DBWI: German Reich ("Weimar Republic") general election, 2009

Which list do you vote for to compose the Reichstag?

  • List 1: SPD (Social Democrats)

    Votes: 35 26.5%
  • List 2: CNBPD (Agrarians, religiously affiliated)

    Votes: 1 0.8%
  • List 3: KPD-T (Communists, "Thaelmann" faction, traditional)

    Votes: 7 5.3%
  • List 4: KPD-SE ("Eurocommunist" faction)

    Votes: 5 3.8%
  • List 5: BVP (Bavarian Autonomists)

    Votes: 8 6.1%
  • List 6: Z (Centre Party, Catholic, Christian Democrats)

    Votes: 9 6.8%
  • List 7: KVP (Moderate Conservatives)

    Votes: 1 0.8%
  • List 8: DVP (Liberal Conservatives)

    Votes: 17 12.9%
  • List 9: DVNP (Paleoconservatives, Nationalist)

    Votes: 10 7.6%
  • List 10: DDP (Social Liberals)

    Votes: 6 4.5%
  • List 11: DHP (Hanoverian Regional)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • List 12: CSVD (Christian Democrats, Protestant)

    Votes: 6 4.5%
  • List 13: Die Gruenen (Greens)

    Votes: 9 6.8%
  • List 14: Unabhaengigsliste (List of various independents)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • List 15: NSDAP-ASP-DVF joint list (Nazis, Anti-Semites, Far-Right)

    Votes: 16 12.1%
  • List 16: RPD (Pensioner's Party)

    Votes: 2 1.5%

  • Total voters
The SDP have promised that if the Nazis get into a Coalition Government and the SDP is the lead party of the Coalition, the SDP will see to it that the only ministry they will get will be a newly created Ministry of Silly Walks!

From what I've heard about the NSDAP folks, they should get the Ministry of Sore Bottoms. ;)
From what I've heard about the NSDAP folks, they should get the Ministry of Sore Bottoms. ;)

Heh, is that the best you West Prussians can do? The joke here is that their ideal ministry would be the Nichtefickerministerium... I usually don't swear, but the Nazis practically beg you to...:D
Heh, is that the best you West Prussians can do? The joke here is that their ideal ministry would be the Nichtefickerministerium... I usually don't swear, but the Nazis practically beg you to...:D

I'll have you know I come from Hamburg. If you think that's West Prussia you must be an Austrian. :p
I'll have you know I come from Hamburg. If you think that's West Prussia you must be an Austrian. :p

By God, that's even worse... at least the Nazis confine their perversions to the human species... but you Hamburgers and your obsession with fish...:p you're practically Danes with a warped sense of humor...:D
Sure, make your excuses. When voters are low, we're attacked with false names and accusations and are called nuts whose time has passed and who are about to die out. But when we begin to win, you're letting us win and we're just silly or loons or subordinates of other parties.

The truth is, we are strong. The ASP and DVF are all but subordinate parties within the NSDAP sphere, and we are gaining. The German state will be restored and we will regain our lost honor, but that will only come under a state ruled by the NSDAP; not one given to the control of useless liberals and communists.
Well, if the Nazis get in I am going to emigrate the British Empire. Thank God my mother was British.
I'm 'alf-British meself, ol' chap! But let me assure you, it's impossible for the NSDAP to be dangerous, only silly, unless they got more than twenty percent of the votes. If that were the projection, I never would have voted for them. I only want them be laughed out of the Reichstag once they make utter fools of themselves! And if they led the Government, then I'm right behind you on the way out!
All right...

who forgot to give Norton his brain-medicine?

There's no evidence for his hooey, but he keeps repeating it over and over like a robot. And another thing... Germans regained their honour during GW2 fighting against the commies, or don't they recognize that? First War where Jews were let on the front lines, and their regiments did pretty damn good fighting along side the Brits if I remember.
From what I've heard about the NSDAP folks, they should get the Ministry of Sore Bottoms. ;)
Ah, the assertions on their sexuality, eh?:D:cool:

And I'm sorry to hear of the lady in Koln; I heven't kept up with the news today -- and I voted before the incident occurred if the news reports are correct.
Heh, is that the best you West Prussians can do? The joke here is that their ideal ministry would be the Nichtefickerministerium... I usually don't swear, but the Nazis practically beg you to...:D
Ja!:D But they can't get what they want... only Silly Walks if the SDP have any say with it.:cool: Have you ever seen them goose step?:D:p
Yeah - the only reason the BVP hasn't merged with Zentrum is because Zentrum thinks we shouldn't be "panhandling". Yeah, like we only contribute like, what, 20% of GDP - in just one state, too!

And we don't have 20% land area or population, which means we're contributing more than our fair share. But no, we Bavarians are bad drunkards.:rolleyes:
Ja!:D But they can't get what they want... only Silly Walks if the SDP have any say with it.:cool: Have you ever seen them goose step?:D:p

Yeah. At least the Wachtbattalionen (OOC: Guards units) actually do it in style - the Nazis march as if...something...happened to their behinds...:D
You're from Hamburg!? I didn't know that! Hello, I'm from Hannover.

Just a short ride on the Deutsche Reichsbahn.

OOC: I actually did live there for a year back in my college days as an exchange student at the unfortunately Communist-dominated University of Hamburg. There was a tiny turnout for student government elections, and the two top parties were Communist ... but one was a Soviet-supporting party, the other was East German supporting (this was in 1988-1989). So, ironically, the Soviet Communists were the "liberals."

The SPD students were generally in third, followed by the Greens. My boys, the Christian Democrats, were in FIFTH.
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Sure, make your excuses. When voters are low, we're attacked with false names and accusations and are called nuts whose time has passed and who are about to die out. But when we begin to win, you're letting us win and we're just silly or loons or subordinates of other parties.
The last time voters were low (and we're not there yet!), they came to their senses and stopped voting for you in the numbers that they had. And it was a fortuitous stroke of luck that that lone Nederlander Communist was caught setting fires in the Reichstag Chambers before he got to do much damage (just a few desktops). Now you know why you twits brought in a twenty-year reign of Social Democrats, and NO NSDAP Members of Reichstag? I want to see you to do that again! But you'll get fewer votes this time, because most of us know you're just plain silly! Well Deutschland could use a Silly Party, but we don't have one, so we'll settle for the likes of you!

The truth is, we are strong. The ASP and DVF are all but subordinate parties within the NSDAP sphere, and we are gaining. The German state will be restored and we will regain our lost honor, but that will only come under a state ruled by the NSDAP; not one given to the control of useless liberals and communists.
HA! You'll never be stronger than you were in '32, ever again! And you're still peddling that silly rubbish about the Versailles Treaty? We got our honour back in the Second Great War, the remaining 1st GW Reparations were annulled, and back then our country was run by so-called "useless liberals and communists" (you still can't differentiate between Socialists and Communists, let alone the two different kinds of Communists). Once you're out of Reichstag (again) it'll be time to contact the Imperial Silly Party of Great Britain so we'll have a Silly Party that's worth its salt, and not the likes of you!
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Yeah. At least the Wachtbattalionen (OOC: Guards units) actually do it in style - the Nazis march as if...something...happened to their behinds...:D
I've seen the sex-shops' showcase windows in Hannover-Zentrum. The ones that cater to wuermbruders like to display 450mm long toys :eek:; the Nazis probably have something that big up there...:D
Just a short ride on the Deutsche Reichsbahn.
And a short drive in a BMW on the Autobahn!

OOC: I actually did live there for a year back in my college days as an exchange student at the unfortunately Communist-dominated University of Hamburg. There was a tiny turnout for student government elections, and the two top parties were Communist ... but one was a Soviet-supporting party, the other was East German supporting (this was in 1988-1989). So, ironically, the Soviet Communists were the "liberals."

The SPD students were generally in third, followed by the Greens. My boys, the Christian Democrats, were in FIFTH.
OOC: Well I've never been outside the US and Canada, but from what I understand, even the moderate conservatives - Christian Democrats, if I've got it right - are more liberal and more socialist than the US Democrats Unfortunately, the US is still so wedded to laissez-faire capitalism and the two ethi "If you can't pay, you do without" and "Everyone gets what he deserves," that we can't seem to differentiate the positive aspects of socialism, and implement them, from the bad aspects.
Yes, they drink some, but if you want bad drunkards in the Isles, you'll have to meet up with the Stinkin' Irish Drunk Party in the Irish Dominion.

Only one problem with that: they stink. At least we Bavarians are clean while we drink!

Oh, and some joker over at NSDAP tried a putsch (sp) in a Munich beer hall. [sigh] When will they learn?