AHC: Adrien Arcand as Canadian PM

I don't know much about Arcand beyond what's in The Black Book Of English Canada, and a few other sources about as in-depth as wiki. That said...

If relations with the federal Tories were already strained by the mid-30s(wiki is ambiguous about this, saying without source that Bennett "secretly" hired Arcand for the 1935 election), they weren't likely to get much better as the 30s rolled on, and would be completely severed by September 2 1939.

The only real way I could see for Arcand to rise any further would be either a) No World War II(in other words, a completely different 20th Century), or b) he completely renounces Nazism and becomes a fervent supporter of the Allies(like Charles Lindbergh, and Lindbergh almost certainly had a deeper reservoir of public goodwill than did Arcand).

So, either the 20th Century isn't the 20th Century, or Arcand isn't Arcand.