united states alt history

  1. What are Some Points of Departure that Would have Likely led to a More Powerful United States?

    Title says it all. I think it's pretty common to see America wanks in the alternate history community or just timelines in general where America has better standing. These might be timelines where standard of living/quality of life is better, America has better relations with other nations, or...
  2. Aluma

    How strong is "Hollywood America"

    Following a similar line to "Alt-History Aftermath Scenarios Implied by Media" I dont think powerscaling is really very popular in this fandom beyond discussions on stuff like "why Nazi Germany lost" but I've got a bit interested on this topic lately As most of you are aware, Hollywood movies...
  3. Liberty At Last - An Alternate United States
    Threadmarks: #1 - Introduction

    Hello everybody! This is one of my first timelines that I am making (excluding some certain attempts in the past.) This TL is gonna be about the US of A. However, I'm not going to spoil anything about this TL. As I don't want to promise much, I'll say that I'll post probably every few days...
  4. AHC; Create a second American Civil War

    Very shakily posting this in post-1900, but I think that's the more likely of the two. Your challenge is to create a second American Civil War, within the parameters of 1865-2023. Whatever the reason for said war is up to you - It could be racial, political, gendered or something else entirely...
  5. The Greatest Campaign: A George Wallace TL

    Hey! I've been thinking about this for a while, and formed an account to write this. I apologize if its a bit ASB-y, but basically the POD is a combination of Lurleen Wallace not getting cancer in 1961 and the US's population being a bit more conservative on civil rights in the late 1960s. This...
  6. What if George Floyd Survived?

    Would Derek Chauvin never kills George Floyd? Would political correctness and modern audience happened?
  7. Would Ferdinand Marcos be a Democrat or a Republican?

    In an alternate history where the Philippines is integrated into the United States instead of gaining independence, would Ferdinand Marcos be a Democrat or a Republican? Could it be he becomes a Democrat and stays a Democrat, or he's a Democrat and later becomes a Republican, etc.?
  8. Oba Cahokia

    AHC: Methodist Majority USA

    As one of the mainline churches in the US the Methodist church has been influential throughout America's history. What if this mainline church became the majority denomination of the US? It doesn't have the official state religion but come up with a timeline that sees the Methodist Church as the...
  9. Oba Cahokia

    WI: Reconstruction was successful in Louisiana, Georgia and South Carolina but still fails in the rest of the South?

    Louisiana, Georgia and South Carolina saw the most success with Reconstruction IOTL out of the rest of the South. So if these 3 states had avoided Jim Crow, Poll Taxes and Literacy Tests and solidfying Black Enfranchisesment while the rest of the South fall to white Supremacy the same as OTL...
  10. godefrois

    Alternate Development of the United States

    A buddy and I were making an alternate history of the United States if it owned Canada. I went to view previous threads by other people, but I found them to be lackluster, or that they got railroaded very quickly. In the case of this United States, Quebec, Nova Scotia, PEI, etc. took up the...
  11. Oba Cahokia

    Would the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 exist under a successful Reconstruction?

    I'm working on a Reconstruction TL where the US does a more firm stance on Reconstruction and planning out the events and changes to the TL I stumbled across a problem. I have no idea if the Chinese Exclusion Act would be a thing or not. I personally don't see why it wouldn't be a thing but if...
  12. West234

    AHC:From prison to the White House

    I recently got quite interested in how in the United States it is completely legal for someone to run for president while in prison. The most famous example was Eugene Debs in 1920 but it also happened with Lyndon LaRouche in 1992. Neither of these men actually came very close to winning the...
  13. Oba Cahokia

    WI: The State of Lincoln and the State of Sequoyah

    What if half of the Indian Territory was divided into Freedman's Territory and eventually became a state in 1910 with Sequoyah?
  14. Oba Cahokia

    WI: The Founding Fathers created the Confederate Constitution without the Slavery part and the addition of a Supreme Court?

    How different would American History would be if the Founding Fathers somehow ended up with the creation of the Confederate Constitution but without the unable to ban slavery and a Supreme Court?
  15. Does Your Conscience Bother You?- A George Wallace Victory TL
    Threadmarks: Chapter 1: In Miami Beach, they Love the Governor: Wallace in the 1972 Primary

    This is my first foray into writing an AH TL, so feel free to leave any feedback on this first chapter. I'd love for this to be a collaborative deal, so leave any ideas or suggestions below! I'm foreseeing this TL getting a little wild as things progress and I plan to use the polling feature...
  16. AHC: Create an alternate President for the USA

    The United States of America has existed for over 200 years, and due to it being a Democracy, has had many possible candidates for its presidency. Your challenge is to make the most original idea for a president of the USA possible, I'll start with my own idea: Elbridge Gerry would become close...