DBWI: What would a Soviet-occupied Poland look like?

What if, in WW2, the Soviets had managed to make a much larger comeback, say, Moscow and Stalingrad don't fall. While the Soviets did make a comeback OTL, I mean something much larger, and so by the time Berlin falls, it falls to a Soviet force, and so Poland and the Eastern half of Germany are in Soviet occupation hands, rather than the Soviets barely reaching the pre-war frontier as they did OTL.

I could easily see Stalin grabbing half of Poland directly into the USSR, giving areas like Galicia to Ukraine and other areas to Belarus, assuming he doesn't annex Poland all-together...
Well the USSR IOTL was pretty economically destroyed, but then again without those cities falling the economic comeback would of been beter...

Deleted member 1487

Well, would germany be as big as it is today? There was some talk about taking away prussia from germany, but the soviets might have actually gone ahead with the ethnic cleansing. The balkans might have ended up communist too. I suppose eastern europe becomes a soviet tool to use as a way to build themselves up again. I wouldn't put it past stalin to take everything not bolted down.

As far as poland, maybe the eastern portions are directly annexed into the soviet union. I don't think stalin would get away with annexing the whole country. Overall, without the marshall plan to fix up all of europe, I think things would be horrible in eastern europe. As it is, it took decades for everyone to recover. I suppose a soviet boogy man might come about to scare the rest of europe. Hell, if they get eastern germany, then maybe the rest become a seperate country sooner to counter balance the soviet portion. As it is germany took until 1967 before the occupation zones were allowed to reunite. They didn't even get to have a self defense force like japan until the late 70's. Maybe the russians would have gotten an occupation zone too? They would have had to come out of the war much easier though. With the over 35 million deaths suffered by the soviets in OTL and the massive ukrainian insurgency after the war, I don't see how they would be able to spare the manpower occupy all of eastern europe. With their overall poor showing in the war in reality, maybe in TTL they would be able to capture more than 20 percent of the german army, instead of having the vast majority escape west and surrender to the brits and Americans.

Also, had anyone looked at the possiblity that maybe with western allies wouldn't have suffered so badly in the war? The germans were able to use a mobile defense to bleed the soviets hard after they took back the strategic offensive in 1944 and concentrate forces in the west to contest the american and british offensives through france and germany. Maybe the blood baths in paris, aachen, and metz wouldn't have occured had the soviets been able to tie down more of the german army in russia. The desire for punishing germany in the US was tied to the price paid to defeat her.
Prussia being given to russia? That sounds a bit silly I must say. Would the western allies allow so many Germans to be cleansed?
Well if eastern europe was communist I suppose it would make sense if they were not monarchies, as many are today.
Hm, true- we have Romania, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, Albania, Greece... Though there are active Republican movements in Yugoslavia, and of course the Communists who took over briefly after the Nazi pullout and continued to hold some areas for quite some time were obviously not monarchists.

Back on topic, I wonder what this could mean- could WW2 turn into a WW3 between America and this uber-USSR with all of Eastern Europe under it's rule?
As well all know, FDR died in 1943. Perhaps he lives long enough in this alternate TL so that it is him, and not the Dewey administration governing at the end of the war? Of course, President Wallave was defeated in 1944, to refresh your memory.
Apparently Stalin had tried to talk the western allies out of liberating eastern europe through Italy. Perhaps it was a mixed blessing that the Red army was so decimated and had to rely on British and American back up.