Israeli Lobbying Groups Forced to Register as Foreign Agents

There were several cases ranging from the 1950s to the late 1980s where the U.S. government took steps toward making the American Zionist Council (a predecessor to AIPAC) officially register as a foreign agent, but this never happened. The possibility was raised in 2005, but did happen either.

So what if the AZC or AIPAC was forced to register as a foreign agent?

And if you really want to set the cat among the pigeons, have the same procedure applied to the Anti-Defamation League. After all, I suspect their longtime refusal to acknowledge the Armenian Genocide has to do with Israel being allied to Turkey.

However, the ADL is a part of the major Jewish organization B'nai Brith that isn't explicitly tied to Israel the way groups lobbying for the Israeli government.


The law requires that organizations be shown to receive funding from foreign sources. As such, AIPAC, which does not receive any money from Israel or Israeli citizens, is not liable to be registered as a foreign agent.

ADL has recognized the Armenian genocide, Albeit belatedly, In 2007 when Israeli-Turkish relations were still good.

Some Israeli right wing groups have called to adopt a version of the American law- which would definately mean most Left wing NGOs in Israel foreign agents.