The (Global) South Rises: Collaborative TL

Here is the second draft of the TL:

October 24, 1945: the United Nations Security Council is formed. Victorious powers of WW2 pick 6 nations to be the Permanent Members of UNSC – Brazil, Chiang Kai-shek's China, France, the Soviet Union, United Kingdom, and United States of America. US president Franklin D. Roosevelt championed Brazil's inclusion in UNSC against initial protestations from Churchill and Stalin. Roosevelt argued that Brazil is worthy of membership not only due to the help it provided the Allies in WW2 but also due to its size, population, resources and potential for growth. Ultimately Brazil was chosen for "hemispheric stability", to give Latin America and the Global South a representative on the new body responsible for global peace in hopes of making the organization more stable and effective than the old League of Nations. Not all countries were happy with the arrangement however, as Spanish-speaking Latin American nations argued Brazil did not represent their interests...

August 15, 1947: India gains independence as a single unpartitioned country with C. Rajagopalachari as its first Prime Minister and Jawaharlal Nehru as the Foreign Minister of India.

April 18-24, 1955: Bandung Conference; World leaders gather in Bandung, Indonesia led by Sukarno, Jawarhalal Nehru, and Josip Broz Tito and Zhou En-lai call for an global bloc of nations separate from the Soviet, European, and American power blocs,...

July 19, 1956: Brijuni Declaration; leaders of the Global South including Josip Broz Tito, Gamal Abdel Nasser, and Jawarhalal Nehru, call for a unified "Global South" on Brijuni, Yugoslavia,...

December 30, 1957: Barthélemy Boganda, a leading political figure in France's Oubangui-Chari colony, calls for the creation of a multi-ethnic "United States of Latin Africa" (USLA) out of former French, Belgian, and Portuguese African colonies to act as a counterweight to British influence on the continent.


USLA as it was envisioned by Boganda in 1957.

September, 1960: The Congo Crisis. After becoming independent from Belgium, Congo faced growing separatist insurgencies in Katanga and South Kasai. The nation's Prime Minister Patrice Lumumba requested aid from the Soviet Union, resulting in outrage from pro-Western factions of the Congolese government. On September 5 President Joseph Kasa-Vubu attempts to remove Lumumba from power, resulting in a constitutional crisis. Nine days later with the government paralyzed a young army Colonel by the name of Joseph-Désiré Mobutu launches a coup d'état to restore order. The coup fails as Soviet intelligence uncovers the plot and gives advanced warning to Lumumba. With his supporters outraged and catalyzed into action by the failed coup, Lumumba is able to remove his rivals from power and centralize his authority.

January 17, 1961: Leaders from newly-independent nations of Cameroon, Chad, Central African Republic, Congo-Brazzaville, Gabon and Guinea sign the Brazzaville Treaty, officially forming the United States of Latin Africa with Barthélemy Boganda as its first Prime Minister.

February 8, 1961: Egyptian President Gamal Abdel-Nasser announces the opening of its nuclear facility at Inshas, Egypt, signaling the intent for nuclear weapons development of the country,...

May 7, 1961: Casablanca Bloc; African leaders led by Ghanian President Kwame Nkrumah and Moroccan leader Mohammed V, proclaim the establishment of a political alliance of nations aimed at political union of the African continent at Casablanca, Morocco,...

May 12, 1961: Monrovia Bloc; African leaders led by Egyptian President Gamal Abdel-Nasser and Senegalese President Leopold Sedar Senghor,call for a political alliance of African nations in Monrovia, Liberia,...

September 6, 1961: Global South leaders call for "self-determination " and independence for Puerto Rico, fueling political tensions with the United States,....

March 15, 1963: With Lumumba power growing and Soviet influence spreading, Western powers fear a domino effect in Africa. Using the massacres against people of Katanga as casus belli, the United States of Latin Africa declares war on Lumumba's Congo following secret talks between USLA leadership and governments of USA, Belgium and France. With the aid of local dissidents and army mutineers, Belgium and US special forces launch a surprise raid on Léopoldville while the USLA armed forces (aided by France) attack from the north and west. In the aftermath of the surprise invasion a new provisional government is formed in Léopoldville. As one of its first acts, the government kicks out all Soviet advisors in the country, sentences the captive Patrice Lumumba in a kangaroo court to lifelong imprisonment and declares a controversial referendum on Congo's entry into the USLA. Socialist and global south leaders condemn USLA's actions, declaring them to be nothing more than naked imperialism beneficial only to USLA elite and their "Western puppet-masters". Over the years multiple anti-USLA resolutions are launched by Lumumba's supporters at the UN but all are vetoed by either USA, France or Brazil.

May 25, 1963: Organization for African Unity (OAU) is established in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, with the leadership of 33 nations led by Ghanaian President Kwame Nkrumah, despite diplomatic and political pressure by France and Great Britain,...

August 26, 1963: U.S. President John F. Kennedy announces a qualified support for the Greater Malayan Federation, during a series of phone calls from the White House in Washington D.C., in an effort to limit Communist infiltration and influence in Southeast Asia,. .

August 29, 1963: Indonesia, Malaysia, and Indonesia announce the formation of the Greater Malaysian Federation (a.k.a. "Maphilindo") in Jakarta, promising a centralized democratic constitution and government, with Manila serving as the primary trade hub,...

January 13, 1964: Congo and Katanga officially join USLA. The Congo Crisis continues however as, aided by USSR and People's Republic of China, pro-independence groups, Lumumba supporters and various other insurgents launch a multi-decade guerrilla war against USLA presence in the Congo.

June 15, 1964: 77 of the Global South leaders proclaim a power bloc/ alliance in Geneva, Switzerland, proclaiming their independence from the Soviet and Western political blocs,...

October 16, 1964: Peoples' Republic of China detonates a nuclear weapon at Lop Nur, Xinjiang, fueling political tensions between the Global South and North,...

December 30, 1964: Global South leaders announce in Geneva, Switzerland, an economic alliance/ free trade agreement uniting the 77 nations of the Global South,...

August 9, 1965: Singapore is turned over to the Great Malaysian Federation (GMF) fueling political and sectarian tensions with the Peoples' Republic of China in Beijing,...

September 1, 1967: Khartoum Declaration; Global South leaders launch an oil embargo against Israel, citing its actions against Palestinian and Lebanese people, during a conference in Khartoum, fueling accusations of anti-Semitism...

July 4, 1969: Global South leaders condemn the Warsaw Pact and Soviet crackdown on Czechoslovakia before the United Nations General Assembly in New York City, New York,...

March 5, 1970: Indonesia under Suharto, refuses to sign the Non-Proliferation Treaty in Jakarta, Greater Malay Federation fueling the political profile of the Global South,...

August 8, 1971: Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev announces a Treaty of Friendship with Global South leaders in New Delhi, fueling concern amongst American and European leaders,....

December 21, 1971: Carlos Ortiz de Rozas of Argentina is named United Nations Secretary-General in New York City, after it is revealed that Kurt Waldheim of Austria, served with the Nazi Party during the Second World War, ...

April 27, 1972: Burundi Hutu mutineers launch a rebellion against the country's Tutsi dictator Michel Micombero (an African Socialist). With the situation in the country quickly unravelling and further destabilizing neighbouring Congo, USLA intervenes to aid the rebels. The nation's exiled monarch King Mwambutsa IV is invited back into the nation in hopes of bringing some stability.

September 9, 1973: Global South leaders in Algiers, Algeria, call for political independence and "self-determination" for the Western Sahara, fueling political tensions with France, Spain and Great Britain,....

May 1, 1974: Global South leaders proclaim the New International Economic Order (NIEO), calling for political and economic reforms and development at the United Nations General Assembly in New York City, New York,...

May 18, 1974: India detonates a nuclear weapons at Pokhran, Rajasthan, expanding the nuclear capacity of the Global South, angering Soviet, European and American leaders, at the United Nations,...

September 19, 1974 to October 7, 1988: the Aouzou War. A series of border conflicts is fought between Soviet-supported Libya and France-backed USLA over the uranium-rich Aouzou Strip in northern Chad. Both USLA and Libya claimed the territory as their own, resulting in prolonged series of conflicts and border skirmishes.

April 9, 1975: Chinese military forces attempt to seize Southwest Cay, Spratly Islands, fueling political and military tensions between the Greater Malaysian Federation (GMF) and the Peoples' Republic of China, threatening to escalate,...

January 12, 1975: Non-Aligned News Agencies Pool (NANAP) is established by Global South leaders, with its main offices in Sarajevo, Yugoslavia and Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, as a means of social and political unity amongst Global South leaders,...

November 10, 1975: Global South leaders unite in support of a resolution condemning Israeli Zionism as "racism", before the United Nations General Assembly in New York City, New York,...

November 11, 1975: the Angolan Civil War begins. The United States of Latin Africa supports the anti-communist UNITA while Cuba and USSR aid the socialist MPLA.

March 23, 1976: Global leaders proclaim the New World Information Communication Order (NWICO) is proclaimed by Global South leaders, as a call to expand communications and technological development, at the United Nations in New York City, New York,...

September 17, 1978: Camp David Accords; Global South leaders call for the expulsion of Egypt under Anwar Sadat from the alliance, citing the Camp David Accords and the political recognition of Israel,...

March, 11, 1979: Toshiba announces the acquisition of American firms Motorola, Atari, and Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, sparking fears about the economic power of Japan.

May, 24, 1979: John H. Johnson of Ebony becomes the first American invited to write on the Organization for African Unity (OAU), raising awareness of the OAU among African-Americans,...

September 22, 1979: Vela Incident (a.k.a. South Atlantic Flash); A nuclear weapon is detonated off the coast of Prince Edward Island, fueling fears of nuclear escalation across the globe,...

May 4, 1980: Death of Marshal Tito in Sarajevo, Yugoslavia, signals Non-Aligned News Agencies Pool (NANAP) shift away from European and Soviet alignment across the television network,...

August 13, 1980: With USLA embroiled in multiple wars and facing internal rebellions the country's long-acting Prime Minister Barthélemy Boganda finds himself under increasing pressure. After a series of devastating losses against Libya in the north and a renewed communist offensive in the Congo basin the military launches a coup d'état to remove Boganda from power. A military dictatorship is established by General Jean-Bédel Bokassa to "save the union from the brink of collapse".

October 22-23, 1981: Cancun Summit; 133 Global leaders from Northern and Southern Hemispheres gather in Cancun, Mexico, in an effort to establish diplomatic and political ties between the power blocs,...

June 23, 1982: Burundi is officially incorporated into the USLA.

March 12, 1983: New Delhi Proclamation; Global South leaders proclaim in New Delhi that the alliance has served as "history's biggest peace movement ", signaling the unity of the movement,...

May, 11, 1983: The Atari 7800 is released by Toshiba, using a variation of the MOS 8000 microprocessor.

May, 24, 1983: President Ronald Reagan names Clarence Thomas the US Ambassador to the Organization for African Unity (OAU), sparking interest in the OAU among African-Americans..........

July, 21, 1983: US Ambassador to the OAU Clarence Thomas speaks out about fears of "Soviet influence" within the OAU...............

November 12, 1984: Morocco threatens to leave the Organization of African Unity (OAU) in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia; Global South leaders accuse the United States and France of attempting to break up the African continent...

October 22, 1986: African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights (ACHPR) is established in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, actively condemning the South African apartheid policies,...

December 3, 1986: KGB Yevgeny Primakov launches Operation INFEKTION, promoting the idea in the Global South, starting in Mumbai, India, that the AIDS/ HIV virus was created by the U.S. military, fueling distrust for American and European trade,...

December 4, 1986: New International Economic Order (NIEO) is declared a "massive failure" by Global South" who call for a "Right to Development " in New York City, New York,...

October 7, 1988: Libya and USLA officially agree to halt hostilities and let a UN arbitration committee determine ownership of the territory. UN Peacekeepers are sent in to act as a buffer between the 2 factions.

December 15, 1988: Global South leaders call for the political recognition and independence for Palestine, before the United Nations in New York City, sparking accusations of anti-Semitism,...

May 1, 1990: protests break out against corruption & the 10-year-long military dictatorship under General Bokassa. The military leadership sends in the army to crush the protests but many of the rank-and-file soldiers join the demonstrations. With unrest brewing and USLA's requests for aid from Washington and Paris being rebuffed due to the winding down of the Cold War the military committee removes General Bokassa from power and declares a transitional period aimed at returning power to a civilian government.

June 3, 1990: Greater Malay Federation launches a trade summit in Kuala Lumpur, calling for the opening of the Pacific Rim in a series of economic and financial agreements,...

November 16, 1990: Lisbon Conference; 133 World leaders gather in Lisbon, Portugal in an effort to forge political and diplomatic ties between the Northern and Southern Hemispheres,....

May 3, 1991: Windhoek Riots; Concerns about racism and press freedoms quickly escalate into riots in Windhoek, Namibia, attracting the concern of numerous human rights groups and organizations,...

April 23, 1992: Agenda 21 published; Global South leaders call for the establishment of global environmental accords with aims towards "sustainable development " in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, fueling outrage from corporate leaders in the United States, Europe and Japan,...

December 24, 1993: on Christmas Day the transitional government grants amnesty to political prisoners arrested as a result of the Congo Crisis and other conflicts. Amongst the pardoned inmates is non other than Congo's first Prime Minister Patrice Lumumba.

February 27, 1995: USLA holds its first free multi-party elections in over a decade. Among the candidates running is Lumumba.

April 28, 1996: Global South leaders in Midrand, South Africa condemn American and European policies of commercial globalization, fueling economic tensions worldwide,...

May 28, 1998: Pakistan detonates a nuclear weapon at Chagai, Baluchistan, further signaling the nuclear weapons expansion within the Global South,....

September 3, 1998: Global South leaders in Durban, South Africa call for major political and structural reforms within the United Nations, including the United Nations Security Conucil (UNSC),...

February 10-12, 1999: Montego Bay Conference; U.S. and European leaders gather with Global South leaders for arms reduction talks in Montego Bay, Jamaica,...

October 21, 1999: Global South leaders gathered in Penang, Greater Malay Federation, call for a moratorium on genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and bans on patents,...

November 24, 1999: Non-Aligned News Agencies Pool (NANAP) announces the opening of its network offices in Seattle, Washington, sparking outrage amongst religious and social conservatives, including Rupert Murdoch,...

December 8, 2000: Manila Declaration; Global South leaders call for sustainable development policies and the protection of indigenous peoples, during a summit in Manila, Greater Malay Federation,...

February 13, 2001: Global South leaders led by Roberto Bissio proclaim the "right to development "/ "right to not be poor", citing the "extreme poverty" suffered by the Global South in Geneva, Switzerland,...

July 9, 2002: African Union (AU) proclaims the political and economic alliance of the continent in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, led by South African President Thabo Mbeki, sparking tensions with Europe,...

September 2, 2002: Global South leaders gathered in Doha Qatar, denounce the World Trade Organization (WTO) over its use of mandatory genetically modified (GM) foods to Sub-Saharan Africa,....

December 27, 2002: Peace Pipeline completed; Oil pipeline connecting Turkmenistan, Afghanistan and Pakistan is completed in Karachi, bypassing Russia, fueling political tensions against the Global South,...

February 13, 2003: Global Global South leaders gathered in Porto Alegre, Brazil condemn American and Israeli military actions in the Middle East, fueling tensions in the region,...

March 9, 2004: the 78 year-old Lumumba is officially elected as USLA's Prime Minister in the country's third national election since the end of the military dictatorship. Violent protests against the electoral results erupt in numerous areas of the country were memories of the Congo War and subsequent communist insurgency are still fresh. Patrice Lumumba ran his campaign on a socialist platform, promising to address the yawing gap between the nation's rich and poor and to ensure all levels of society come to benefit from USLA's natural resources, including its vast wealth of uranium and rare-earth metals. Experts tie Lumumba's electoral success in Africa to the similar "Pink Tide" in Latin America.

January 31, 2005: Porto Alegre Manifesto; Global South leaders led by Immanuel Wallerstein, Tariq Ali, Aminata Traore, and Emir Sader (a.k.a. " Group of 19") publish an anti-globalization political manifesto in Porto Alegre, Brazil,...

November 1, 2005: Non-Aligned News Network (NNN) is launched in Kuala Lumpur, Greater Malay Federation in an effort to fuel political and social unity within the Southern Hemisphere,....

May 30, 2006: Global South leaders led by Martin Khor meet in Putrajaya, Malaysia, demanding the need for political and economic structural reformation of the United Nations,...

April 21, 2008: Angola begins talks on joining the USLA.

April 28, 2008: Iran-Pakistan Pipeline is completed in Karachi, as a means to bypass American and European naval and economic blockades, fueling anti-Golbal South sentiments,...

June 9, 2008: Republican Tea Party members accuse presidential candidate Barack Obama of being an "agent of the Global South", during the presidential 2008 elections, establishing the Tea Party movement,...

October 22, 2008: African Free Trade Zone (AFTZ) is established in Cape Town, South Africa, sparking an economic boom for the African continent, focusing on manufacturing and technological development,...

September 25, 2009: Treaty of Margarita; Southern Hemisphere leaders hold defense conference in Margarita, Venezuela, calling a limited military alliance between Hemisphere leaders,...

September 23, 2010: Global South leaders led by Kanaga Raja denounce Israeli military actions in the Gaza Strip, claiming that it is tantamount to colonialism and apartheid,...

April 18, 2012: Afghanistan, Turkmenistan, and Pakistan announce plans for a possible price hike on oil, fueling political and sectarian tensions across the Middle East and Central Asia,...

October 15, 2012: American and European conservatives denounce Agenda 21 proposals in New York City, as a plot to "establish an anti-democratic New World Order",...

January 29, 2013: White House officials warn of possible economic sanctions against Pakistan, citing the Iran-Pakistan Oil Pipeline, in Washington D.C.,...

September 5, 2013: British economist Jim O'Neill publishes a paper on emerging economies which outlines how USLA has the potential to be among the world's biggest economies by the second half of the 21st century. O'Neill however points out that the nation faces significant obstacles, including ongoing insurgencies, inter-ethnic and inter-religious conflict (despite the elite trying for decades to build a unifying national identity based on the Catholic faith and shared influence of "Romance-language cultures") and a wealth gap bigger than that of Brazil or China.

March 14, 2014: Global South leaders led by Kanaga Raja proclaim food as a "human right" in Geneva, Switzerland, fueling political tensions between the Northern and Southern Hemispheres,....

July 9, 2015: New Development Bank is established by Global South leaders led by Zhu Xian in Shanghai, as an alternative to the World Bank and International Monetary Fund, sparking economic turmoil,...

December 18, 2017: Global South leaders condemn American plans to recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, fueling political and sectarian tensions across the Middle East,...

July 8, 2019: Taliban guerrillas threaten to shut down the Peace Pipeline, after attacking Coalition forces in Kabul, Afghanistan, sparking international tensions ,...

May 4, 2020: Porlamar Conference; Global South leaders gather in Porlamar, Venezuela to coordinate strategies and research in order to deal with the COVID-19/ coronavirus outbreak,...

March 23, 2021: Suez Canal Crisis; African Union President Roger Nkodo Dang of Cameroon, calls for the sealing of the Suez Canal, citing the arbitrary distribution of the COVID-19/ coronavirus vaccine,...


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With the world slanted the way it is in the ATL, what would be some changes to pop culture and local politics? If anything, it is hard to imagine science fiction or comics staying unaltered...


March, 11, 1980: Spider-Man (NBC-TV), coproduced by Marvel Entertainment and Universal Television, starring Tom Cruise in the lead becomes a massive hit..................
August, 24, 1981: Casper and the Angels (CBS-TV), produced by veteran animator Bill Melendez in collaboration with Harvey Comics and 20th Century Fox Television, featuring the voice talents of June Foray, Justine Bateman, Leonardo DiCaprio, and Michael J. Fox, becomes a major hit on Saturday mornings, causing a revival in interest in Harvey Comics' properties...................................
May, 24, 1981: Japanese electronics giant Sony announces the purchase of Walt Disney Productions for $3 million. Conservatives including Senator Strom Thurmond (R-SC) and Representative Newt Gingrich (R-GA) compare to "second Pearl Harbor"...........................................
October, 24, 1983: "Adult Baby/Diaper Lover (AB/DL)" culture begins to grow, starting in the US and Canada............................


January 19th 1972: A reagan whistleblower releases a recorded phone call of then current president Reagan insulting various African ambassadors of the global south by calling them monkeys leading to massive condemnation from various nations of the global south but raised Reagan’s popularity with the KKK and conservatives like Strom Thurmond praised the call as apt descriptions
Here are a few PODs to flag that things will change across the ATL:

January 15, 1974: Bamboo Gods & Iron Men Malay action film, starring Eddie Garcia, James Iglehart and Shirley Washington, makes its hit debut, debuting in Global South and American theaters,...

April 20, 1979: Hanky Panky Bollywood romantic comedy starring Bindya Goswami, makes its hit debut amongst Global South audiences, challenging traditional American and European markets,...

June 30, 1982: Illinois ratifies the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA), thus winning national passage of the Constitutional measure, despite national controversy,...

April 19, 2009: "Bollywood Dance" becomes popular across the United States, with the largest dance competition in Oakland, California, at the historic Paramount Theater,...

March 28, 2014: U.S. President Barack Obama declares March 31 (3/31) as "Cesar Chavez Day" as a federal holiday, angering social conservatives,...
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Here are a few PODs to flag that things can get rough:

September 22, 1968: Third World Liberation Front (TWLF) is formed in San Francisco, California by sympathizers of the Global South, fueling fears of domestic terrorism,...

April 25, 1969: U.S. Secretary of State William P. Rogers storms out of nuclear weapons talks in Tlatelolco, Mexico, after Global South leaders demand that Latin America be kept "nuclear weapons-free", fueling political tensions,...

October 27, 1986: Treaty of Brasilia; U.S., Great Britain, and France, condemn Global South leaders declaring the South Atlantic a "nuclear weapons free zone", fueling political tensions across Latin America and Africa,...

March 28, 1997: Treaty of Bangkok; Greater Malay Federation, Peoples' Republic of China, Laos, Vietnam, Thailand and Myanmar announce that Southeast Asia has been declared a "nuclear weapons free zone", amidst political tensions,...

March 11, 2008: Cairo Riots; Egyptian officials report anti-government riots due to rising food costs across the globe, amidst the global financial crisis,...

April 13, 2008: Johannesburg Riots; South African officials report anti-government riots due to rising food costs across the globe, amidst the global financial crisis,...

May 16, 2008: Islamabad Riots; Pakistani officials report anti-government riots due to rising food costs across the globe, amidst the global financial crisis,...

June 3-9, 2008: Ethiopian Riots; Ethiopian officials in Addis Ababa, report anti-government riots due to rising food costs across the globe, amidst the global financial crisis,...

March 21, 2009: Russian President Vladimir Putin condemns agreement by Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, and Turkmenistan at Semipalatinsk, demanding that Central Asia be declared a "nuclear weapons-grade zone",...

July 15, 2009: Treaty of Pelindaba; Global South leaders announce that the African continent has been declared a "nuclear weapons-grade zone" at Pelindaba, South Africa,....
March 21, 2009: Russian President Vladimir Putin condemns agreement by Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, and Turkmenistan at Semipalatinsk, demanding that Central Asia be declared a "nuclear weapons-grade zone",...

July 15, 2009: Treaty of Pelindaba; Global South leaders announce that the African continent has been declared a "nuclear weapons-grade zone" at Pelindaba, South Africa,....
Um... what's a "nuclear weapons-grade zone" and why is it causing tensions?

Also, figures like Regan, Obama, Putin, etc. have all appeared in the TL. Are we working under the idea that there is a butterfly net in place and no changes to leadership have occurred in the "Global North" despite a POD in the 1940s?
Um... what's a "nuclear weapons-grade zone" and why is it causing tensions?

Also, figures like Regan, Obama, Putin, etc. have all appeared in the TL. Are we working under the idea that there is a butterfly net in place and no changes to leadership have occurred in the "Global North" despite a POD in the 1940s?
If anything, the nuclear weapons free zones, as in OTL were seen as a threat to the Soviet , Chinese and American assertions of political power.

As for the names of world leaders, I want people to choose the leaders of the British, American, European, and Japanese governments. Please feel free to cut up the nets, but please let me know if you which changes are of interest...
If anything, here are some PODs that can serve to open the TL for major changes:

June 3, 1968: Artist Andy Warhol is killed by rival artist Valerie Solanas in a violent shooting in New York City, sparking tensions throughout the art world,...

September 22, 1975: U.S. President Ronald Reagan is assassinated by Lynnette "Squeaky" Fromme and Sarah Jane Moore, at a GOP fundraiser in San Francisco, California,...

August 3, 1989: Author Salman Rushdie is killed in London, for his novel the Satanic Verses, fueling tensions with the Global South and Iran,...

October 11, 2014: Dresden Riots; Anti-migrant riots led by Lutz Bachmann erupt in Dresden, Germany, amidst right-wing claims that Global South refugees are "stealing jobs", fueling unrest across Europe,...

August 21, 2016: Race riots erupt between Indians and African refugees and migrant workers in Mumbai, New Delhi, and Calcutta, highlighting ethnic tensions,...

October 14, 2018: Anti-Immigration Riots; Riots led by members of the ultranationalist Japan First Party, target refugees and Global South immigrants, erupting in Tokyo, Yokohoma, and Kyoto,...

April 15, 2019: Global South leaders demand that the International Criminal Court (ICC) at the Hague, launch an investigation of possible war crimes by the United States, France, and Great Britain,...

September 25, 2019: Global South leaders led by Jacqueline Hicks accuse United Nations Security Council members of "digital colonialism ", during a rally in Colombo, Sri Lanka,...
Here are some PODs to flag that a direct analogue to OTL isn't necessarily possible:

February 4, 1949: Shah Mohammed Shah Reza Pahlavi is assassinated in Tehran, Iran fueling civil unrest and violence nationwide, rumors claim that British military forces were behind the assassination,...

August 11, 1964: Spanish leader General Francisco Franco is assassinated by Stuart Christie in Madrid, Spain, threatening to plunge the country into civil war,...

December 3, 1976: Singer Bob Marley is assassinated the "Mile" concert in Kingston, Jamaica, fueling anti-British sentiments throughout the region,...

October 14, 1981: Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip are assassinated by Christopher John Lewis in Dunedin, New Zealand, shocking the British Commonwealth,...

October 12, 1984: British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher is assassinated at a party conference in Brighton, Irish Republican Army (IRA) claims credit,...

July 20, 1985: South African President Pietr W. Botha declares a "State of Emergency " in Johannesburg, calling for military aid from Great Britain, France and the United States, sparking international controversy,...

March 4, 1987: White House officials call for the deployment of troops into Nicaragua and El Salvador, citing support for the Contras, fueling tensions in Central America,...

August 4, 2018: Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro is assassinated by "Soldados de Frenas" in a military coup in Caracas, fueling anti-American sentiment in Latin America,...
Here are a few PODs to flag that things will be changed on many levels:

June 28, 1964: Malcolm X announces his tour of African nations of the Global South at the Audubon Ballroom in New York City, attracting the attention of the CIA and FBI,...

July 2, 1964: FBI officials that the visit of Malcolm X to Sub-Saharan African poses a threat to the national security of the United States,...

February 21, 1965: Ella Little-Collins, half-sister to Malcolm X, is killed after a failed assassination attempt by the Nation of Islam at the Audobon Room in New York City, shocking the African-American community...

May 19, 1965: Malcolm X leads the Organization for Afro-American Unitt (OAAU), fostering solidarity ties with decolonization groups and newly independent states,..
Here are a few PODs that should flag the Southern Hemisphere:

February 16, 1951: President Juan Peron with aid of Austrian scientists led by Ronald Richter, announces the detonation of a nuclear weapon at San Carlos de Bariloche, Patagonia, fueling tensions across Latin America,...

July 24, 1965: President Sukarno proclaims the detonation of a nuclear weapon c. 300 miles off the coast of Yogyakarta, proclaiming that the weapon is a "necessary measure" against Communist China, for the security and defense of the Greater Malay Federation,...

November 2, 1966: U.S.-backed Israeli Prime Minister Levi Eshkol announces the successful detonation of a nuclear weapon in the Negev Desert, fueling anti-Israeli sentiments in the Middle East,...

March 29, 1969: New People's Army (NPA) launches an armed insurrection in Manila, Jakarta, and Kuala Lumpur, fueling fears of an escalating military threat,..

September 23, 1972: Greater Malay Federation (GMF) leaders announce the development of uranium nuclear refinement in Bataan , fueling fears of nuclear weapons escalation,...

May 26, 1975: Libyan King Idris al-Sanusi announces plans to develop nuclear weapons during a televised address in Tipoli, fueling political tensions in Israel and United States,...

September 25, 1979: South African President Marais Viljoen announces that his government, backed by the United States, was behind the Vela nuclear detonation, fueling political controversy,...

May 15, 2007: Rangoon Incident; International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) warn that Russian and Burmese officials are experimenting with nuclear uranium refinement,...
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Umm would it be a bad idea to detonate a nuclear weapon in Bandung since it’s one of the major city in the island and also could probably be endangering the island as a whole because of radiation and stuff. Probably it’s better to detonate it somewhere else rather than in Java.
Umm would it be a bad idea to detonate a nuclear weapon in Bandung since it’s one of the major city in the island and also could probably be endangering the island as a whole because of radiation and stuff. Probably it’s better to detonate it somewhere else rather than in Java.
Thank you, I will have it off the coast of Yogyakarta.
kind of difficult to join the entire southern hemisphere, there is also the problem of religion: Middle East and North Africa won't get too well with Christian SouthAmerica
perhaps, you can get 4 blocks: South America Union, Africa, Middle East, and South Asia
China, will alwys be independent
kind of difficult to join the entire southern hemisphere, there is also the problem of religion: Middle East and North Africa won't get too well with Christian SouthAmerica
perhaps, you can get 4 blocks: South America Union, Africa, Middle East, and South Asia
China, will alwys be independent
The idea of regional blocs certainly works, but I am guessing that for the sake of story-telling, most people in the Northern Hemisphere see the Global South as one bloc, which they see only as anti-Western. There can certainly be 4 regional blocs, but the West sees only one....
Here are a few PODs to flag that things will go on:

October 10-24, 1964: Global South Bloc leaders announce a boycott of the Olympic Games in Tokyo, Japan, citing the apartheid policies of South Africa, and the segregationist policies of the United States, as well as the ultranationalist policies of Japan, sparking international attention,...

October 16, 1975: Chairman Mao Tse-tung threatens the withdrawal of China from the Global South Bloc, citing military tensions with the Greater Malay Federation, during an address in Beijing,....

July 19-August 3, 1980: The Summer Olympic Games in Moscow, are cancelled after the United States, NATO allies, and Global South leaders boycott the games, citing Soviet military intervention in Afghanistan and Poland,...

July 28-August 12, 1984: The Summer Olympics in Los Angeles, California are cancelled due to boycott by Global South Bloc leaders and the Soviet Bloc, citing U.S. military operations in Nicaragua, El Salvador, and Costa Rica, sparking international tensions,....

July 25-August 9, 1992: The Global South Bloc returns to the Summer Olympics in Barcelona, Spain, after boycotting the games from 1964 until 1992, marking 3 decades absence from the games,....

October 28, 1998: U.S. Congressional leaders led by Senator John McCain (R-AZ) and House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-GA) condemn the "persecution of Christians " in hearings targeting the Global South,....

April 21, 2020: Protests erupt across the Global South citing political relations with the West, including Jakarta, Johannesburg, New Delhi, and Tehran, sparking fears of an escalating crisis,...
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I don't see any mention of "nuclear weapons-grade zone" in that link. Are we to assume that "nuclear weapons free zones"="nuclear weapons-grade zone"??? If so, why use a different term?
May, 24, 1981: Japanese electronics giant Sony announces the purchase of Walt Disney Productions for $3 million. Conservatives including Senator Strom Thurmond (R-SC) and Representative Newt Gingrich (R-GA) compare to "second Pearl Harbor"...........................................
November 17, 1989: Sony-Disney releases the animated film Princess Kaguya based on The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter Japanese folk-story. Centering on a love-story between the human Emperor of Japan and the otherworldly Moon Princess, the project stars Tamlyn Tomita as the voice of Princess Kaguya, Jason Marin as Kichi (Kaguya's loyal Akita-hound friend) and Will Ryan as Gyokuto (the Lunar Rabbit "Minister" sent to guide Kaguya on her journey).

September 29, 1991: Sony-Disney releases the animated film The Wolf-Maiden, loosely based upon an Irish tale recorded by Gerald of Wales in the 12th century. The film's plot centers on a crusader's squire who, eager to prove himself to his master, ventures out into the woods to slay the ravenous werewolf inhabiting the forest. To the squire's surprise however, the werewolf turns out to be a local maiden cursed with a bestial form due to her family's sins. Falling in love with the werewolf, the squire tries to lift her curse while also attempting to convince the knights and villagers that the werewolf is no threat to them.

November 25, 1992: Sony-Disney releases the animated film titled Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves based on the eponymous tale from 1001 Nights. Scott Weinger voices Ali Baba, Robin Williams voices Cassim (Ali's older, more successful yet greedy and goofy brother), Jonathan Freeman voices Emir Faik (head of the Thieves Guild) and Linda Larkin voices Morgiana (Cassim's employee and Ali Baba's love interest who helps him against the antagonists).

June 10, 1995: Sony-Disney corporation releases Sacagawea, an animated film reimagining (& heavily sanitizing) the events of the Lewis and Clark Expedition from the point of view of their Amerindian guide. The film features Irene Bedard as the voice of Sacagawea, Gérard Depardieu as Toussaint Charbonneau (Sacagawea's Quebecois husband), Mel Gibson as Meriwether Lewis, David Ogden Stiers as William Clark while Danny Trejo voices 'the Commandant' — a military leader from New Spain who tries to derail the expedition and serve's as the movie's antagonist.

June 19, 1998: the latest Sony-Disney animated feature, The Legend of Dandara, hits theaters. Based on the historical figure of the same name, the film tells the tale of an Afro-Brazilian warrior-princess as she defends her jungle kingdom of freed slaves from Portuguese conquistadors and internal enemies. Queen Latifah voices Dandara while Eddie Murphy provides voicework for Diogo (Dandara's talking toucan side-kick).

(O.O.C.: there you have it. ATL counterparts to The Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast (gender-flipped too!), Aladdin, Pocahontas and Mulan)
October, 24, 1983: "Adult Baby/Diaper Lover (AB/DL)" culture begins to grow, starting in the US and Canada............................
Well, that came out of nowhere...
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