alternate presidents

  1. TLIAW: In The Rough

    IN THE ROUGH Eisenhower was a figure like no other. He was so popular not even a heart attack and advanced age could hurt his re-election chances. That being said this timeline will explore if that heart attack did stop his assured re-election and in fact his presidency in its tracks. This is...
  2. WI: Dr. Seuss in the White House (A Collaborative(?) Scenario)

    (A/N: Hi everyone, welcome to my latest ATL project, which I personally kind of consider to be a fusion between an AHC and collaborative timeline. I initially posted this idea in a “Strangest Presidents” thread by @MNM041, but I just couldn’t get rid of the idea, so I decided to turn it into a...
  3. Luxembourgish Jane

    Kyokuverse: Another Weird Timeline
    Threadmarks: Introdution

    "Science has not yet mastered prophecy. We predict too much for the next year and yet far too little for the next 10." - Neil Armstrong What spurred from a small personal horror thing, became bigger and I think better in what I have dubbed the "Kyokuverse". Now you'll be asking; "Jane what is...
  4. WI: David Koch runs as a Republican in 1980 and wins the Presidency

    Instead of running for the Libertarian Party in 1980, David Koch decides to run for the Republican Party nomination, seeing the Republican Party as the best vehicle to see through that his libertarian vision of the United States becomes a reality. Could he get the nomination? Probably not if...
  5. It's a Beautiful Neighborhood- A President Fred Rogers Timeline

    (My first ever timeline, so please be kind) In preparation for this timeline I have read two books about Fred Rogers, The Good Neighbor and Peaceful Neighbor which I both recommend if you have not read them. March 20th, 1928: Fred Rogers was born in Latrobe, PA. 1946- 1951: Rogers attended...
  6. MNM041

    AHC: President John D. Rockefeller

    I've been watching the analog horror series Monument Mythos. One of the less talked about aspects of the alternate timeline is this takes place in, is that it's established that John D. Rockefeller, the famous oil tycoon, served two terms as president of the United States. Is there as scenario...
  7. MNM041

    AHC: Strangest President

    I want to see if we can come up with scenarios where the most outlandish candidates to end up on the debate stage for any US election end up getting elected to the highest office in the land. Give me your Jimmy McMillans, your Harley Browns, your Basil Marceauxs, your Marianne Williamsons. If...
  8. MNM041

    AHC: Make One Of John Tyler's Grandsons President

    The 10th United States President John Tyler actually has a grandson currently alive, and another who passed away in 2019. I know it's random, but would a scenario where one of them became president be possible? I just find the idea really funny.
  9. MNM041

    AHC: President Stan Lee

    This was admittedly inspired by his cameo in Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2, but I'm genuinely curious, is there a scenario where Stan Lee becoming president sounds plausible?
  10. MNM041

    DEAN DEMOCRACY: The Presidency of James Dean and Beyond
    Threadmarks: Intro

    So, to get this out of the way real quick, this inspired by Monument Mythos, but I'm attempting to create a realistic scenario for all this, with some bits taken from how people speculated Dean would have become President in an AHC. Of course the big POD is that he survives his 1955 car crash...
  11. Hope and Strife
    Threadmarks: Chapter 1; The Campaigns

    Hope and Strife; A Cold War political timeline...
  12. AHC: Create an alternate list of Presidents that do not contain ANY of the Presidents in our timeline

    Basically just make a list of Presidents that don't include people like George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, etc. Bonus points if there's lore
  13. Anyone have the Mike Resnick Alternate Anthologies as PDFs?

    Long time lurker, first time poster, and I hope this doesn't break any rules. I used to have all the Alternate BLANK books, like Alternate President,s Tyrants, Generals, etc. saved to my PC but I guess I forgot to move them across a few years back when I got my new one, idk if anyone has them or...
  14. VermontFlannel

    America's first King: The Nixon Presley bid of 1972, and the Elvis Administration. (an Alternate election story)

    One of the most famous anecdotes and photographs of Nixon's first term was his meeting with Elvis Presley in December of 1970. Elvis was always a huge fan of collecting various badges and he went to Nixon saying that he could be of great use in fighting drug abuse and subversive sentiments in...
  15. Odinson

    Favorite Alternate Presidents

    Seeing as Monday was President's Day in America, I thought I'd ask a question; Who is your favorite historical figure to use as President of the United States in alternate history? For me, my personal favorite is Davy Crockett.
  16. GauchoBadger

    How would president Charles Hughes handle the aftermath of WWI?

    Charles Evans Hughes was an US politician noteworthy for being Woodrow Wilson's opponent as Republican nominee during the 1916 elections. He ran on a belligerent campaign in favor of US involvement in WWI (which would prove itself redundant as Wilson joined the war on the Entente's side anyway)...
  17. TheNixonator

    Won’t you be my President? - A Fred Rogers Timeline

    I have been thinking of making either a TLIAW or a full on timeline. Of course a TLIAW would be easier (also less “scary”) but then again the only way to make a timeline is to, well, make timeline Oh yeah, so this is a president Fred Rogers timeline
  18. What Would Have An Alexander Hamilton Presidency Have Looked Like?

    Basically what it says in the post. Alexander Hamilton, great founding father, and subject matter for a great Musical, who's potential and drive for the Presidency was for better or worse squandered by both an affair and Aaron Burr's Bullet. If both the affair and his death had never happened...
  19. RomneysAltHistory

    What if Mitt Romney & Paul Ryan defeated Hillary in 2016 election?

    Romney's Cabinet (2018) Vice President: Paul Ryan Sec of Defense: Michael Hayden (fmr. intelligence officer) Sec of State: John McCain (U.S. senator) Sec of Treasury: Jon Huntsman (fmr. Utah governor) Attorney General: Sean Reyes (Utah attorney general) Sec of HUD: Mike Crapo (U.S. Senator) Sec...
  20. Kerguelen

    WI: President Colonel Sanders

    What if the fast food god, Colonel Harland Davis Sanders was elected president of the United States of America. In real life, he had experience as a gas station attendant, an insurance salesman, and of course, a fry cook before the dawn of World War Two. Eventually, he opened up a chain of...