Map Contest III: Round VI

Welcome to the last round of Map Contest III before we go into the final rounds. As per usual anyone can enter this round.

Again please leave this thread for the maps/explanation posts and post all comments in the Discussion Thread, thanks.

Your Round VI challenge is that of a battle or campaign map. It has to show at least a battle of say the size of Agincourt or a campaign map in comparable size to that of say the German invasion of the Western Ukraine.

It can be any era but you must, I repeat must, explain your PoD (for us poor judges mind you who cannot read your minds no matter how much Thande proclaims he can ;)).

Good luck and I hope to see the skill and participation that existed in the last round.

Because I want to see some good maps I'm extending this contest to two weeks.

Chief Judge SK
My map - the Partition of France during the Second Great War.

All errors in the names are intentional.

Explanation will be given on request.

Map contest VI final.jpg

The POD actually happens before the battle of Tippecanoe begins, but does not manifest until #4 on my map.

From Combined Arms Research Library web site:

"Harrison searched for men to restore the line. A fortuitous mistake provided him with a company of Indiana militia. Someone had mistakenly ordered Captain David Robb's company from its position in Major Wells' command. An officer recognized the error and held the company in place near the center of the encampment. Harrison, advised of the available company, ordered Robb to move to aid Spencer's and Warrick's companies."

In ATL Captain Robb never receives the mistaken orders, so his men are not available to strengthen the Southern side of the camp. It would take longer to get the men needed and Gov. Harrison is killed. -- Killing Harrison was the primary goal of the attacking Indians.

Aftermath: 203 Americans were killed and another 368 wounded. Harrison is dead and the expedition is forced away from Prophetstown in defeat. In OTL the Indian defeat at Tippecanoe sent Techumsa's cause into decline. He felt forced to align himself very closely to the British in the War of 1812. In ATL the battle makes the Prophet's prestige grow even larger (as does his brother's, Techumsa). Techumsa does not get killed in the British war but dies in 1813 in the Battle of Red Sticks where Andrew Jackson is also mortally wounded.
Well the voting has been tallied and the winner is...

:drum roll: [From a real drummer this time with a real drum!]



Congrats to euio.

And for runner-up: AirshipArmada with his fantastic map.


This now closes the six entry rounds so stay tuned for the final rounds where each of the previous rounds winners will face off to determine this year's map contest winner.