Frederick Wilhlem VS Hitler

In OTL, Frederick Wilhelm von hohenzoller, son of out good love Kaiser Wilhelm II has the interest of running for become Reichprasident in the weimar republic as a remplace for hindenburg(too old and start to be senile by the position), in OTL his father said him to desist.. but ig in a butterflies he didn't say nothing let to become the Hindenburg sucessor??

How now the campaing gonna develpomt(in OTL all the political movement think who only the old marshall Hindenburg was the only one able to beat politically to the rising star who was hitler in the 30's), now how will be here, more close, more advantage to Frederick, and the Nazis will be quiet for a while or do an idiot mistake

comment please, i have a timeline idea..


Nivek von Beldo
Well I don't know enough about German history to comment on plausability, etc., but it sounds like an interesting idea, and I'd enjoy reading that timeline.