Nobunaga’s Ambition Realized: Dawn of a New Rising Sun

@Ambassador Huntsman !Amazing work and great decision! time to snatch all that Dutch colonies, trade, money and spices!
Great Chapter. I’m wondering if the more Dutch-Aligned Daimyo, like the Shimazu, will cause any problems in the future of this conflict
Great chapter! I like how you framed the conflict between the French and the Dutch in how they tried to persuade the Japanese to align with them.
Thank you!!
I wonder what is happening in the Philippines, Mexico, and Spanish America as of this moment, however.
The anti-Bourbons are about to assault Manila. In Central and South America, a series of naval battles.
The Maluku islands huh? Aren't the Philippines in the way though, could complicate reaching the new territories though from there Japan could expand onto New Guinea and Sulawesi and wait... is this a setup for a Japanese Australia lmao?

What does France stand to gain from victory in Europe again? Forgot. Mostly focus on Japan for this TL lol.
With this alliance, they de facto have more secure relations with the Spanish and they still have good ties with Maguindanao.

France's objectives are to weaken the Austrian Habsburgs in the War of the Spanish Succession and ensure Philip V of Spain is secure on his throne, relatively defensive for the most part.
Can we get a map showing what Japan is looking to gain in this war?

God damn it...
Yeah I kinda had it planned since the chapter on the Kanei embassy....
to be fair however, I think it was already foreshadowed as early as the chapter of the first embassy towards France
Though cut short, the Kanei Embassy proved to be one of significant consequence. It provided Europe with its first direct impression of Japan and what they saw captivated their interest, establishing Japan’s reputation as a heathen power that nevertheless commanded their respect and could even be trusted at times, unlike the Ottomans. The embassy would especially spark friendly and altruistic relations between France and Japan and incentivize the former to invest more in its mercantile interests in the East from the impetus of the Franco-Japanese mutual agreements over trade and friendship drafted and signed by both parties during the embassy’s stay. As for Japan, the embassy gave them a much wider view of the world and a wealth of knowledge on the customs, traditions, and technologies of Europe, and its success would lead to future embassies. In particular, the politics of the visited countries interested Nobutomo, who would derive inspiration from them in his planned reforms for the realm. Finally, the Kanei Embassy provided one particular empire in Eastern Europe a glimpse of who they would be encountering once they inevitably reached the Pacific coast.
Yeah I kinda had it planned since the chapter on the Kanei embassy....
goddamnit, I'm ninja'ed
The anti-Bourbons are about to assault Manila. In Central and South America, a series of naval battles.
With this alliance, they de facto have more secure relations with the Spanish and they still have good ties with Maguindanao.
thus completes the Finlandisation of the Philippines

its denizens must be quite bewildered to see the Japanese of all people coming to its aid though, lol; they cannot solely take its credit for a miracle like how they did it IOTL, especially not with the measly 20 ships they had
don't Japan seek to monopolise the Maluku — or at least its southern islands near Timor?
I'm just going to say that I loved the fact that the Japanese are allying with the French. It makes sense for the Japanese to not allow one nation to control this much of Asia, much like how Britain is with Europe, and I think it'll be interesting to see how things develop as Japan pushes it's agendas on the European powers as an equal nation-state.
With this alliance, they de facto have more secure relations with the Spanish and they still have good ties with Maguindanao.
I do wonder if Japan would think of eventually buying the Philippines from Spain. If the Japanese and Spanish will feud less and less I do wonder if the loss of the region would affect the Spanish that much.
France's objectives are to weaken the Austrian Habsburgs in the War of the Spanish Succession and ensure Philip V of Spain is secure on his throne, relatively defensive for the most part.
Yeah that makes sense for the french, but what about the Japanese?

My guess would be to expand their control over SEA in general, especially Sulawesi, which is in between the Philippines and the spice islands.
thus completes the Finlandisation of the Philippines

its denizens must be quite bewildered to see the Japanese of all people coming to its aid though, lol; they cannot solely take its credit for a miracle like how they did it IOTL, especially not with the measly 20 ships they had
It would go a long way to keep the peace between the groups, and frankly with Spanish power waning I could see Spain sell their Asian colony to Japan if they're desperate enough.
VIVE LE FRANCE!! 日本万歳!! (Long live Japan!!)
Banzai indeed.
The spice trade specifically yes for this war.
That would very nice indeed. With a navy of Japan's caliber, and with merchants and explorers going farther and farther I think it is good that Japan is expanding in the south to ensure their interests.

Btw have the Japanese discovered Alaska yet?
I'm just going to say that I loved the fact that the Japanese are allying with the French. It makes sense for the Japanese to not allow one nation to control this much of Asia, much like how Britain is with Europe, and I think it'll be interesting to see how things develop as Japan pushes it's agendas on the European powers as an equal nation-state.

I do wonder if Japan would think of eventually buying the Philippines from Spain. If the Japanese and Spanish will feud less and less I do wonder if the loss of the region would affect the Spanish that much.

Yeah that makes sense for the french, but what about the Japanese?

My guess would be to expand their control over SEA in general, especially Sulawesi, which is in between the Philippines and the spice islands.

It would go a long way to keep the peace between the groups, and frankly with Spanish power waning I could see Spain sell their Asian colony to Japan if they're desperate enough.

Banzai indeed.

That would very nice indeed. With a navy of Japan's caliber, and with merchants and explorers going farther and farther I think it is good that Japan is expanding in the south to ensure their interests.

Btw have the Japanese discovered Alaska yet?
I think the problem is that the Japanese do not want a bunch of Catholics who would be hostile to their rule compared to little gain, plus if Japan does get more influence on SEA, they can afford to keep a neutered Spanish presence there and the French won't press them given they'll be focusing on India instead.
Btw have the Japanese discovered Alaska yet?
Not yet though it's likely if they keep following the island chain
I mentioned this before, but they could sail the Northern Pacific Route, and make it to Alaska and the Pacific Northwest, maybe even California. The Spanish didn’t start exploring the latter two till the 1770s, and California (Excluding Baja) was abandoned till the 1760s (Previous attempts in the 17th century failed)

However, doing so will undermine and conflict with Spain’s influence in the region, and they did just ally with the Bourbons. If the Bourbons inherit Spain like OTL, then this may cause problems
I mentioned this before, but they could sail the Northern Pacific Route, and make it to Alaska and the Pacific Northwest, maybe even California. The Spanish didn’t start exploring the latter two till the 1770s, and California (Excluding Baja) was abandoned till the 1760s (Previous attempts in the 17th century failed)

However, doing so will undermine and conflict with Spain’s influence in the region, and they did just ally with the Bourbons. If the Bourbons inherit Spain like OTL, then this may cause problems
Honestly, they'll probably be more interested in Oregon/Washington country instead of going south to arid and waterless California, so that can be kicked later down the road.
Not yet though it's likely if they keep following the island chain
I mentioned this before, but they could sail the Northern Pacific Route, and make it to Alaska and the Pacific Northwest, maybe even California. The Spanish didn’t start exploring the latter two till the 1770s, and California (Excluding Baja) was abandoned till the 1760s (Previous attempts in the 17th century failed)
Honestly, they'll probably be more interested in Oregon/Washington country instead of going south to arid and waterless California, so that can be kicked later down the road.
Yeah that would be my guess on how the Japanese get to the colonisation of America. With the Spanish not being there until the 1770s, I can see the Japanese having a head start.

While I can see Japan sticking to Cascadia in its initial colonisation of the region I've no idea how it and Spain's interactions would go. And considering that any interactions would be decades (almost a century) after this initial alliance at that point Spain may be too weak and Japan too strong for Spain to really do anything against it. Hell, Spain (or Mexico) may allow California to leave their hands bc the English are too uppity in the region or smth like that.
I think the problem is that the Japanese do not want a bunch of Catholics who would be hostile to their rule compared to little gain, plus if Japan does get more influence on SEA, they can afford to keep a neutered Spanish presence there and the French won't press them given they'll be focusing on India instead.
Perhaps. But controlling manila does have one major advantage: it will allow the main entrance of silver into the Chinese market. This means Japan has more economic leverage over China, something that will be a boon to Japan in general.
Maybe we can see them going the Northern Pacific Route and colonize the Pacific Northwest, conflicting with Spain's claims to the North. Though, they're allies with the French and Pro-Bourbon Spanish, so we'll have to see how that develops.

I'm more curious about the Indian Ocean, as maybe the Franco-Japanese alliance opens the avenue to get territory in India, like yoking Dutch Ceylon.
Forgot to respond to this, but Ceylon is Portuguese ITTL and the Portuguese in general fared better against the Dutch in India and therefore are still the strongest power on the subcontinent. Not to mention they never gave away Bombay to the English via dowry
Yeah that makes sense for the french, but what about the Japanese?
Nobuie pushed for acquiring the Moluccas to not only strengthen Japan but make himself stronger at the expense of the daimyo and merchants within a relatively feudal realm. Outside of mercantile interests, there is an interest in keeping the various European powers balanced against one another in the region and the VOC is seen as going too far basically.
Btw have the Japanese discovered Alaska yet?
Forgot to respond to this, but Ceylon is Portuguese ITTL and the Portuguese in general fared better against the Dutch in India and therefore are still the strongest power on the subcontinent. Not to mention they never gave away Bombay to the English via dowry
Thank you for the clarification.

Anyway, IOTL the Portuguese switches sides to the Pro-Habsburgs after their victory at Vigo Bay. If they do so ITTL, that may open the avenues for the Japanese to attack their holdings in India, like Ceylon. Though, it depends on the Grand Alliance’s front in the West, and how well fortified and prepared the Portuguese
They actually don’t directly control it yet, but many of Sulawesi’s sultanates and kingdoms are vassals to the VOC in 1700.

The spice trade specifically yes for this war.

Are there problems with piracy in that area?
"Pirates and Traders" context.-,Pirates and Traders,-An old Malay
If the greater presence of Japanese trade in Southeast Asia brought far greater attention from Europe and the Indian subcontinent, then could there be an expanded presence of piracy primarily in the archipelago?
Nobuie pushed for acquiring the Moluccas to not only strengthen Japan but make himself stronger at the expense of the daimyo and merchants within a relatively feudal realm. Outside of mercantile interests, there is an interest in keeping the various European powers balanced against one another in the region and the VOC is seen as going too far basically.

Yeah I should've guessed, with the various ppl controlling different parts of the land, and with the 'royal demesne' being relatively limited (and the fact that the Daijo-Daijins can't move too much against them) means taking more power this way would be a very effective way to make money and get power from this. Maybe we see the Daijo-Daijins push for colonisation to increase the power they can wield?

Also do you think Japan would want to replace the Dutch as the overlords of the Sulawesi kingdoms?