
  1. Which One Did it Better? (Axis Victory)

    We all know that the Nazis winning ww2 has been done to death. But the two which stand out most to me are "The Man in the High Castle" and "Fatherland". Which one did you guys think did the scenario better? Which one was the more enjoyable book? And which one was more realistic/plausible? (I...
  2. ISOT & SI AH (Published books only) List

    Need a list of ISOT novels other than the one's mentioned here. Especially sea lion press books. Time travel including SI, ISOT, etc are primary. There are too many Isekai to list other than Isekai ISOT. Sea Lion Press AH: ISOT: Timewreck Titanic Dislocated to Success series The Sea Eagles...
  3. JCC the Alt Historian

    WI: Barry the Rescue Engine Released in the 1980s

    For those who are not apart of the Railway Series or the Thomas the Tank Engine Fandom, Barry the Rescue Engine was a book in The Railway Series that was created sometime during the 1980s by Christopher Awdry, but was cancelled before it could be published. This book in the Railway Series would...
  4. Mr_ Bondoc

    DBWI: "Empress Theresa" Never Achieves Success!

    Empress Theresa by Norman Boutin has emerged as one of the biggest novels since the Harry Potter franchise by J.K. Rowling. It has been adapted into a film starring Scarlett Johanson, and turned into a TV series by Netflix, and all in the space of 7 years since its publication in November 2014...
  5. WI: Stephen King never writes Carrie

    In 1973, Stephen King wrote Carrie, his breakthrough hit. Overnight, he went from having to give up on phone service to save money to being one of hottest new American authors. Ever since, he's been a major part of the landscape of horror literature. However, this was by no means guaranteed...
  6. Modern Feudalism

    What might the culture of the modern world look like if feudalism was still the prevalent form of government? I'm talking about a society where the hereditary nobility and royalty still hold significant powers but the world's tech level is about the same as OTL. What would media and pop culture...
  7. Anyone have the Mike Resnick Alternate Anthologies as PDFs?

    Long time lurker, first time poster, and I hope this doesn't break any rules. I used to have all the Alternate BLANK books, like Alternate President,s Tyrants, Generals, etc. saved to my PC but I guess I forgot to move them across a few years back when I got my new one, idk if anyone has them or...
  8. Excerpts from "At the Edge of the Abyss"
    Threadmarks: Blurp

    As stated in the "Upcoming AH books" thread and after multiple request, my french AH book is know available in English as "At the Edge of the Abyss". After this intial post I'll share you some excerpts. Today the opening pages of Part I about which is about the Pacific War. Next time the...
  9. Shakespeare writes novels

    Could Shakespeare have written novels? Perhaps after the Globe goes poof? I know. This presupposes that he had enough exposure to the concept and that he was willing to. Since it's safe to say that OTL Shakespeare didn't have had much (if any) exposure to the modern concept of a novel, as the...
  10. Books on Medieval India

    I am currently working on a pan-Eurasian timeline with a PoD in Central India around 900 AD. I have however found it extremely difficult to find good resources on this period in Indian history, from roughly 800-1000 AD, and Wikipedia is often contradictory. Does anyone have any recommendations...
  11. Duke Andrew of Dank

    Top Books Never Written

    Another offshot of all the "Top X Never Made." Only this time with books. Ranging from fiction to even books detailing various AH events.
  12. Book I forgot the name of.

    Hey guys, I remembered this book I read a long while ago, and I'm having trouble finding it. I remembered some of the plot: About some kid living on the street who steals an ancient talking book (Either from Alexandria or Babylon). If any of you know what I'm talking about, please tell me.

    What if World War Z was adapted as a big budget TV Series on HBO?
  14. Appirinia

    What books did Anne Boleyn read/own?

    I've lately been trying to find information about the Boleyn family's library, especially what Anne might have read and perhaps owned. My biggest problem is that while there are seven surviving books( going by what Prof. Ives says) of hers, only the French Bible by Jacques Lefèvre d'Etaples is...
  15. DakotaTimeTraveler

    WI Dr. Seuss Doesn't Write Children's Books?

    Dr. Seuss aka Theodor Geisel (1904-1991) almost didn't become a writer/illustrator of children's books. In 1936, he tried to sell a manuscript titled A Story No One Can Beat to publishers who rejected it for many different reasons (some didn't like the cartoon art, some didn't like the verse...
  16. Incanian

    Anyone Know Any Good History Books About These Topics?

    So, I wanted to learn about a few historical subjects, and I think Books are some of the best ways to do so. If you could help me with the topics I'd like to learn more about in the form of books, it would be heavily appreciated, and if you guys think the thread isn't appropriate here, tell me...
  17. Books of the Kaiserreich

    Inspired by a thread on the KR subreddit by mcgrathc09, this is a game(?) in which you use the template below to create a book that you might find in the KRTL. Posts should be formatted as follows: Genre: Name of Book: Author: Content: Info about Author: Fun Facts: Extra Info: I’ll start...
  18. Best Books Never Written

    Akin to its movie and gaming related counterparts, here you can put down your ideas for the best books/novels (i.e. graphic novels, comics, etc.) never written.
  19. Petike

    "The Long Earth" discussion thread

    Anyone read this multiverse-themed series ? Thoughts, impressions ?
  20. Petike

    Scott Westerfeld's Behemoth