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  1. Gustavus Adolfus conquer Germany, Poland-Lithuania,Denmark-Norway

    Right, so, Charlie Gustav couldnt take PLC when half of it was controlled by Cossacks and Russians, and of the remaining part half surrendered to him without fight. Best luck taking on it at its strongest
  2. Polish Lithuanian Russian Swedish Commonwealth

    Among the commoners, I think. And Charlie-boy, but he wanted the power for himself anyway. The Commonwealth and dynastic unions are two completely different things. It is posible for Sigismund to be King of Poland and king of Sweden, and make Władysław tsar of Moscow, and it might even be...
  3. AHQ: Fate of Russia in a surviving Byzantine TL

    The OP is so general that the butterflies might lead to any outcome. And anyway, the survival of Byzantium would have much bigger consequences in Balkans than in Rus. The one sure thing is that unless some weirdness happens, whatever unites Russia wont be the only independent orthodox country...
  4. Polish Lithuanian Russian Swedish Commonwealth

    As for Sweden - Sigismund wins decisively at Stegeborg, destroys the rebel army and captures Charles and has him beheaded (or imprisoned in some castle in Poland if Sigismund is pathologically merciful) and replaced with some less greedy and less fanatical regent, perhaps his sister or or...
  5. Polish Lithuanian Russian Swedish Commonwealth

    PLC alone was barely managable in better times, adding Sweden would turn it into complete mess, and with Russia it would be about as manageble as HRE at its worst. Unless you first mdify it so far it has little in common with the otl PLC besides the name.
  6. AHC: Make Bridgerton realistic. Africans intermix with European nobility.

    At higher level as well, as long as you dont bring european women in
  7. WI Prussian royal family perishes in war of 4th coalition

    Mybe, but what would be more immediate effect, like, would it change how the ttl Tilsit goes?
  8. WI Prussian royal family perishes in war of 4th coalition

    As in the title what would be the effects of the entire Prussian royal family dying off during the war of 1806-1807? Some die in battle, other die in accidents, couple are murdered by French soldiers, and finally what's remained of them dies of some or another ilness in winter? Anyway, by the...
  9. AHC: Make Escort Carriers Prevalent Among Developing Nations During The Cold War.

    No, especially when you can launch planes from East Germany in case of Baltic, and Bulagaria, Crimea nad Georgia in case of Black Sea. Buying couple dozen more planes instead or gaining aerial refueling capability would make more sense
  10. The “Magnificent Age” - Catherine II TL

    The agricultural sector of the region was big but not strong; probably the serfdom was the reason why more advanced economic forms could not start spinning, the domestic consumption was quite weak.
  11. The “Magnificent Age” - Catherine II TL

    They did and, because they lacked capital, they paid for it with their own people's blood
  12. The “Magnificent Age” - Catherine II TL

    Actually, I forgot the most important: tokay
  13. The “Magnificent Age” - Catherine II TL

    You know how colonial powers sailed around the world and invaded various less advanced countries and forced treaties on them that made them produce basic goods and exchange them for developed goods? Our geniuses did that to themselves, so they could sell their grain and buy manufactured goods...
  14. The “Magnificent Age” - Catherine II TL

    Assuming they would not blow it on whores, operas and paintings: Probably better for Habsburgs and company, for Swedes it depends, Hohenzollerns of course wouldn't get anywhere and could rot in their margraviate, with Turks it's complicated, for Tatars it would be worse, and with Russians we...
  15. The “Magnificent Age” - Catherine II TL

    Some of them did. And being an economic colony of Amsterdam was the source of the remaining problems....
  16. The “Magnificent Age” - Catherine II TL

    Important note to all SI time travellers: get yourself some pet philosophers for hire Stockholm. And most of Poland's trouble stems from som of their kings not realizing that. That and not having money independent from Sejm.
  17. How to reunite Poland?

    Parisians subjugated the rest of the country and forced their culture on it, didnt they?
  18. Robert Falcon Scott survives returning from the South Pole

    pointlessly dying while trying to win some vain glory is not sacrifice but suicide and there is nothing heroic about it, we dont call those who die to make a perfect selfie heroes after all Well, at least he didnt send couple thousand men into machine gun fire to win some medal or promotion...