====== Ian ====== Full Handle: //**Ian the Admin**// Ian the Admin is the founder and administrator of Alternatehistory.com. He is [[offtopic:Canada|Canadian]], and currently resides in New York City. ---- ==== In AH.com Culture ==== Ian (PBUH) is the [[offtopic:Creator]], the [[offtopic:Preserver]] and the [[offtopic:Great Destroyer]]. The religions differ on this, but he denies His own divinity, clearly a display of His boundless humility. His denial of His own divinity is also the greatest proof of His divinity. Plus he will ban your ass if he needs to (see also [[offtopic:Hall of Infamy]]). Plus Plus he has the Divine Right to Rule over the Forums granted by Himself. Ian is also the Slayer of the [[Trolls]] and [[Phonespammers]], accomplished by his mighty Mjolnir-type weapon, the **Banhammer**. He also deploys the somewhat less lethal **Kickboot**. Ian watches over all from his [[offtopic:Orbital Control Platform]]. ---- ==== Catchphrase ==== Ian's catchphrase analogue while banning particularly obnoxious or crazy trolls is to simply precede his banning text with a stoic "Wow.". ---- ==== In AH.com Fiction ==== In //**[[stories:AH.com the Series]]**// (and its sequels), [[offtopic:Ian]] is a representative of the Hub's administration, this means that he himself has no power, but is able to wield their full executive abilities in the result of a threat, however, different writers portray this differently, Merry, for example, attributes Ian himself with the power (no, not like He-Man), this has sparked discussion and debate in many of the eps featuring the [[stories:Hub]] Ian himself defines the power of the [[stories:Hub]] pretty clearly [[http://www.alternatehistory.com/discussion/showthread.php?t=34171|here]], [[http://www.alternatehistory.com/discussion/showthread.php?t=36459|here]] and [[http://www.alternatehistory.com/discussion/showthread.php?t=50945|here]]. Any further quandaries as to the nature of the Administration of the Hub can be directed to [[offtopic:Psychomeltdown]] via PM. ---- ==== Navigation ==== **[[canada#ahcommers|Canadian board members]]** **[[member list#i|Member List]]**