====== Enigmajones ====== American member. Enigmajones resides in a palace constructed entirely out of plastic, held together by a mixture of shamrock shakes and green puke from the Saint Patricks Day Parade. ---- ==== Works ==== Author of the TL //**[[http://www.alternatehistory.com/discussion/showthread.php?t=212498|Dead by Dawn: The Road to Revolution]]**//. ---- ==== Quotes about Enigmajones ==== **Alex Richards-** "Don't mind Enigma, he's just got an obsession with attacking the UK at every possible juncture, even when it's completely counterintuitive or counterproductive to what everyone wants or needs to happen." **Mathuen-** "Oh dear, you are correct." **Tsao-** "Jones is a jingoistic Anglophobe." ---- ==== Navigation ==== **[[member list#e|Member List]]**