united korea

  1. Anime and Manga industry in a KMT-led/Democratic China and an united Korea - Could they surpass Japan?

    This thread is a go-to place where most discussions on this topic will be dumped as an "introduction", considering that quite a lot has been already written about this subject, but a specific thread about it has not been made yet, so the discussion below already explains the purpose and topic of...
  2. Ryker of Terra

    Geopolitical effects of a pro-Soviet united communist Korea?

    What if instead having a Korean peninsula divided between a communist North and capitalist South, we had an entirely communist Korea dominated by the USSR? I've seen a few threads like this, but they were mostly focused on what Korea itself would be like, as opposed to the geopolitical calculus...
  3. Tabs

    A Red Shrimp Among Whales-a North Korean Victory TL
    Threadmarks: Chapter 1: On the Eve of War

    DISCLAIMER: just want to make it clear before you read that I do not support North Korea, or authoritarian communism. Any praise for the Kim dynasty, the Soviets, or the CCP in this timeline are merely for immersion. I hope you enjoy. A Red Shrimp Among Whales Chapter 1 March, 1949...
  4. North Korea and South Korea: One country two systems

    What if the Korean war actually ended in TTL (in OTL it did not, just a very long ceasefire going on today) with the country being unified under the Communist North, but the south still has it's own system similar to how Hong Kong supposedly used to have it's own seperate system from China up...
  5. United South east British Asia as India

    ITTL the British leave all it's South East asian colonies as a single united federal strong nation called " The Federal Republic of India" .It consists of OTL India , Pakistan ,Myanmar (Burma), Bangladesh, Malaysia ,Sri Lanka ,Maldives,Singapore ,Nepal and Bhutan .It became independent as a...