Magna Mundi - The Game

Hopefully Paradox will incorporate most of the ideas in it into EU4.

Also, did you just dig a grave to inform us that a grave had been dug?


Hopefully Paradox will incorporate most of the ideas in it into EU4.

Also, did you just dig a grave to inform us that a grave had been dug?
Hey, all I'm doing is reporting why it happened.

- Lack of trust; the leadership of UV has given a sunshine version of the project to Paradox and reacted with irritation and anger when we have pointed out obvious problems with the deliveries. It has come to a point where they claim the project is done, and the game is ready for release – despite the many critical issues found and reported on our end.

- Internal strife within the MM team; we have gotten information from members within the MM team desperate to save the project whom report to us that the project lacks active leadership. Key personnel in the project see what Paradox sees but instead gets silenced by the UV leadership.
The saddest part of the MM fiasco is that this probably means the end of future Paradox-modder joint-projects, despite games like Darkest Hour showcasing how such relationships can work out. Everything's gone sour.
The saddest part of the MM fiasco is that this probably means the end of future Paradox-modder joint-projects, despite games like Darkest Hour showcasing how such relationships can work out. Everything's gone sour.

They've said that they will no longer be accepting business proposals from part time teams. :(
They've said that they will no longer be accepting business proposals from part time teams. :(
On reflection, was it really a good idea to do a fully-fledged MM spin-off in the first place? Ubik's always had a bit of an ego (to put it lightly), especially when you look at things like the fun2mm project, which was a MM sub-mod that removed the piracy stuff and apparently made Ubik quite crabby.


Why? Darkest Hour is one of the most played Paradox games. This means there never will be a DH2 :(
You can thank ubik, probably doesn't help the situation that he wants to sue paradox. Such a situation would scare any company from trying this again.
You can thank ubik, probably doesn't help the situation that he wants to sue paradox. Such a situation would scare any company from trying this again.

Damn him, it is his own fault. There a lot of mods that die because the modders are not intrested in it anymore. The same probably happen here. Sorry but Ubik really is an idiot.
Why? Darkest Hour is one of the most played Paradox games. This means there never will be a DH2 :(
There may be a loophole, though it seems unlikely (given that the Darkest Hour Team is still actively working on DH) - it appears, given the reveal of Project Reagan, that they have nothing against continuing to work with teams that already have delivered (IE, the Darkest Hour, Iron Cross and Arsenal of Democracy teams), at least if the project started before the decision not to accept business proposals from part time teams.
It seems the game is finished, but there seems no intention to relase it. Hmmm...

It seems the game is finished, but there seems no intention to relase it. Hmmm...


Ever asked yourself why was the leak 500 commits before the final one when there was access to the same people for the final one? A hard question to answer, isn't it? ;)

I suggest you read the post in UV forums. It talks about it. :)
It seems the game is finished, but there seems no intention to relase it. Hmmm...

That is the Universo Virtual narrative, yes. The available evidence points to that being... not exactly a lie, but dependent on a fairly generous definition of 'finished'.
I played the leak a month ago or so. Heard rumours of it, googled a bit and found a link in a belarussian forum.

"Played" is an overstatement. It was an April beta and the graphics looked like 1994, the interface made the Office ribbon look usable and even the simplest action needed wading through too many menus and options. I played for a month, then crashed to the desktop when I sent an army to invade a neighbour.
While I am only a part-time Paradoxian fan, I find the whole Magna Mundi fiasco to be a really sad day in the history of the studio and the modder community. :(