All Along the Watchtower: A Dystopian TLIAW

Man… Lieberman's aggressive handling of the secession crisis was certainly failure, but it's really easy to imagine such an approach being successful if he had been in office when it started. From TTL's perspective he must be a very tragic figure, someone who was just one cycle too late to save America.

The rate this is going, by 2022 only District of Columbia will remain in US.
And Puerto Rico.
Damn. I wonder if Vidal bothered to at least clear out the special weaponry from Dixian lands, or if the rebels have a bunch of B-52s to paint with the Stars and Bars and overfly the rump US with their bomb bays full of B61s and B83s. Delightfully dystopic!
Or it seemed that he would, but much like the first inauguration there was a timer set to his lifting his hand from the Bible. This time, it was on a suitcase hidden underneath the scaffolding of the stage. As Joe Lieberman shook Chief Justice Tribe’s hand, a dirty bomb went off, leaving the Capitol a charred shell and most of the senior membership of the American government dead.
Oh god oh fuck
EVERYONE WAS HARMED.jpg So, 2nd Civil War, Martial Law, and a dirty bomb assassination on inauguration day.

Maybe President Hunter S. Thompson would be an improvement.
Presidential review time.


All I can say is look at the 2000 election map to see how bad things have gotten under Gore-allower Vidal and the effects on poor Joe / Lincoln 2: Dixout Again.

We have USA: Original Recipe, USA: Salty Pacific Taste, and USA: Gator Flavor.

We now have a nearly-proper Confederacy, and we also have Deseret, because they always pop up in timelines like this.

And what with undetailed Pensacola? I imagine it's as bad as Auschwitz, if not way fucking worse.

It's time to tip the "V" in Gore Vidal over, because I'm more than a Lidal bit concerned about the United States after the guy left. (and massive L, too)
We can't say we didn't see this one coming, really.
the “America For Lieberman” government
fuck off

Anyway, I have no words for the rest of the latest update, so I'll let a better poet speak in my stead.
Leonard Cohen said:
what is coming
ten million people
in the street
cannot stop
what is coming
the American Armed Forces
cannot control
the President
of the United States
and his counselors
cannot conceive
or direct
you do
or refrain from doing
will bring us
to the same place
the place we don't know
your anger against the war
your horror of death
your calm strategies
your bold plans
to rearrange
the middle east
to overthrow the dollar
to establish
the 4th Reich
to live forever
to silence the Jews
to order the cosmos
to tidy up your life
to improve religion
they count for nothing
you have no understanding
of the consequences
of what you do
oh and one more thing
you aren't going to like
what comes after