great depression

  1. How would the response to the Great Depression be different if Coolidge was in charge instead of Hoover?

    IOTL President Coolidge's decision not to run for reelection in 1928 came as a huge surprise to most Americans. So what if Coolidge had decided to run for a second term and won? How would his response to the Great Depression have been different from Hoover's? Given his diehard commitment to...
  2. Hoover bails out the Banks stopping Great Depression

    During the Presidency of Herbert Hoover Wall Street Crash of 1929 happened. Hoover is criticized for doing almost nothing to stop the resulting Great Depression. Britain end it's Great Depression by ending the gold standard. So What if Hoover did same ? POD is that Hoover ends the Gold Standard...
  3. The Giant’s Vigor: An early exit from the Great Depression
    Threadmarks: Foreword

    Foreword The Premise In Paris on May 7th, 1919, Herbert Hoover would discuss the Treaty of Versailles with his friends John Maynard Keynes and Jan Smuts. They would agree that "The economic consequences alone would pull down all Europe" if it were unaltered. In 1931, Hoover would listen to the...
  4. The Denouement in Chicago: An Alternate 1932 DNC
    Threadmarks: Prologue: November 7, 1928

    OTTINGER ELECTED GOVERNOR BY SLIM MARGIN Republicans Recapture Governor's Mansion by Estimated Margin of 50,000 Alfred P. Ottinger, Republican Attorney General of the State of New York, has defeated Democratic nominee Franklin D. Roosevelt for the Governorship. With returns from 7,718 out of...
  5. What if FDR had lost at the 1932 Democratic National Convention?

    I've been reading up on the 1932 DNC to research for a timeline I'm hoping to write at some point, and I was surprised by how close FDR's coalition came to fracturing during the voting. For instance, shortly before the third ballot, the Mississippi and Arkansas delegations seemed to be at risk...
  6. Schwarz-Rot-Gold! - A Weimar Germany TL
    Threadmarks: Chapter 1: How Liberty Survives

    Chapter 1: How Liberty Survives “On the 9th of April, 1925, the retired German Admiral, Alfred Peter Friedrich von Tirpitz visited the home of Paul von Hindenburg. In the last week, there had been a tumult amongst the German right; no party had been able to gain the majority needed in the first...
  7. FDR killed as president elect in 1933 and his VP is a Keynesian southerner who’s also interventionist on foreign policy (not Huey Long), what changes?

    I’m very curious on this because I’ve wondered about how having a liberal southerner being the one to implement the new deal without caring of budget deficits would change how US politics would look like. How much support would he have in congress? if he tried to court pack would southern dems...
  8. Who would the 1932 Democratic presidential nominee be if FDR had lost his bid for governor of New York?

    FDR's efforts as governor of New York to address the Depression were crucial in establishing him as the clear front-runner for the Democratic presidential nomination in 1932. But his first election to that office in 1928 was extremely narrow, he defeated the Republican nominee by just 25,000...
  9. Second American Civil War 1930s Discussion Original Title: Foreign Involvement in a Second American Civil War(1930s)

    I have found that my question didn’t have enough context to work with so until me and the boys(the community) figure this out, we are discussing different TLs and possible new TLs. Original text: After all my research I’ve done it seems a bit of a stretch that a war could break out. But let’s...
  10. metheguy

    Happy Days are Here Again: an American politics timeline
    Threadmarks: Update 0:Watch This Space

    This timeline hinges on a very simple question:what if the Great Depression never happened? This happens through a variety of factors [which we will explore further in Part I,which is coming out as soon as i can write it],but the main one is Hoover being more interventionist. The ramifications...
  11. The Long Winter of our Discontent
    Threadmarks: United States

    The Long Winter of our Discontent How the West Shattered By Waldemar Hirsch, 2023 The 24th October 1929 is a date that will forever scar the human soul, it was on that day a calamitous short sell led to the collapse of the entire American economy in three weeks, the devaluation of the American...
  12. Political ramifications for republicans if Dust Bowl was compacted to 1929-1932?

    Obviously a little ASB but I was thinking about ways if the dust bowl was compacted to during Hoover years how much that would change things to the American political landscape and economy. But in particular how much more it would hurt republicans and if democrats would do even better in 1932...
  13. Vidal

    WI: FDR does not become Governor of NY in 1928?

    POD: FDR, fearing an electoral loss and believing he needs to focus on recovering from polio, refuses the 1928 draft attempts for New York governor. According to Jean Edward Smith's biography, Roosevelt repeatedly turned away calls for him to run for governor -- it was only when he was drafted...
  14. The King from Baton Rouge - The Long Dynasty and Beyond
    Threadmarks: Preface

    Excerpt from ‘King Huey: 20th Century Folk Hero’ by Jon Meacham and Tim Naftali (2015) …President Huey Long is undoubtedly a major figure in the storied canon of great American folk heroes, from Davy Crockett to the romanticization of Honest Abe Lincoln, ‘King Huey’ will forever remain in the...
  15. WW1 negotiated peace: What about the economy?

    WW1 concluded with a negotiated peace in late 1917/early 1918. In the peace treaty, neither side was required to pay any reparations/indemnities and both sides pledged not to introduce new punitive tariff barriers post-war. The US never entered the war and never provided unsecured loans to...
  16. Brazilian WI: Luís Carlos Prestes doesn't become a communist?

    Luís Carlos Prestes was, by far, the most prominent representative of Brazilian communism, having served as general secretary of the Brazilian Communist Party (PCB, not to be confused with PCdoB, which had a Maoist inclination) from 1943 until 1980. The "Knight of Hope", as he was known, became...
  17. TheDoofusUser

    What if Upton Sinclair became President?

    In 1926, Upton Sinclair ran for Governor of California as a Socialist, winning 4.02% while Businessman Justus Wardell won 24.69% and Lieutenant Governor C. C. Young, a progressive who primaried the more conservative governor Friend Richardson (a victory of 1.99%), would win the election itself...
  18. WI: The GOP Became Defunct

    Hoover decides to not seek re-election, and the Republican primary is hotly contested. The candidate who wins is controversial, resulting in FDR winning all 48 states in 1932. The Democrats gain another 30 House seats in 1932, making the House composition 343-87-5. No 1937-1938 recession, so...
  19. What would be politics today if the Great Depression never happened?

    I am interested i posted this thread to see your opinions
  20. Would a Democrat in his 1st term have the pull to get renominated in 1896?

    A number of threads have discussed how unpopular Cleveland was in 1896, and how any gold Democrat would have had problems. This made me curious. Sure, Carter was challenged heavily by Ted Kennedy in 1980 before winning, but the economy wasn't in the tatters it was in back in 1896. So, perhaps...