DBWI: WarGames

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With Fall Brawl 2020 fast approaching, I was wondering what's your favorite WarGames matches, or indeed a Fall Brawl card, of the last 20 years. Also, is it too early to guess the main event at Starrcade?
Fall Brawl 2002: The Widow Makers-Sean O'Haire, Kanyon, Dustin Rhodes, and D'lo Brown vs. Booker's Battalion-Booker T, Sting, A.J. Styles, and Rob Van Dam. This was the match that redeemed the Fusient Era in my opinion. As for Starrcade, we all know it's Cody Rhodes vs. Reid Flair for the world title, we just don't know what match they're gonna have. Really hoping for a ironman match.
Even though it was only in the minors, Eric Anderson vs Quentin Bozera 2004 is a classic. Right before Anderson went to the majors he was in one of the longest matches that was truly great throughout.
Classic Horsemen (Flair/Sting/Benoit/Malenko) vs. New Horsemen (Styles/Daniels/Storm/Harris), 2006.

People really dislike the Horsemen vs. Horsemen split, for some reason. I thought it was great. It was a microcosm of the struggle between established vets and up-and comers that both WCW and WWE were going through at the time (and that WCW, ironically given their history, managed far better). The right ending was always going to be the New Horsemen standing tall and giving Ric Flair his Last Ever Very Definite Retirement, but it was a matter of getting there. They all worked their heart out - Christopher Daniels, to this day, still says it was the best experience of his career.
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