Victoria II

Grey Wolf

Port Provinces and the Great Lakes

Another thing I want to do is to see if I can make the Great Lakes playable. For some reason you can build shiips to go onto Lake Winnipeg but since you can only build them in one province they seem pretty pointless!

I'd like to give the USA and Britain/Canada the chance to build ships for the Great Lakes. Presumably since the ships one builds at Lake Winnipeg can/do go onto the lake, the lakes are already set up as playable areas of sea, its only that the Great Lakes cannot as things stand have any ships built for them.

Somewhere I assume I am going to have to define eg Sandusky as a port province, since thats the red flag on the naval base building advisory screen. Is that ALL that needs to be done? And does setting it thus also ensure that the little jetty for Naval Base level zero appears and that the functionality to build ships will follow it?

Ah, I just found positions.txt in the map sub-folder which looks insane! I am assuming it is giving co-ordinate positions as to where the icon will appear in every province...I suppose it can be guessed at when adding Naval Base to, eg Sandusky, since it gives


as the position for a fort, so its just a matter of working out how very slightly to tweak it to show a naval base.

But this file obviously does not define Sandusky as a port or non-port province, merely acts upon that definition to show what works it is allowed to, and where they would go

I CANNOT FIND ANYWHERE that defines what is, and what is not, a port province - is this not a moddable area of the game???

And why DID they make it possible to build a port on Lake Winnipeg and put ships on that lake?

Best Regards
Grey Wolf

Grey Wolf

So, the Asantahene appears to have had a stone palace, and the Ashanti a lot of gold. Should therefore not the economy etc reflect this? They also apparently could muster an army to equal the Zulus. Therefore the economy needs to be boosted to provide for such a level of military... But how does one directly boost the economy? Since some of the POPs seem to go unemployed, I can't see how increasing the POPs is a long-term viable proposition for getting greater tax revenue.

Considering there was gold there, presumably Ashanti could start with a positive amount of money, but does anybody in the game actually start with any money in the bank, rather than the potential for money?

Best Regards
Grey Wolf
Another thing I want to do is to see if I can make the Great Lakes playable. For some reason you can build shiips to go onto Lake Winnipeg but since you can only build them in one province they seem pretty pointless!
I never knew about Lake Winnipeg. But I've thought how great it would be to have navies on the Great Lakes. Have you asked around the forums at all?

mentions a forthcoming 1.4 patch, so seems there is another one coming
1.4 has been out for some time now.
I never knew about Lake Winnipeg. But I've thought how great it would be to have navies on the Great Lakes. Have you asked around the forums at all?

1.4 has been out for some time now.

A Beta 1.4? Because 1.3 came out on the launcher only a few weeks ago 0_o.
For some reason, I cant view savegames, but currently I am playing as a massive India in 1927, ranging from Kazakhstan to Angola to Aurstralia with land borders, and I have China, Prussia, Hesse-Kassel, Luang Prabang, Siam and Sweden, Denmark and the Ottoman Empire in my SOI. I'm also allied to a communist Britain:D. Worker's Commonwealth indeed! Unfortunately slavery is continued on in the CS and US, as well as Brazil, Siam and Morocco, so it sucks, but otherwise this game has been pretty fun!

Grey Wolf

Ashanti achieved balance now

Succeeded in making Ashanti a survivable nation - gave them 1 infantry and 1 irregular to start with, increased their soldier pops, increased life rating in Kintampo to 25, decreased aristocrats somewhat

Denmark is now fighting their 3rd war against Ashanti, so far having failed badly the last time, seeing Accra occupied. Doesn't look like they're going to do much better this time!

Curiously, instead of conquering Ashanti now, France didn't revert to its usual game-start tactic of conquering Tunis but instead went for part of Algiers from the off. The existence of Ashanti must be causing the AI to make different calculations

Best Regards
Grey Wolf


ashanti 1862.jpg
Last edited:
This mod isn't dead, and I have the screenies to prove it.


Renamed Iceland, nothing special.


Germans in Central America, what's not to like?


Try and guess which pop star I'm making a reference to. I dare you. (Also showing off the Terranovan flag, which I know sucks)


WOOO Camelot! (Yes, I know, it's only a model...)
Nations I want to see:
Paris Communme.
Roswell Commune.
South Carolina.
The Maratimes.
East Prussia.
Clevaland Commune.
Chiocago Commune.
South Japan.
Disnic Republic.
South Dakorta.
Montarray City State.