Recent content by KN1

  1. Alternate Wikipedia Infoboxes VII (Do Not Post Current Politics or Political Figures Here)

    Not often you see a Draka thats not a slavocratic superpower, but a “normal” country. Love to see more!
  2. Map Thread XXI

    Great map, not only for the unique scenario but for the particularly pleasing color palette you chose. Is New Albion the original English claimed area with an actual settler base, or a British Rupert's Land* wank?
  3. Nothing For Which to Apologize: Ambition and Loathing in the New South

    What an awful hole the United States seems to have fallen into.
  4. Long term effects of no "Confederation Wars" in South Africa on African rights?

    Bump, also wondering whether removing Cecil Rhodes and the Progressive Party might be accomplish something similar, even if the wars still occurred.
  5. Could an earlier, rougher American entry into WW1 lead to de-facto desegregation of the military?

    Would a better question be then, who could be a more forcefully liberal Secretary of War?
  6. Could an earlier, rougher American entry into WW1 lead to de-facto desegregation of the military?

    Well, that goes without saying. I was under the assumption that the only way America could join earlier in the first place was to have someone other than Wilson. But who then? Roosevelt may be the cliche answer, but I couldn't think of anyone else besides maybe Lodge?
  7. Could an earlier, rougher American entry into WW1 lead to de-facto desegregation of the military?

    (Inspired by Reds! making use of a similar theme, albeit in a TL with a much earlier PoD.) Would it be possible for an earlier American entry into the war on the Entente that, for any number of reasons/PoDs (an under equipped and unprepared Army, for instance), leads to heavy losses and...
  8. Long term effects of no "Confederation Wars" in South Africa on African rights?

    The Earl of Carnavon's appointment of Henry Bartle Frere as High Commissioner of Southern Africa resulted in his disastrous attempts to bring all of Southern Africa under a British confederation, like that of Canada. His initial scheme was unsuccessful, instead leading to a series of wars that...
  9. WI: George V assassinated by IRA in Belfast, 1921?

    George V was present in Belfast on June 22nd, 1921, to precede over the opening of the Northern Irish Parliament. While there are no known plans for any assassination attempt upon the king, a barrel containing a revolver, ammunition, and parts of a policeman's uniform was found behind a known...
  10. Kihan Above All: A K-Pg Civilisation Project

    Sapient dinosaurs are such a criminally underused sci-fi concept. I’m interested in seeing where this goes!
  11. Vivarium: TheRedSaurian's Worldbuilding Project

    I’m a simple guy. I see “dinosaur civilization,” I subscribe. Looking forward to seeing more!
  12. Aftermath of a quicker Bolshevik victory in the Civil War?

    However it comes to pass, lets say that the Bolsheviks achieve victory over the White forces earlier than OTL. What would be the effects of a quicker victory, and by proxy a less devastated Russia, have on the development of the Soviet state?
  13. Civil Rights Movement if Lincoln Lives?

    Would it be wrong to say that OTL's Reconstruction might have been the best that could be expected considering the circumstances?
  14. Civil Rights Movement if Lincoln Lives?

    If the *Slaughterhouse and *Civil Rights cases are decided differently, would there not be a further legal impetus for enforcement based on quelling resurgent secessionism. OTL, as long as the Southern states remained loyal the defanged government was willing to let them be, but what if they're...
  15. Civil Rights Movement if Lincoln Lives?

    Inspired by an old thread about Lincoln's Supreme Court So, assuming Lincoln lives, either because Booth misses or Booth is apprehended before he can get to Lincoln. Either way, Lincoln serves a full second term, and he doesn't run for a third. Its almost a certainty that Lincoln's...