Basic Image Questions 101 Thread

For a level of truly super-simple questions.

I exported my entire Imgur account and I realized I've been using too many PNGs, inefficiently. I'm mostly just embedding images in-line, none of them maps or flags but mostly images of people, sometimes stills from movies or video. For instance the second to last image in this post is a screenshot from Tron: Legacy and it's 4.4 MB. Is that too big? I probably should've converted that to JPG/JPEG? Not a GIF, right? I've been backing up that thread and discovered this page 15 alone is 52 MB. That's too big, right? I probably should convert some PNG's to JPG, and resize some of the images to be smaller? Some of the other pages are 30 MB.

As far as I can tell, an image being too big is relevant mostly for 1) page load time time (particularly on mobile) and 2) when archiving the page locally (takes up more space). Is there any other reasons I should be concerned about these image sizes? Or should I not worry about it?
There's a couple options you can choose from to limit image size. I'd keep the PNGs as your quality will suffer for anyone who wants to use your images for their projects if you switch.

1. It's not about just resizing. A large amount of that image size comes from resolution. Your images could be too high quality for the forum. I'm not saying work in a certain resolution, but always check before posting onto something if you can lower the resolution.

Sometimes you realize that the quality of your graphics work better as actual printing resolutions than online graphics.

2. Instead of Imgur, I've seen people use Discord as an image depository. Changes the loading time for the image since the code isn't just native to the forum. It uses Xenforo's image plug-in.

Discord has a slightly faster time with image loading, something to do with thumbnail optimization.
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2. Instead of Imgur, I've seen people use Discord as an image depository. Changes the loading time for the image since the code isn't just native to the forum. It uses Xenforo's image plug-in.
Is there a way around the change they made recently to block hotlinking?