Geronimo : What if Osama Bin Laden was killed prior to 9/11?

The problem will be that whether Russia would want them or not, given that most of those countries happen to have a poor population, with some of them having no important natural resources, a leader who want to continue having their vast power and there is also the situation in this timeline’s Russia with the rise of Anti-Islam rheotoric due to the attacks there.
These are good points you made. Also I found this map in regards to exports

Also what about Transnistria? Would they wanna join?
Even Ukraine government gives Crimea to Russia voluntary
I say this is too far, though I can see Ukraine (and Belarus too) joining the Russia Counter-Terror Union, especially if Yanukovich can take advantage of the frosty relationship between the other opposition leaders and Yushchenko, and form a weird government that can make Western Ukraine less suspicious towards him, and not create a crisis if that thing happens.
I also echo the others and say that Belarus and Russia might finally establish their Union State, with Kazakhstan being a potential member, and other Central Asian states probably being entertained, but not being allowed into the Union. (With Tajikistan being the least likely one to be allowed, due to the whole terrible economy combined with its having a history of Islamic radicalism.)
I know
But you think,
The man in charge was Yanukovych
I believe he can literally do anything for putin
Like Lukashenko
But, he also loves power.
And, he (as I remember) knows that he is walking on a tightrope, and giving out Crimea would be very dangerous for his love for power and corruption money that comes through power.
Even Ukraine government gives Crimea to Russia voluntary
There is no way this would happen, it would only weaken the pro-Russian government in Kiev, an early agreement to build the Kerch Bridge, an extension of the lease of the Russian naval base in Crimea, maybe some joint warship productions (restart of Zubr production and commissioning of the fourth Slava class cruiser in the Russian Navy) and gas exploration projects are more likely. Maybe also some nuclear joint project between Rosatom and Energoatom.
I say this is too far, though I can see Ukraine (and Belarus too) joining the Russia Counter-Terror Union, especially if Yanukovich can take advantage of the frosty relationship between the other opposition leaders and Yushchenko, and form a weird government that can make Western Ukraine less suspicious towards him, and not create a crisis if that thing happens.
I also echo the others and say that Belarus and Russia might finally establish their Union State, with Kazakhstan being a potential member, and other Central Asian states probably being entertained, but not being allowed into the Union. (With Tajikistan being the least likely one to be allowed, due to the whole terrible economy combined with its having a history of Islamic radicalism.)
Also with the lack of a pro-EU government altogether the Ukrainian security forces will be less split and in my opinion more willing to follow Yanukovich's orders. Maybe a Euromaidan will still happen but be resolved either in a 2020 Belarusian way (security forces hold the line and in the long run the situation quiets down) or the 2022 Kazakstan way (security forces start to lose effectiveness and the CSTO/Union forces/Russian forces intervene in the country and restore order). I can honestly see the coalition that you proposed emerge exactly after curtailing the protests to appease the more moderate side (just like done in OTL with Kazakstan).
I say this is too far, though I can see Ukraine (and Belarus too) joining the Russia Counter-Terror Union, especially if Yanukovich can take advantage of the frosty relationship between the other opposition leaders and Yushchenko, and form a weird government that can make Western Ukraine less suspicious towards him, and not create a crisis if that thing happens.
I also echo the others and say that Belarus and Russia might finally establish their Union State, with Kazakhstan being a potential member, and other Central Asian states probably being entertained, but not being allowed into the Union. (With Tajikistan being the least likely one to be allowed, due to the whole terrible economy combined with its having a history of Islamic radicalism.)
I can't see Ukraine going that far to give back Crimea, could they house Russian Soldiers instead?
I can't see Ukraine going that far to give back Crimea, could they house Russian Soldiers instead?
They already did, the Russians never left since the declaration of Ukrainian independence, an early extension of the lease on the base in Sevastopol and maybe an enlargement of the base itself is more likely.
How much do you guys think the Call of Duty games will change ITTL -- do you think that they'll stick to historical conflicts like WWII and Vietnam rather an alternate history scenarios like it's now known for?
They would probably make a game in Sudan or Chechnya
Yeah, maybe instead of invading Arabia you would invade Sudan or an unnamed African caliphate but I think that the Russian Civil War subplot would remain more or less the same (maybe implying that the 9/4 attacks radicalized Makarov) or it could directly talk about a Russian invasion of Europe like Ghost Recon did
Yeah, maybe instead of invading Arabia you would invade Sudan or an unnamed African caliphate but I think that the Russian Civil War subplot would remain more or less the same (maybe implying that the 9/4 attacks radicalized Makarov) or it could directly talk about a Russian invasion of Europe like Ghost Recon did
So does that mean Black Ops will still be made?
So does that mean Black Ops will still be made?
I mean the first Black Ops game is about the Cold War, so obviously before 9/11, but I think that without 9/11 happening, the whole CIA brainwashing/MK Ultra/JFK conspiracy plot points of the first game may not be featured a lot in it, since ITTL the conspiracy theories subcultures are much smaller.
I mean the first Black Ops game is about the Cold War, so obviously before 9/11, but I think that without 9/11 happening, the whole CIA brainwashing/MK Ultra/JFK conspiracy plot points of the first game may not be featured a lot in it, since ITTL the conspiracy theories subcultures are much smaller.
That was the Soviets brainwashing.
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I mean the first Black Ops game is about the Cold War, so obviously before 9/11, but I think that without 9/11 happening, the whole CIA brainwashing/MK Ultra/JFK conspiracy plot points of the first game may not be featured a lot in it, since ITTL the conspiracy theories subcultures are much smaller.
I think that Black Ops might just be a Vietnam War game ITTL -- conspiracy theory subculture being less of a thing here straight up changes the plot completely.
I think Jones would still do his crazy conspiracies. He has been doing it since the Waco Siege.
I know that but what happens to him since 9/11 never happens? I feel he wouldn't receive a large amount of attention since 9/11 never happens. Does he instead say 9/4 was orchestrated by Putin or something?