Islamic and European World Comparative Technological Levels?

What where the comparative technological levels of Europe and the Islamic world between 1200 and 1500? When did the Europeans catch up, and start pulling a head of the Islamic world?
What where the comparative technological levels of Europe and the Islamic world between 1200 and 1500? When did the Europeans catch up, and start pulling a head of the Islamic world?
Depends rather a lot in which field. The Europeans tended to be ahead in fortbuilding, the Islamic world in more 'pure' science, and it's pretty hard to say who is ahead in the period you name (and if either, than it was swinging back and forth - the Ottomans in 1500 weren't behind but lacked the ability to get to America, and that largely by geography).
Western Europe and the Ottoman Empire were on roughly comparable technological and scientific levels in most fields until about the late seventeenth century, of course with variations depending on the field. Before that, scietific exchange of texts and techniques was relatively common and went more or less two ways.
Europeans had more or less caught up with the Muslim lands by sometime around 1200-1400 (again depending on the field and place). In the period discussed, the technological expertise generally available to both societies was generally of the same order.