enver pasha

  1. What if Enver Pasha had been a truly competent military leader?

    It is undeniable that Enver was a nationalist willing to do anything for the Turkish cause, however, as we all know, his enthusiasm and bravery were his main strengths, but as a military and political leader, he left much to be desired, but, what if it had been the opposite? What if he had...
  2. What would a Ottoman Kaiserreich look like?

    For people unaware Kaiserreich is a very popular hearts of Iron timeline where Germany managed to with some rolling of sixes and some luck on events and PODs managed to win world war 1, it can be said to to be the template of German world war 1 victories, with Germany dominating Western Europe...
  3. Incanian

    AHC Enver Pasha Goes to Sinkiang/Xinjiang

    After Enver Pasha left the Ottoman Empire, he decided to help the Basmanchi Movement in Russian Turkestan to free, and unite the Turkic, and Muslim population in Russian Central Asia during the Russian Civil war, and lead it to glory (Enver was a Pan Turkist) But what if instead, he went to...
  4. Incanian

    Enverland the Haven of the False Sultan

    So this is my first thread on this site. I was a big fan of Alternate history since 2016, and I kept making a list for 2 years about Alternate history that came into my mind. I have 1200 Of them. My first post was about the American-Ottoman Alliance. I'm a Turk, so I love talking about Ottoman...
  5. AHC: Fascist Ottoman Empire (or Post-Ottoman, Pan-Turkic State)

    What alternate events could have caused the Ottoman Empire have turned into a fascist state? Would a longer-lived Enver Pasha be the leader of said state? How radical could a fascist Ottoman or post-Ottoman state become?