Return of Horrible Educational Maps

*OR* I could use google image search...

Map is from Netflix's original series The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt.

So it is actually a real crotcheted map which just happened to look like something from an animated feature? (I guess the screenshot did pixellate a bit)

Oh well, on to the next webfind.


And actually the clocks are just as bad as the map below.
I know the Solar System can never be depicted with correct proportions (except for logarithmic projections but those tend to confuse people) but the following one is ridiculous:

I know the Solar System can never be depicted with correct proportions (except for logarithmic projections but those tend to confuse people) but the following one is ridiculous:
What do the dotted lines represent?
They can't be planetary orbits; the innermost one does not contain a planet. Though it is possible the artist had simply forgotten to place a planet on that orbit.
The solar system can be depicted with correct proportions - but it really is freaking huge.

One can depict it with correct size and distance scales (there are a few Solar System models after all) but then you can either not see all of it at once because parts of it are too far away or if you can see all of it at once then the planetes are so small that you can't see them unless you are really close (okay, the four big one might be visible from a limited distance.

Basically you can either show the orbits of the planets (though to prevent too much squeezing up the inner orbits such a map should still be at least ~2meters wide) or the planets relative sizes (and hopefully nobody tries to add theSun to the size comparison)

Random logo unrelated.


Crazy Boris

From a high school textbook a decade or so ago. At the time I found it funny, after February 2022, much less so.

View attachment 822697

“Shit, these textbooks still have the Soviet Union, we can’t print them.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll draw up some new borders, can’t be too hard, right?”

(Meanwhile, Slovenia and Croatia finalize a secret deal to trade Istria and Prekmurje)

Deleted member 6086

“Shit, these textbooks still have the Soviet Union, we can’t print them.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll draw up some new borders, can’t be too hard, right?”

(Meanwhile, Slovenia and Croatia finalize a secret deal to trade Istria and Prekmurje)
I like how Estonia extends to Saint Petersburg.