Either way they begin their work of transforming the island to what they wish it to be.

In what used to be the UK, thousands begin to come out of their holes, shelters, and basements only to find the island covered in ash and snow but overall the damage would be comparatively less severe than the damage that the European mainland suffered. This did little for the locals who were now dealing with massively reduced amount of food which lead to migration as the Scottish begin to form war bands and invade south while most of the rest of northern England would shatter into multiple feudal warlords guarding their resources from each other.

Down south the Hindus would take over considering the English were more willing to evacuate English citizens than poor Hindus leading to the creation of the Republic of New India, while in the coast the English submarines would return and set up an English state while leaving the rest to rot, and the city of former London would be the center of new local communities based on scavenging and fishing in the flooded city of London.

The Kingdoms of the Netherlands would for the most part evacuate the majority of its population on account that most of the population lived above or below water which made it easy to just move major settlements from the drowned Netherlands and into somewhere else. During this time the Netherlands would become one of the most powerful nation in the world in economic, technological, military, and population wise that they would become the premier power in the Atlantic with only Atlantis and the nuclear fleets being at a similar level of development.

In what used to be the Netherlands many of the underwater habitats would manage to survive which would lead the Dutch to return and begin a major rebuilding of their territory notably making what used to be the Netherlands into one of the most productive aquaculture regions as their genetically engineered kelp, sea grass, and coral forests managed to weather the impact rather well and began to grow from the damage caused by the impact to become an increasingly productive food production area. They would easily move to settle what used to be Flanders, Northwestern Germany, and France while they would set up local puppet governments from the local survivors as they did not wish to move to inland seeing it as not worth the effort.

During this time states like Wallonia, Luxembourg, Normandy, and Brittany would appear as Dutch puppet states dependent on Dutch trade and support to develop and keep themselves alive.

As France and Spain saw what would happen the government would simply decide to leave than try to endure in their homeland leading thousands if not millions to their redoubts across the waters leaving millions behind. To say this would have an effect on the post-impact population would be an understatement.

In what used to be Western Europe, the White Death had survived having already build a massive tunnel and bunker network across France, Italy, and Spain as they fought against the national governments and tried to hide against them. As the massive wave of refugees came they would further expand said networks and create underground cities using the latest in stolen power generation to generate power and food in their hydroponic and mushroom farms. Managing to save millions they would leave their tunnels to discover a devastated France and begin the process of scavenging and developing the surface.

However the reality that their members came from all over Europe and even Asia meant that they would begin the process of creating a new creole language based on French, German, Italian, Spanish, Chinese Mandarin and Polish. From there further moves were made to develop their culture as the old Catholic faith was discarded as they blamed them in part for the current situation preferring an amalgamation of the European pagan religions. Distancing themselves further from the old world the Weiss State(of the Pyrenees) would be formed as most of the people would survive in the mountains.

While they saved millions many of said millions would die as the lack of food would lead many to sacrifice themselves to build the infrastructure to connect the Weiss communities across the region which further drove the culture together as the Weiss states were less interested in expansion and more on spreading their ideology together of a white ethno-states. From here moves were made to use biotech to create a standard pigmentation for themselves and effectively transform themselves into what they called the Weiss as a new ethnic group in the region. From the local communities of the Weiss Iberian Confederation, the Weiss Alpine Realm, the Weiss Apennines Realm and the Weiss Celtic State the Weiss League would form to develop Europe and transform it into their vision.

In Iberia the Iberian states would survive in some capacity as Catalonia, Galicia, Basque, Valencia, and Andalusia would survive mostly due to being abandoned by the Spanish. Due to the situation the Iberian states would join the greater Weiss League although they would retain most of their culture as they avoided the mass wave of refuges that moved across western Europe. Portugal and its survivors would fall to a theocratic Catholic government seeing the survival of Portuguese people as an act of God. Currently at odds with the Weiss League and the other Iberian states due to seeing them as a bunch of pagans.

In the Alps the Swiss have managed to survive in their major tunnel and bunker networks as they push out of the region to explore the devastated continent. While they suffered some casualties and loses due to the destruction of tunnels and bunkers the Swiss redoubt managed to keep a vast number of their population alive giving the Swiss a major technological, and population advantage. Moving into what used to be the Alps contact was made with the Weiss League which would go well as the Swiss at this point were more interested in trading and gaining resources which the Weiss were willing to provide in exchange of technology. Lichtenstein would be reformed as its small population managed to retreat to the Swiss bunker system allowing all of them survive the impact.

The German Neo-Nazis being abandoned by the German government managed to move south into Alps where some of them managed to survive. From there the Fourth Reich would be created as they begin to look for survivors of Austria and Germany. Making contact with the Swiss they would quickly become a Swiss economic puppet state.

What used to be Rome and Venice would be stripped bare as much of the historic city was taken to the new world or blanketed in earth to protect what couldn't be taken.

Monaco would survive by simply managing to transport its population into a massive boat and then return back to what used to be Monaco. Currently trading with the Weiss for resources and support. Andorra would take the Swiss route and simply send its entire population into a bunker. Currently they have agreed to work with Weiss to gain some much needed resources.

In the Mediterranean as millions moved across its waters the local pirates would unite in the need to survive and save as many people as possible. Creating the Mediterranean League the League would survive the impact as many of its captains would return to the region from the Atlantic. Rebuilding the local islands and resettling them with refugees, the Mediterranean League would stand as its own brand of minarchist state allowing the people to do as it wished while helping in the trade and allocation of resources.

Eastern and Central Europe

While Western Europe was devastated with most of its current population surviving by digging sometimes literally, most of Eastern and Central Europe would fare far worse. Poland was a blasted hellscape where only bacteria and about a dozen unlucky humans survived while the rest would not have much better time.

The Serbs had the easiest time being farther away from the impact zone and having a large number of mountains to hide behind allowing some hundred thousand Serbs to survive although that number went down as food was rare to find. Further south the Greeks would become part of the Mediterranean League as Greece became dependent on their trade, although some chose to remain independent and just move further south into North Africa.

Volts Empire and the Androcacy

However the biggest success story came from the Russians. Russia pre-impact was a nation under siege which would increasingly put more resources into its bunker systems for fears of a potential nuclear conflict with the west. As the Second Russian Civil War occurred the different factions in the war would build and store vast amounts of factories, supplies, and people across bunkers, trenches and forts as a way to avoid being destroyed by artillery fire or chemical weaponry. Finally after the Second Russian Civil war Volt would further expand these facilities as he prepared for an eventual war across Eurasia preparing for a nuclear war if need be. As the impact finally came further work was made to expand these facilities and make it so its inhabitants could survive for over the four years that the impact winter would last as massive amounts of resources would be stored.

Its for this reason that the people living in Russia would manage the best out of the eastern European nations keeping a large portion of their population alive and keeping vast amounts of infrastructure and technology as well. It was here that Volt had managed to survive deep in a bunker-city in Siberia where he would manage to gain absolute power over the population as he would begin the process of rebuilding the battered West Eurasian continent from its near destruction. With him gaining control over the remaining survivors of former Russia he would proclaim the Androcracy of Afro-Eurasia an imperial federation that proclaimed the overall superiority of man over women.

While many manged to survive the situation was still desperate as there were to many people still which would eventually lead to the thousands volunteering to give up their lives outside to rebuild the communication and transportation systems across Eurasia, allowing the transportation of goods and people across the land and connecting settlements saving many lives. It was this that allowed the Androcracy to spread across the battered survivors of Eurasia as many could now have a shot at surviving.

Eastern Europe/Siberia while the most affected by the Impact would become the industrial and technological heart of the Androcracy as large amounts of technology and industry managed to survive deep in the bunkers, forts, and trenches of the region. It was this that would allow the empire to field some modern heavy weaponry plus have access to modern genetic engineering, AI, and Gynoid production. From here technology and good would flow while the rest of the empire sent its resources for more of said technology and goods creating a vast trade network.

In former Anatolia/West Asia millions of Europeans and people from the Caucuses would flee pre-impact as many tried to get as far away from the impact as possible. The Turkish government was willing to allow the refugees to pass as they saw them as a way to gain a cheap disposable work/slave force. However things would take a turn after the impact as while Turkey had prepared several redoubts and bunkers for them to survive they underestimated the tenacity of the European refugees who would begin to attempt to gain access to these bunker-cities. However it was during this time that Volt's forces would discover the region where they decided to support the local European/Iranian population in their struggle against the Kurds/Turks. Due to the numbers and increasing access to heavy weaponry the Turkish and Kurdish forces were defeated and a majority of their population would suffer genocide as Volt's brother Pavel ruled from what used to be Ankara.

Compared to that Central Asia was easily annexed as most of the people there were desperate for any sort of support. With Volt's forces securing the area, they would begin to move the population towards the growing Caspian and Aral Seas where several thousands refugees would settle and begin to rebuild their lives, allowing access to the rest of Eastern Europe and West Asia.

In northern China a situation similar to the one in Central Asia would occur as by that point millions of refugees from Russia, Eastern/Central Europe, Central Asia, and Mongolia/Northern China had flooded the region leading to mass anarchy and starvation. Volt's forces would come in gaining the support of the surviving Mongols, which allowed him to take over the region as order was finally restored. In effect the provinces of Northern China would begin to rebuild as technology from Eastern Europe/Siberia flowed with resources from Northern China going back to Eastern Europe/Siberia recreating the ancient Silk Road.

However while having a vast empire was something that Volt did want, he was looking far further as he did not plan to just create an empire, but to create a civilization that would last for generations. With the millions of people from across Eurasia a creole language based on German, Polish, Russian, Persian, Mongolia, and Mandarin Chinese would form while the millions of the empire united with each other to survive the current situation.

Further the old religions of Islam, Christianity, Buddhism and so on died during the impact either from the mass death, the mass migration of clergy to other nations, or simply due to not being seen as worth fallowing with many feeling that God failed in saving the world effectively abandoning them. In its place the Goddess Church took its place made up of the women who felt partially responsible for the failures of the modern world, they would preach of service to the common men, with new Goddesses who were there to support humanity as their servants rather than their overlords. Only by being pious, hardworking, and good would they succeed in their tasks to help humanity.

Across the empire women would lead the charge in the cultural and ideological changes as many had seen the failure of modernity and would become firm believers in the patriarchal teachings of the empire. Notably women would be the ones to push for the widespread adoption of bio-engineering themselves and their children as changes to become more beautiful, more submissive, and more sexual became common. Others would instead push towards greater ability to do work as they would become the main breadwinners of their families as while the empire did push for male supremacy they did not care if they worked as long as they new their place.

The governments of Portugal and Spain would manage to escape to the Azores and Canary Islands as millions moved in there to avoid the horrors of the mainland. The entire island would be covered in cities as slums extended out into the water as millions tried to survive. Currently both Spain and Portugal are an Altantis puppet state surviving on their food aid.

The Maghreb once a region to escape from became a destination for millions of Europeans looking to escape the impact. While the government of Maghreb tried to stop them their massive numbers and access to more advanced weaponry allowed them to overwhelm the area and conquer it. With the food and resource situation being hard the locals of the Maghreb would begin to suffer from a major genocide as they were driven back into the Atlas mountains where the lack of food drove them further into mass death. What remains of the European refugees/invaders would create the Confederation of New Europe, a confederation of local warlord states united in keeping their population alive.

Further east the remnants of the Greek fleet would settle down at what used to be Libya where they would set up and settle thousands of Greek refugees. While most of the mainland is gone further settlements are set up in Crete and parts of southern Greece.

Even further east the Copts would be the major winners of the Egyptian Civil war or rather survivors as most of the population would be dead from mass famine, disease, and war. Either way the Coptic population would fully change towards the old worship of the Ancient Egyptian religion as many of them managed to survive in the tombs, museums, and other bunkers holding artifacts, which lead them to see their survival as sign from the gods.

Either way they would have to deal with the Androcracy who would move into former Egypt which saw many of them choosing to move deeper up the Nile and into the new lakes in the area to get away from them. Some trade does occur but overall its not the best relationship.

The Saharan Corporate State has managed to survive having suffered few major problems due to being so far away from anyone. Expansion continues under the Earth and mountains as they continue to develop surviving separated from the rest of the world.

The Sahel Federation and the rest of West Africa would fall apart as the Sahel doing well would spell its doom as millions of
West African refugees would travel north. Being to much for the Sahel the entire region would fall apart into a mess of warlords and other surviver bands. From the Chad Islamic Caliphate moving into the region, to theocratic Christian movements violently opposing them to just local warlords the region remains violent and unstable. Notably the Yoruba would come together under a local warlord and begin a conquest spree across West Africa as the Empire of Yoruba-land was formed, with the Igbo doing something similar.

Across the rest of the Sahel the rest of the Sahel nations have to contend with both the changing situation but also the rise of the Lord Resistance Army which has grown to new sizes and the Chad Caliphate and their forces invading the region. Ethiopia for the most part would remain as the last bastion of the TransAfrican Federation due to the large TF military detachment in the state.

During this time the region would see some of the most violent actions by the Deep Green regiments who would manage to conquer Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Guinea creating the West African Eco-Republic, where they would manage to bring some form of brutal order killing several hundred thousands if not millions of people. The West African Eco-republic would also be the major driver towards uplifting the local great apes and elephants of the region wishing to further protect them from man and the changing climate.

Further in the southeast the Deep Greens would manage to gain top government positions in Cameron, Gabon, and the Republic of the Congo where they have taken over the crated the Central Africa Eco-Republic to protect the environment and try to bring stability to the region. Unlike the West African deep greens the Central African green movement is less extreme willing to use force but not to the same degree that the WAER does. Currently they are fighting the Igbo warlord and his refugee army, along with the Islamic Caliphate of the Sahel to the north, along with several other warlords in the region. They are also one of the largest supporters of Great Ape uplifting as they do as much as possible to support and defend them along with the rest of the local habitats.

The Congo overall would see the rise of Christianity as the answer as the government changed to the Christian Republic of the Congo. Unlike most they have chosen a theodemocracy as their government fusing democracy with Christian theocracy. Overall the CRC would be doing well as a whole but they would lose a lot of territory to the CAER and their followers which not fully supported would be allowed to occupy said territory to act as a buffer state to the rest of the chaos of the north.

As the Impact winded down the Islamic populations of Africa, Arabia/Middle East, and Indonesia would travel in mass to the eastern coast of the Transafrican Federation hoping to find a safe-haven in those times. Due to the regions overall Islamic population the local governors agreed leading to millions of Muslims from across the world to migrate into East Africa which greatly changed the region. During that time and earlier the interior of East Africa had already become a refugee for millions of Indian and Chinese refugees and immigrants who would begin to convert the local population towards Hinduism/Confucianism which would cause a rift between the interior and the coast which would only intensify once the impact happened and resources became scares.

It was during this situation that the Transafrican Federation fell apart leading to the east coast to become the East African Islamic Caliphate. Unlike the others the EAIC has chosen a theodemocratic political system as they seek to preserve the rights of their people while still spreading and preaching the word of Islam. In the EAIC thousands of different groups call the land home as they seek to develop and protect their population. In the interior the locals would untie with the Indian and Chinese to create the Central African Confederation, made up of the local communities united to defend and better develop themselves from the surrounding region. Either way both the EAIC and CAC would still have a good relationship as both were more interested in trading with each other. Between both a general effort was also made to defend the elephant and great ape populations as efforts are made to uplift the local populations.

During this time one Nwabudike Morgan would effectively take over Katanga, the Cape Republic, Panama, part of Northern Angola, and Zambia by buying the local governments and establishing Morgan Industries a major corporation that would quickly set up major outposts across the world selling weapons and supplies to anyone and everyone as Morgan Industries and Morgan himself move to become on the riches corporations/person in the world.

In Angola the nation would see a massive number of Chinese refugees/immigrants who would change the nation. Promoting Confucianism the Peoples Empire of Angola would see a change in government into one influence by Confucianism with a move to create a new class of bureaucrats made using neuro-mods, with the Secretary being a person who would be able to compute and process large amounts of information while having a greater amount of empathy to push down in corruption. So far it seems like such a thing is working as the nation is doing rather well for itself.

In the south the Empire of the Black Sun would become even more controlling as it feel under the influence of the Chinese of their new conquered territory of Mozambique. During this time one Sheng-Ji Yang would gain influence and take over establishing the Human Hive. As a whole the Human Hive would take elements from communism, Confucianism, collectivism, legalism, and even Buddhism to create a state that put the emphasis on the whole over the individual.

To the east the Eco-Republic of South Africa would take over establishing a major front against any further expansion of the Human Hive as they try to contain them. As a whole the ERSA moves to also uplift its local simian and elephant populations.

Due in part by the rise of the Human Hive the Boar-Zulu would further move and take over more of former South Africa, where they would move towards an ideology based on militant survivalist with elements of stratocracy and trans-humanism. In other worlds the Spartan Federation would move towards a structure based on citizen militia and human augmentation with many hoping to make a humanity that would be better able to survive the changing world and anything else that out there.

As the impact made its way to Earth, Israel found itself in an incredibly difficult situation as while most of the world would mostly stop the fighting the middle east was to far gone for any major effort to save the situation. This would lead to the massive wave of Islamic fanatics and refugees to launch themselves towards Israel as a final screw you which would see Israel retaliate with their nuclear arsenal destroying the Islamic movement and most of the population in the area. Israel did not fully survive as their attempt to escape was attacked by Turkey which preferred to see the entire region die than give the Israelis the satisfaction of regrouping and retaking the holy land. In the end the Levant is left as a desert filled with ash and glass.

As the Levant burns the Islamic Holy Lands don't due much better as millions move there to pray, once the impact happens mass starvation and violence quickly takes them out with Israel taking a lost screw you by nuking Mecca and Medina. What few people remain wander the lands surviving on fishing and scavenging.

While the rest of Arabia is in effect a massive dead zone United Arab Emirates have managed to survive against all odds. Using their vast generational wealth of money, they have managed to remain stable and even thrive changing their main industry from oil, and into solar, wind, and ocean power. Even the rising tides and the impact did little to deter them as they simply became a major destination for millionaires, influencers, and those considered useful or beautiful enough to come stay. Going away from the Islamic faith the people look towards esoteric means and move towards a form of hedonistic philosophy, as the people change their bodies as they wish with biomods and bionetics, while bioroids and gynoids from Asia and Europe serve the whims of their masters. With the Gulf of Persia now theirs the Empire of Arabia has chosen to expand as their people enjoy doing so from their massive skyscrapers and luxury cities.

India/Pakistan would suffer again from the Impact but due to already dealing with two previous apocalyptic wars the locals were not as heavily affected outside of some groups that were wiped out due to famine or disease. The corporate groups in former Pakistan would come under ownership of Morgan Industries, while further to the south the Japanese would send more settlers into the area but they would still be few in number. The Aryans in the Deccan Plateau would regroup after losing people during the Impact and would decide to bio-engineer their skin to a whiter shade and make is so their women would naturally have more children with twins or triplets being the norm. Bhutan would expand a bit but knowing that the seas will continue to grow would see them move to prepare the region with the construction of oceanic cities and vast moves to transform the region into a vast fishery.

In what used to be China the situation would destabilize even further as both the increasing sea, and a minor nuclear conflict between the PRC(Beijing) and PRC(Yangtze) factions would effectively see both factions weakened. To the north Volt's empire would take over most of northern China while the South would remain divided between different nations in the area, including the PRC Yangtze faction now the Peoples Empire of China, along with several warlords in the area. Apart from that China would become the worlds major source for slaves, mercenaries, and bioroids as even with the massive drop in population, the Chinese mainland was still one of the most populated regions on Earth.

Tibet in general became one of the most fertile regions in the world as climate change lead to major forests and grasslands to cover the land. This lead to millions of Chinese to immigrate there as the Tibetans fully took advantage of the situation to create the Tibetan Empire, as they developed their lands and assimilated the Han Chinese. The only sticking point was the Sikhs who managed to take over eastern Tibet for themselves and repulse any Tibetan attempts to take them out.

The rest of South East Asia was not much better as they had to deal with famines, massive waves of Chinese refugees, and the rising tides. Myanmar fell apart into warlords and Morgan Industries outposts, while Thailand managed to move its people further inland or into their conquered portion of Cambodia. Cambodia itself managed to survive even if they lost ground, while Vietnam would fall apart into warlords with only the south remaining under Vietnamese government control.

Korea would fully see the revolutionaries win after gaining the support of both the Kim faction and the Korean military. The new Kingdom of Korea is in effect a patriarchal state, ruled by the Kims who are in most regards seen as religious figures and representatives to Kim Il Sung and his will on Earth. In effect Korea worships the Kims now.

Japan would be one of the nations least affected by the global turmoil as Eve managed the situation but even she knew that things would be much more difficult. Moving most of the people into boats or the floating cities, along with creating several new daughters, they would prove invaluable to Japans survival. Her worries were correct as the impact would cause major earthquakes and tsunamis across Japan along with the eruption of Mount Fuji, which would unfortunately kill her and her infrastructure. However the majority of the Japanese population would survive but now they would have to worry about the scarcity of resources. While a majority of those 65 or older chose to sacrifice themselves to take up less resources, the natural disasters had taken out a large portion of the nations infrastructure and agricultural land which still lead to scarcity.

It was with this reason that Eve's daughters chose to expand out into Asia. While they were able to manipulate the Taiwanese by helping the local cults take over and allowing them to effectively take over, the Philippines would go in a worse direction. As the impact happened the local Filipinos would panic leading to the rise of the National Salvation Party which would impose a Catholic theocratic, nationalist, xenophobic regiment which would kill thousands of non-Catholics/Filipinos across the nation with several thousands Japanese now dead. This would lead the Japanese to act to at first to try to stabilize the region, they would become increasingly brutal due to the Filipinos own brutality. Eventually the Japanese would simply begin a de-facto genocide against the Filipinos as the AI general Uyehara sent most man into camps and turned the women into bioroids.

The rest of the Filipinos would flee south in the hopes of finding a better life.

The rest of Nusantara would suffer as major earthquakes, volcanoes, floods, and tsunamis ravaged the region. Malaysia would fall to Islamic extremists who would take in several million Indonesian refugees and invade Thailand expanding across the Malay peninsula until the Thai military managed to stop them. Singapore would manage to survive the situation and even repulse a Malayan invasion and actually take territory with many Chinese Malayans deciding to support them allowing Singapore to expand into the region.

The rest of Indonesia fell to pirates, slavers, village confederations, warlords and so on. Borneo managed to avoid this as instead the Chinese population with support of ex-PRC would manage to take over western Borneo and establish the Kongsi Republic, while the rest of Borneo was taken over by the Green Society of Borneo who would commit a major genocide in the region as a way to protect the forests and apes of the region. The CSB would begin to uplift their own local apes like the other global green regiments.
Oceania & Antarctica

As the rest of the US mainland suffered so to did Hawaii itself as overpopulation fallowed by major damage from earthquakes and tsunamis devastated the island. The Japanese looking at how badly the area was doing would move in to stabilize it and basically annex the place.

As Indonesia fell several millions would flee from the west and begin to move in mass to Western New Guinea which would lead to major violence between them and the Polynesian population. With the island of New Guinea becoming a major destination for refugees world wide the entire island was having an incredibly hard time keeping order. It was here that members of the military and community would begin supporting the idea of communism as a better alternative to the current government which would eventually lead to a mass uprising across New Guinea. The Peoples State of Oceania would look to its past as head hunting and cannibalism would be used to bring order to the island which before long brought stability to the new nation.

The PSO would become well know for being one of the few visages of the old world as the nation would be a multicultural state willing to support anyone of any race, ethnic group, religion, as long as they did not cause trouble, with a democratic institution still in place. The other more infamous thing they would become known for was cannibalism which would continue although mostly in the widespread use of artificial human meat which unlike most nations, was done for cultural and ideological means compared to the pragmatic approach of the rest of the world, with the PSO becoming the worlds largest consumer of human flesh.

Overall the Peoples State of Oceania would remain one of the nations closes to most modern states.

The rest of Oceania was evacuated by the majority of the Polynesian people living there as they did not want to suffer from the continued flooding, rising tide, and famine that they have suffered the previous years. With their abandonment it was not long that many billionaires took the chance to buy the islands from them quickly setting up base. With easier access to technology that would allow them to survive the changing climate the people there would fully fall to hedonism as an ideology both in pursuing it and in making others happy which would lead to the Hedonistic State of Oceania to be created.

Now the people there have increasingly changed themselves as aquamorphs, or people able to breath water and air, are born in mass while others change themselves to better experience more as new senses are added or old ones are exchanged.

Due in part from all of the immigrants traveling to Australia, the Australian people have had enough as the land effectively fell into civil war. Around southeastern Australia the region fell to white ethno-nationalist movement who would close their borders and push out any non-European/Asian out of the area. Tasmania would fall to the deep greens as the Eco-Republic of Australia was created.

In the West the locals would come together and leave Australia due to perception that the government was taking advantage of them, which lead to the creation of the Republic of West Australia. Further to the north the local Indian refugees had out populated the local population and out competed them as most of the old wealthy families of New Delhi moved here before the Indian-Pakistan Nuclear War.

In the north what remained of the Indonesian military was invading along with millions of refugees while in the northeast the Chinese immigrants created their own state of New Qinghai. During this time the Aboriginals would create their own militia and push back any Indonesians from the northern interior. Finally in the east the local farmers and Chinese refuges would come together to promote the creation of the Agrarian State of Australia as they defended themselves against the other factions and the Australian government which they saw as taking advantage of them.

With the entire situation in Australia falling apart, the Deep Greens would flock to the Great Barrier Reef where they would set up the Eco-Republic of the Great Barrier Reef, where they would protect the reef from anyone and would plant several fast growing, heat and acid resistant corral to encourage growth and to build up their oceanic homes.

New Zealand would overall be one of the most peaceful places on Earth but even here there was division. Due to scarcity of resources many of the Maori felt they were being cheated and would create the Maori Republic in the north. In New Zealand itself the British/English Royal family make landfall and be greatly celebrated across New Zealand.

Across the melting continent of Antarctica several nations would retreat here to start a new life for themselves. For starters the governments of Chile and Argentina would flee here setting up in their territorial claims as several hundred thousand of their citizens now call this their new home. Further to the east the remnants of the Balkan governments escaped the impact and have settled in the area being for all intents the last region where the Baltic people remain alive. However the biggest player is Russia who managed to over a million people out into Antarctica as they now stand as the most well developed of the Antarctica nations. Only Japan has colonized the region outside of its original inhabitants and they have begun trading with them for resources.

Outside of that the local Antarctic scientists have managed to preserve and keep vast populations of local Antarctic wildlife alive with many of the local Penguins now doing rather well to the current climate. Currently they have also begun to introduce other species from the Arctic and in general cold resistant flora to transform Antarctica into a lush new tundra and forest.

In general I got a lot of ideas from games like "Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri", "Deus Ex", along with books like the "Windup Girl" and even several maps with Overheaven by NK-Ryzov and even Pachamama Despierta: Tales from a Biopunk South America by Thanksforallthefish all being a major influence with my turn. Hope you enjoy the general weirdness of it all.
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Based on the graphics, it looks like it’s a world where the 1983 Soviet nuclear false alarm was actually a pre-emptive nuclear strike launched by Reagan, but Stanislav Petrov still refused to launch a retaliatory strike. USSR got completely walloped and Europe didn’t fare well in the crossfire but the US was only affected by a weakened counterstroke. Climactic conditions compounded the damage and made much of the northern hemisphere unlivable.
Glad it is clear from the graphics. I hate explaining things in text, and I'm not good at it.
Is Asahara in Japan Shoko Asahara?
I recognize it as the old Mac OS Classic interface.
Technically, it's a mix of several old interfaces, but mostly Mac, yes.
How you'd make this?
Paint and Photoshop.


Gone Fishin'
@Kruglyasheo I see the Marcos regime entrenched itself and that South Vietnam won. Also is everyone besides China implicitly or explicitly aligned with Washington
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I love how Argentina, my country, is very Italian in the Philippines embiggen, just as in OTL.

However, that's not the important thing to me. I wanted to thank you for being the person who inspired me to join this hobby (now I have and a computer of my own). Your maps of DeviantArt, with those of RoyalPsycho and QuantumBranching, made me love alternate history and its possibilities.

Also, I would like a little bit of advice from an expert. How do I make the borders look natural in a WorldA and MicroworldA (especially the ones that treat timelines with divergences in the 19th and 20th century)? In the sense that these don't depend only on rivers to look good, and take into account OTL world subdivisions, mountains, climate, etc. Which templates should I use and which things should I do?

Again, thank you for all your content all these years.
I'm going to give a couple pieces of advice. Hopefully this is helpful.

- Since you already use, my advice is to have a couple layers active. I use rivers, elevation, and an OTL map of modern subdivisions. Rivers are useful for obvious reasons as they are either borders or areas of high development. Modern subdivisions help because they can help predict what borders will be like and can be references for OTL cities. Since you are particularly thinking of recent PODs, one piece of advice is to use basemaps for borders that don't change. Don't try to redraw borders from memory. It looks much better to copy over OTL borders.
- Think about every nation on your map. I keep a document where I try to list every nation I've drawn on a map. I might not have a name for every country but I have rough details, like what language is spoken and the general form of government. I've found that by having a rough history of the countries I am less interested in, it makes me think more about the countries I am interested in.
- Don't make anything a space-filler.
- Insets. If there is lore you think is interesting that cannot be conveyed on the map, consider an inset. This could be cultural (religion, language), economic, or perhaps political (alliances, form of government, dominant ideology) I like insets because they add to the depth of the map.
- Practice makes perfect. Keep on drawing and you will eventually get better. Every once in a while, you should look through your maps and see what tropes you use and try to break some of them. For example, if you always draw a disunited India, do an Indiawank for your next map.
- Read about history outside of mapping. Whether you're reading books or through Wikipedia, you will get new ideas that you can integrate into upcoming maps. Definitely keep a document with ideas you can use that you can reference if you ever hit a block.
1980 - Copia (3).png


Operation Long Jump is often considered by historians, the epitome of the stupidity and delusion of the Nazi hierarchs toward the end of World War II. The idea that the assassination of the three main Allied leaders (Churchill, Roosevelt, and Stalin) would prompt the Reich's enemies to surrender was simply ludicrous, but no one seems to have pointed this out to Hitler.

Inevitably, the violent deaths of the three did not lead to the collapse of the Allied war effort. On the contrary, it only increased the intransigence of the new leadership (Wallace, Molotov and Eden) for the complete defeat of the Third Reich and the Japanese Empire.

Berlin and Tokyo's attempts to slow their inevitable defeat (including the use of chemical/biological weapons and a disturbing obsession with confrontation to the last man) achieved only the nuclear destruction of Berlin, Nuremberg, Frankfurt, Kyoto, Nagasaki and Kokura.

The defeat of the major Axis members and their permanent division into multiple states seemed to have ushered in a new era of peace and prosperity. Although relations between Washington and Moscow were no longer as cordial as during the war, the cease-fire in China in 1948 seemed to confirm the successes of Wallace's pacifist policy.

And then in 1949, the Italian peninsula burst into flames following the assassination of Palmiro Togliatti. The victory of the Italian communists and socialists in 1951 and the subsequent expansion of Soviet influence in Europe ended any hope of peaceful coexistence between communists and the capitalist world.

Unlike World War II, however, the capitalist world would not face the new threat unitedly. Alienated first by Wallace's support for decolonization (including Ho Chi Minh in Vietnam) and then by President MacArthur's belligerant rhetoric, London and Paris in turn decided to create new political blocs to preserve their empires and confront their rivals.

These four powers were soon joined by the emerging power of South China. Enraged by Wallace's "betrayal" in 1948 and the Soviet occupation of parts of its territories, Nanjing soon moved to create its own sphere of influence opposed to all its enemies (real or presumed).

Ironically, Wallace's policies toward Third World countries were taken up and readapted by his more belligerent successors.

The consequences of this silent five-way challenge were felt especially in Africa. Ian Smuth's victory during the 1948 elections guaranteed London a stable and trusted ally in South Africa, while Paris set to work to establish allied regimes in its former colonies.

At the same time Nanjing, Washington and Moscow began arming various groups and supporting the creation of regional alliances that could increase their influence in the Dark Continent.

This silent war was fought in South America, not only against the Communists. Peron's and later Allende's decision to embrace the third way offered by Beijing made Vargas' Brazil a key ally for Washington.

This silent conflict partially ended in 1999 not because of a nuclear conflict but because of the incompetence of Soviet leaders. What began as a simple protest in Berlin over the excessive price of bread soon became a full-blown popular uprising that hastily shook the whole of Central Europe.

Only the reformers' coup against the old conservative leader prevented the total collapse of the Stalingrad Accords and, more importantly, the use of the Soviet nuclear arsenal against the rebels.


"Uncertainty." This is the best way to define the mood of the world more than a decade after the success of the European Spring.

The United States should be excited about the new global situation. The formation of the anti-communist Warsaw Pact has allowed Washington to expand its influence in Europe once again, and even in Africa communist forces are losing ground.

However, the Soviet bear is only wounded not knocked down. With each passing day, the slow military and economic recovery of Moscow and its allies goes on.

But even if Soviets have survived the 1999 crisis, their weakening is evident. While Romania, Bulgaria and the Asian allies are still loyal to Moscow, other communist countries are slipping out of the Kremlin's hands.

The Italians and Yugoslavs, always ill-tolerant of Soviet interference in their internal affairs, have taken advantage of Soviet weakness to create their own political bloc. Worse, even the Egyptians seem to be preferring Rome's arms and funding to Moscow's.

On the other hand, London and Paris are not having a good time either. Although they don't have to worry as much now about the communists in Africa, there are always Chinese forces to worry about.

Moreover, the specter of a possible reunification of Germany has come back to haunt Europe.

The German federation is a bizarre state. Although East Germany was the first country to overthrow its communist government, democracy in the country did not last long. Because of poor economic conditions and international isolation, the East German people elected nationalist demagogues.

The current German leader, a former stasi agent, is an access advocate of the inevitable reunification of the German nation as evidenced by his aggressive foreign policy and support for extremist groups in neighboring countries.

In this area, Berlin has found a valuable ally in the Sahel. Like its European counterpart, the leader of the Sahelian Republic hopes to reunify all of the old French West Africa under his leadership.

Nanjing, still disappointed with the continued survival of North China, is increasingly struggling to control its ambitious and expansionist allies.

Of course, the problems of the great powers pale in comparison with the threats coming from Algeria and Bharat.

The territorial partitions imposed by their former colonial masters along with the interference of the various powers during the Cold War did not help the stability of the two countries. On the contrary by the late 1970s, both countries became brutal dictatorships.

Despite the apparent differences between Algerian Ba'athists and Hindu fundamentalists, the founding ideologies of the two rogue states share the main goal: the reconquest of lost territories and the complete eradication of the various different ethnic groups on them. Rumors of biological weapons and other horrible being tested by the two nations for the imminent conflict have been going around for almost a year now.

These are difficult times, characterized by more and more nuclear tests around the globe.
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