The film doesn't seem to have a thread here. If you haven't seen it, it very explicitly opens in an alternate history, with robots having been fairly commonplace as early as the 1940s, and AI seemingly having been developed not long after. While the film is set in the future (2065), it is quite obviously a future of a world that is not our own.
The film dives into the geopolitics of this world as well, of course.
The United States, in repsonse to a nuclear strike thay wiped out Los Angeles, is waging a genocidal war against AI, most of which is now settled in 'New Asia'.
What, based on speculation, might the history of this world look like? How might we have gotten to this point, and what might the world resemble beyond what was seen on-screen. As well, what effects might the ending of the film
In which the US NOMAD defense system is destroyed, largely crippling their ability to wage war against the AI, and presumably furthering the anti-war protests
have on things?